Elite: Game talk

03 Feb 2022, 8:22am
Very much a valid point.
03 Feb 2022, 8:39am
PahlPlease advise where I can purchase these, I need Skill Boosters.

Skill boosters is a nickname for shield boosters.
"You do not need skill when you have shield"[/quote]

Thank you Epi, Then shields it is, as my skill level is not so rich [/quote]

I have tried 3 times yesterday and 3 times this morning to get on oddesy and failed with an uploadable error which i did but still cant get on
03 Feb 2022, 8:42am
does anyone know whats going on over there is the servers still broke for oddesy
03 Feb 2022, 9:30am
Basseldoes anyone know whats going on over there is the servers still broke for oddesy

There is a short weekly maintenance every Thursday morning AKA weekly tick.

It works now.
03 Feb 2022, 12:16pm
I never used Fuel Rats service but it make me wonder what you did to that extraordinary altruistic group to get banned from their services?

Edit: Here is your info from https://fuelrats.com/terms-of-service

"Evasion of a ban
If you are banned from a channel or the network, your only recourse is to appeal your ban to the moderator team. Attempting to circumvent such a ban by changing username, IP address, or using proxies is termed as ban evasion. If you repeatedly evade a ban (or bans), you will be permanently banned from the Fuel Rats IRC network and you may be reported to your Internet Service Provider for abuse.

You may not, by any means, assist or facilitate banned users in directly interacting with other users through the Fuel Rats IRC network. This includes, but is not limited to, providing proxies or relay bots for the use of banned users.

If you find yourself banned from the Fuel Rats IRC network, you may appeal by emailing ops@fuelrats.com"

Last edit: 03 Feb 2022, 12:22pm
03 Feb 2022, 12:30pm
EpisparhI never used Fuel Rats service but it make me wonder what you did to that extraordinary altruistic group to get banned from their services?

Wasn't sure what to say but I'm with Episparh on this one.
03 Feb 2022, 12:34pm
Winner_WindI did appeal but they said they couldnt do anything about it.

And there are reasons i got banned for that i would prefer not to say in public so as to save the fuelrat's name

I see.
Then you need to live with the consequences of your actions.
03 Feb 2022, 8:16pm
It seems I have reached the limit of the number of bookmarks I can place in the game. Looks like it is 200.
03 Feb 2022, 8:25pm
Show us your system map, I'd love to see all the bookmarks
03 Feb 2022, 8:37pm
03 Feb 2022, 10:08pm
So... seems like after trying to hunt down Theta Seven we're now going after someone who calls him-/herself
03 Feb 2022, 11:00pm
This one is just another servant.
03 Feb 2022, 11:38pm

Now just favorite everyone here on inara, and clear the game
04 Feb 2022, 5:20am
04 Feb 2022, 7:29am

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