Elite: Game talk

01 Feb 2022, 1:00pm


WHAT? 200 euro? Surely thats a typing error

Yeah, in my case it is 50 + 48 EUR. And some paid separate price for base game , horizons and edo. Not to mention that you can increase the amount spent with micro transactions>

01 Feb 2022, 2:01pm
Attention nerds!

I need your help. I have a dozen or so Imperial Hammers rotting in Bunda and I have decided to give them a second try.

Here is the build that I plan to use:
no shield
with shield

I will appreciate your comments and suggestions before I burn some engineering materials.

Note: Keep in mind that it is same build with minor changes after modules swap.
01 Feb 2022, 2:16pm
I'll bite and just say it's generally not a good idea to put all your eggs in one weapon type. Particularly with that many hammers you run the risk of overdrawing your distributor which can interrupt the firing sequence. After that firing will be really annoying. I would also be surprised if they don't generate crazy heat which would cause problems with both builds for different reasons.
01 Feb 2022, 2:39pm
Yeah , the purpose is to try hammers. This is why I want to test the extreme situation. I can always change the one mounted on the L hardpoints with PAs or MCs.
The other thing that I will do is to test the thermals - all in one fire group vs separating them in 2 by 2 and firing them in sequence as with gauss cannons in AX combat.

I thought I might reduce the thermal signature further for permanent silent running but this will be decided after initial results.
01 Feb 2022, 4:56pm
EpisparhI will appreciate your comments and suggestions before I burn some engineering materials.

I would still put bi-weave just by itself on the no shield build, and since you have so much power I would use guardian MRPs.
01 Feb 2022, 5:11pm
I would still put bi-weave just by itself on the no shield build, and since you have so much power I would use guardian MRPs.

Would you explain why?

The shieldless build is because of lower thermal performance and ability to fire more aggressively or use silent running for longer time. The fact that the build have a lot of power is because it is just a modification of a shielded build. If I decide to go shieldless I will most likely use low emission PP.
01 Feb 2022, 5:25pm
It confuses opponents you have a shield but your power in armor instead also I don't like fender-benders. I also always have AFMU so you could repair canopy and MRPS while fighting, they don't go inactive.
01 Feb 2022, 5:39pm
Do the guardian site's reset and how long do u have wait for it to reset to get another key or do I have to go to a different site each time I need a new key
01 Feb 2022, 5:39pm
Shg56It confuses opponents you have a shield but your power in armor instead also I don't like fender-benders. I also always have AFMU so you could repair canopy and MRPS while fighting, they don't go inactive.

I am not sure how you would confuse anyone by running shield on a hull tank this is a valid and common strategy. Guardian MRP, shield would rise thermal load and AFMU will sky rocket it.
Disappearing from the scanner and being impossible to target on other hand will certainly cause confusion.

P.S. I am not a PvP player... I doubt confusion is a term you can apply to NPCs either
01 Feb 2022, 5:41pm
Thebrownee1Do the guardian site's reset and how long do u have wait for it to reset to get another key or do I have to go to a different site each time I need a new key

They should reset immediately if no player is left in the instance. If you play in solo, just super cruise out and then back in or do the relogski.
01 Feb 2022, 6:35pm
What on earth is up with the planetary salvage missions?

I was just above the point shown on the HUD when it suddenly jumped over 500km away and once I had abruptly changed course and worked my way over to that location it actually showed the crash site as being some 26.6km beneath the surface!

Or does that simply mean that the crash site is within a radius of 26.6km from that point? That would take an awful lot of time to search!

In any case, I deployed in the SRV and there was absolutely nothing on my radar. Drove in a 1.5km radius around the ship - nothing. Are these bugged?

01 Feb 2022, 7:18pm
M0bzgWhat on earth is up with the planetary salvage missions?

I was just above the point shown on the HUD when it suddenly jumped over 500km away and once I had abruptly changed course and worked my way over to that location it actually showed the crash site as being some 26.6km beneath the surface!

Or does that simply mean that the crash site is within a radius of 26.6km from that point? That would take an awful lot of time to search!

In any case, I deployed in the SRV and there was absolutely nothing on my radar. Drove in a 1.5km radius around the ship - nothing. Are these bugged?


yup, I had that happen a lot with all kind of planetary missions,
looks like the planet surfaces are bigger than the sponning points for the missions, as if after updating planets stats the fdev forgot to update the mission points to reflect the change in planet sizes, happend after 9 update in horizons
fix is
exit to main menu and go back in, works everytime in horizons, good luck
01 Feb 2022, 9:23pm
Ok - thanks!
01 Feb 2022, 10:45pm
EpisparhI am not a PvP player... I doubt confusion is a term you can apply to NPCs either

You solicited for the opinions so build whatever ship your heart desires.. I have 2 DBS and FAS cold build and both are without shields. Only DBS is able to go below 15% heat signature, and still it could be intercepted or spotted during recovery missions. Phantom's default heat signature is higher than DBS, and I doubt it will go below 15% then it does not matter it is 15 or 100, it is visible. AMTU and guardian MRPs are passive units they don't generate heat, unlike PP, Thrusters, shields. Guardian MRPs provide better protection because regular MRPs could not be engineered, AMTU would save your canopy and MRPs which save your modules. Hull damages will be coming from ramming ships, narrow mail slots, and errors during landing and etc so if there is no shield it would be constant hull repairs. Confusion is not right term I agree but you are trying to build completely opposite what was your defeated dolphin changing ++++ for ----, maybe the answer is +++- or ---+.
01 Feb 2022, 11:10pm
You are still making a mistake of assuming I am doing a cold build. I said a build that will use silent running.

Here is the info: https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Silent_Running

When silent running is engaged ship's thermal signature is the minimum value for ship size. The ship itself starts to build up heat which is proportional on heat generation of all modules. Once silent running is activated shield goes off.

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