Elite: Game talk

20 Sep 2024, 6:11pm
Ah, what a joy these Friday evenings are at ShinDez. Low intensity conflict zones and immediately getting jumped by three Hydras...
20 Sep 2024, 6:26pm
Rayman.question. if i put 4x ax azimuth multicannons on fer de lance having one H beam laser with thermal vent, will my ship still overheat?
i heard those azimuth multicannons cause heating with em

The one that has overcharged, autoloader modfications. Those apprently overheats

The beam laser should control the heat just fine, but keep in mind that the C6 distributor itself cannot sustain a huge beam laser indefinitely unless it has efficient engineering to reduce distributor draw. And its ability to disperse heat with thermal vent goes down as the distributor charge lowers, so you will be looking at periods where you’d have to stop firing the beam or all weapons outright. Consider using a class 3 beam, the distributor will be much more capable of handling that.

And I’m not sure an FDL is the best platform to throw some peashooters on it anyway.

RawnuAh, what a joy these Friday evenings are at ShinDez. Low intensity conflict zones and immediately getting jumped by three Hydras...

Low intensity, three Hydras? That doesn’t sound right.

I think the one around Jameson is more like a very high intensity zone. Tons of Scouts, seems to spawn more Basilisks and Medusas than the other types of station CZ (but apparently Cyclops is still favored somewhat)… plus that infamous triple Hydra spawn.
20 Sep 2024, 6:28pm
Rayman.question. if i put 4x ax azimuth multicannons on fer de lance having one H beam laser with thermal vent, will my ship still overheat?
i heard those azimuth multicannons cause heating with em

The one that has overcharged, autoloader modfications. Those apprently overheats

Replace one azimuth MC with regular Advanced MC and you should be ok with overheating provided you are using MCs and Beam at the same time all gimballed.

Last edit: 20 Sep 2024, 6:35pm
20 Sep 2024, 6:33pm
Noted. I'll see about replacing the Guardian MRP(s); I'll try both ways.

For groups, I'll keep your advice in mind to keep the number low and beware of weapon types.

I'll watch a few videos on taking on Thargoids too, before I just fly in and get destroyed. (I'm sure I'll be fine, but better to learn the gotchas beforehand.)

Did you apply Ram Tah immunization on your guardian weapons if not then it is going to an eye opener when glaive attack you?
20 Sep 2024, 6:34pm
Kasumi Goto
Rayman.question. if i put 4x ax azimuth multicannons on fer de lance having one H beam laser with thermal vent, will my ship still overheat?
i heard those azimuth multicannons cause heating with em

The one that has overcharged, autoloader modfications. Those apprently overheats

The beam laser should control the heat just fine, but keep in mind that the C6 distributor itself cannot sustain a huge beam laser indefinitely unless it has efficient engineering to reduce distributor draw. And its ability to disperse heat with thermal vent goes down as the distributor charge lowers, so you will be looking at periods where you’d have to stop firing the beam or all weapons outright. Consider using a class 3 beam, the distributor will be much more capable of handling that.

And I’m not sure an FDL is the best platform to throw some peashooters on it anyway.

RawnuAh, what a joy these Friday evenings are at ShinDez. Low intensity conflict zones and immediately getting jumped by three Hydras...

Low intensity, three Hydras? That doesn’t sound right.

I think the one around Jameson is more like a very high intensity zone. Tons of Scouts, seems to spawn more Basilisks and Medusas than the other types of station CZ (but apparently Cyclops is still favored somewhat)… plus that infamous triple Hydra spawn.

Rayman.question. if i put 4x ax azimuth multicannons on fer de lance having one H beam laser with thermal vent, will my ship still overheat?
i heard those azimuth multicannons cause heating with em

The one that has overcharged, autoloader modfications. Those apprently overheats

Replace one one azimuth MC with regular Advanced MC and you should be ok with overheating provided you are using MCs and Beam at the same time all gimballed.

Aight, thanks. Im bored so i do unusual stuff. Im doing fine with python mk2 with engineered shard cannons which cause massive overheating. Nothing i can do about it except HEATSINKS HEATSINKS HEATSINKS!

One day i will be even more bored and do ax AspX
20 Sep 2024, 6:42pm
20 Sep 2024, 6:46pm
20 Sep 2024, 6:46pm
10k Arx for a paintjob. Delicious!
20 Sep 2024, 6:48pm
What is that "Ruby Anniversary" even about?

And why is the decal free?

Every time I look at the suit customization section, I'm like, meh, nothing for me here.

Last edit: 20 Sep 2024, 6:57pm
20 Sep 2024, 6:59pm
SakashiroWhat is that "Ruby Anniversary" even about?

It's what you call a 40th anniversary. As in "ruby marriage"
20 Sep 2024, 7:00pm
RawnuAs in "ruby marriage"
At this point, this relationship is abusive!
20 Sep 2024, 7:05pm
40 years, damn ...

Btw, I remember they promised some game-changing new feature for ED this year, is that still coming?
20 Sep 2024, 7:06pm
Sakashirogame-changing new feature for ED this year
SCO drives to better address that 'press a button to get a result immediately' dopamine issue, and PeePee 2.0.
20 Sep 2024, 7:16pm
Even Drew Wagar is back in the game.
20 Sep 2024, 7:21pm
SakashiroEven Drew Wagar is back in the game.

He is back at least for 4 months now... I've seen him in twitch after Piss 2 announcement.

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