Elite: Game talk

21 Jan 2022, 9:53pm
Shg56It looks more like a bird of prey. Team her with your carrier and go wild harassing exploration tin cans.

Ah, what's so interesting in harassing tin cans... I'm going to refit her for AX combat soon. Just have to recover from a goddamn flu and finish the mercenary rank grind.

It was a joke, do with her whatever your heart desires though bounty hunting and tin can harassing are on the same line in ED thesaurus...it is a joke too.
21 Jan 2022, 10:40pm
Shg56though bounty hunting and tin can harassing are on the same line in ED thesaurus...it is a joke too.
And that's not a joke, rather a brutal truth.
22 Jan 2022, 3:45am
Yuna SakashiroSometimes I do wonder who those CMDRs are that park their carriers at Beagle Point or even in the middle of nowhere.

I guess most of them are just good samaritans for the explorers but some of them could be delivery vessels for gankers when I spotted FDLs in traffic report at beagle point.

Most are DSSA carriers. There is a whole network of them all over the galaxy.
And when you are out exploring you should check in with them as you pass each.
Check in, sell your cartographic data.
It is a very bad idea to fly around with a billion credits in uncashed cartographic data.
We have fleet carriers now.

Solo mode is for sissies.
22 Jan 2022, 3:47am
I appreciate it yall the tips really did help I've gotten the hang of it and I've found some great rings to mine now one last question haha what kind of mining should I use a python for?
22 Jan 2022, 3:53am
Yuna Sakashiro
Daddy ONo self-respecting Commander should ever fly in solo mode

Famous last words.

I've seen too many explorers getting ganked on return from long exploration trips. You can sometimes watch them cry on Reddit.

There are times for open and times for solo. Smart commanders choose accordingly to the ships they are flying. And exploration ships are the softest targets.

Considering how unbalanced any form of combat is in this game, I'd say both solo and open definitely have their place. This game plays much more like it was intended to be single player but they tacked multiplayer on as an afterthought.
22 Jan 2022, 4:02am
Yuna Sakashiro
Daddy ONo self-respecting Commander should ever fly in solo mode

Famous last words.

I've seen too many explorers getting ganked on return from long exploration trips. You can sometimes watch them cry on Reddit.

There are times for open and times for solo. Smart commanders choose accordingly to the ships they are flying. And exploration ships are the softest targets.

Considering how unbalanced any form of combat is in this game, I'd say both solo and open definitely have their place. This game plays much more like it was intended to be single player but they tacked multiplayer on as an afterthought.

Y'all can play in whatever mode you want.
But personally, if you earn your elite in solo, then it means less than an elite earned in open mode.
A rating of elite earned in solo should have an asterisk next to it, denoting that it was won by using a cheat code.

22 Jan 2022, 4:07am
Stoned_Saiyan710I appreciate it yall the tips really did help I've gotten the hang of it and I've found some great rings to mine now one last question haha what kind of mining should I use a python for?

Pythons can be used effectively for either core or laser mining. For best results, don't try to build a ship to do both at the same time. For people with dedicated mining builds, the Python ends up usually as a core miner build. You can chuck your build up here if you'd like advice for optimizing for a specific mining strategy.

As for which is more profitable, core and laser mining both pay about the same/hour once you know what you're doing. Laser has both the lowest skill floor and highest skill ceiling but is brain dead simple. Core mining takes a medium amount of time to learn and be consistently profitable at, and is more engaging. Laser offers a more consistent payout, core is very RNG based.

Personally, I can only laser mine for a handful of hours in a weekend before I have to do something else out of boredom. I can (and have) spent entire weekends core mining without getting bored.
22 Jan 2022, 4:24am
Core mining is play, laser mining is grind.
22 Jan 2022, 4:55am
Considering how unbalanced any form of combat is in this game, I'd say both solo and open definitely have their place. This game plays much more like it was intended to be single player but they tacked multiplayer on as an afterthought.

That's not too far from the truth actually.

Daddy OY'all can play in whatever mode you want.
But personally, if you earn your elite in solo, then it means less than an elite earned in open mode.
A rating of elite earned in solo should have an asterisk next to it, denoting that it was won by using a cheat code.


Rank means nothing in this game regardless. Rank denotes perseverance, not skill level.
22 Jan 2022, 5:14am
Daddy OA rating of elite earned in solo should have an asterisk next to it, denoting that it was won by using a cheat code.

What if you don't care about ranks but just want to be entertained? Psst, I'm gonna tell you a secret:

Even gankers use solo mode.
22 Jan 2022, 5:20am
There are also some activities that can't really be done in open. Robigo passenger runs, or Rackham's booze cruise. In either case you would be spending a lot of time fighting over a single landing pad

Last edit: 22 Jan 2022, 6:21am
22 Jan 2022, 7:00am
Exploration elite rank progress should count only if performed with stock sidewinder and data is sold to Farseer Inc in Open
22 Jan 2022, 7:41am
Yeah! you said it people!... Also, ganking in an engineered ship is for sissies. If you want to farm salt and have any sort of cred while doing it you should be using a vanilla T9 armed only with pulse lasers. Anything else are ganker training wheels.
22 Jan 2022, 8:44am
22 Jan 2022, 11:54am
Daddy O
Daddy O

yes in steam NOT launching in steam VR mode.. still will only launch the 'client' window'

Odd. Last time I tried I got the game on flat screen...then realized I had no idea what the keyboard mappings were (I usually play in the simulator across the room.) I couldn't even open my nav panel. Doh!

Lemme go try it on my system and see what I can see.

Are you using a Vive Pro? If so, you gotta shut off VR first. Dunno why but it launches automatically now.

When I tried just now, (after shutting down the Vive interface AND Steam VR...multiple times...) I got the Elite Dangerous client window. It just sat there. So I chose Odyssey in the lower left corner and launched it manually. Blue button.

no using oculus quest 2.. i really dont want to do it but i guess i may have to uninstall and reinstall game to fix it.

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