Elite: Game talk

25 Jan 2022, 9:47am
I'd run the passenger missions in Robigo.

A Python or Conda will let ya stack 8 - 10 missions a run and they only take 10 - 15 minutes to finish.
25 Jan 2022, 9:49am
EpisparhOh, I can dock. It is good that my hostile rep decayed to Unfriendly.

But if a tech chick ask you for something, you do not ask why? Especially, if you can gain few dozens power regulators in the process.

I did the same
100k per regulator is a good deal.
25 Jan 2022, 9:50am
or a friend could help.. getting some missions from sirius stations and building a team.. im not sure but not only money should be team shared, reputation should be shared too as missions reward ?
25 Jan 2022, 9:50am
Lambast MercyI'd run the passenger missions in Robigo.

A Python or Conda will let ya stack 8 - 10 missions a run and they only take 10 - 15 minutes to finish.

Yeah, I have some concerns about that. With Unfriendly rep I will probably get poo-poo missions if any at all.
25 Jan 2022, 9:53am
There is a war going on with the Cartel and Imp corp there right now, so there are a lot of wanted ships.
Hang at the nav point popping small ships and hand in the bounties to up ya rep first.

Or run the pop-up missions at the POIs. As Sirius owns them all, they give ya posativ rep.
25 Jan 2022, 9:58am
Exploration data 6 million+

You know you only had to get to unfriendly right?
25 Jan 2022, 10:26am
TiggerExploration data 6 million+

You know you only had to get to unfriendly right?

I am Unfriendly but this can easily go wrong if a war CG occurs in Reorte as the signs point out.
If I decide to support Reorte Mining Coalition, I may loose access to a lot of LYR systems after 1st High CZ.
25 Jan 2022, 10:30am
Lambast MercyThere is a war going on with the Cartel and Imp corp there right now, so there are a lot of wanted ships.
Hang at the nav point popping small ships and hand in the bounties to up ya rep first.

Or run the pop-up missions at the POIs. As Sirius owns them all, they give ya posativ rep.

Still a R2R seems a lot easier if 8mil CR is from neutral to allied I can get like double/tripple that amount in just 15-20 min with just FSS.
25 Jan 2022, 1:20pm
after update, when i go SRV Mining. When i take 1 meterail with cargo scoop. I Can't take second meterial. "MATERIAL ACQUIRED" problem.
25 Jan 2022, 1:22pm
Lambast MercyThere is a war going on with the Cartel and Imp corp there right now, so there are a lot of wanted ships.
Hang at the nav point popping small ships and hand in the bounties to up ya rep first.

Or run the pop-up missions at the POIs. As Sirius owns them all, they give ya posativ rep.

Still a R2R seems a lot easier if 8mil CR is from neutral to allied I can get like double/tripple that amount in just 15-20 min with just FSS.

You'll just have to be careful to not visit systems you've been too before

Other alternatives: I believe you like mining so selling high value ores for total profit 10mill/system would get you there quick. Particularly if you have ores sitting in your carrier. If you collect more than just Plat then many of the lower value ores you obtain can fill mission requests in stations with a Boom or Investment state (common for Sirius). Particularly refineries. These would be available even at low rep states (I generally keep spare missions ores in my carrier for this reason, though I'm empty atm).

TBH this boils down to which legal methods you like to play. You can gain rep fairly fast for any faction however you want.

Last edit: 25 Jan 2022, 3:45pm
25 Jan 2022, 2:34pm
Burstar the Magnificently Mediocre

Other alternatives: I believe you like mining...

Last edit: 25 Jan 2022, 2:50pm
25 Jan 2022, 2:50pm
Let's play a game: What is your Highest Single Transaction?
Mine is
749,048,500 Cr
25 Jan 2022, 3:26pm
EpisparhLet's play a game: What is your Highest Single Transaction?
Mine is << Show less
749,048,500 Cr

Okay. Why, I don't know but if you insist...
25 Jan 2022, 3:56pm
Do you remember how much tons is that?
25 Jan 2022, 4:04pm
No idea really. Probably done in my Cutter with 512t but I can't be certain.

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