Elite: Game talk

27 Jan 2022, 1:35pm
I actually got 3 FSDs. I was only expecting 1.
27 Jan 2022, 1:37pm
Yuna SakashiroHow much is the transfer from Colonia?

61h - 100CR. It is good I have 3 sets now. Apparently, I got reward for phase 2 without noticing it as I was not in top 75% according to the game and Inara.
27 Jan 2022, 1:43pm
Ah yes, the module value is 0 Cr, so the transfer is cheap.
27 Jan 2022, 1:55pm
Now I have to figure out what to do with all 9 FSDs (actually 8, one 6a went for Relentless)

P. S. Imagine having 54 ships and nothing to do with 8 double engineered FSDs

A free tip for current CG:
If you do not want to loose rep with one of the factions, just find a system where the faction you want to support have a war.
Combat bonds for CG factions earned outside of Reorte vs. other faction still counts.

Last edit: 27 Jan 2022, 2:00pm
27 Jan 2022, 2:38pm
Yuna SakashiroHow much is the transfer from Colonia?

more than day?
27 Jan 2022, 3:20pm
Party to celebrate my imminent promotion to Rear Admiral.

Chargaff Installation under the trees by the water.

Date to be announced.

Who wants to pin the badge on my rear?

Now, suggestions for building a 'vette as reasonably well defended hauler would be welcomed.

p.s Bring your own bottle.
27 Jan 2022, 3:21pm
I really wish that Frontier added up other HOTAS models for Xbox, because the only one that works is a cheap and easily-breaking one (Thrustmaster HOTAS X). Why the game doesn't* allow the model from Ace Combat 7 for Xbox is kinda beyond me...

*From what I've heard, I don't know if that didn't change ever since 2020.

Last edit: 27 Jan 2022, 3:26pm
27 Jan 2022, 3:30pm
DescartesParty to celebrate my imminent promotion to Rear Admiral.

Chargaff Installation under the trees by the water.

Date to be announced.

Who wants to pin the badge on my rear?

Now, suggestions for building a 'vette as reasonably well defended hauler would be welcomed.

p.s Bring your own bottle.



BTW, Vette is the best evacuation ship as it offers highest PAX capacity

Last edit: 27 Jan 2022, 3:46pm
27 Jan 2022, 10:35pm
Huh, aiming rails and PAs on non-engineered ship is PITA
27 Jan 2022, 10:38pm
Yuna SakashiroHow much is the transfer from Colonia?

more than day?

63 hours "at least" to the bubble.

Last edit: 27 Jan 2022, 10:43pm
28 Jan 2022, 8:47am

Yesterday I found hint that some megaships are traveling from System to System and when I will be docked in I will travel with them.
Is that right?

Is there any megaship's flight schedule?
28 Jan 2022, 9:13am

Yesterday I found hint that some megaships are traveling from System to System and when I will be docked in I will travel with them.
Is that right?

Is there any megaship's flight schedule?

I assume you are not talking about player owned Fleet Carriers which are megaships too.


This is the list of Wells class carriers. Most of them are stationary or moved only by frontier for purpose of in-game events, such as: CGs, wars, incursions rescue operation.

There are two of them that serves as ferry service to guardian sites.:
Those jumps every week.

The Gnosis was faction controlled ship, they basically were sending request to jumps to frontier but now is made obsolete by drake-class fleet carriers and follows a fixed flight plan https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gnosis#Retirement_Route

I may have missed some.
28 Jan 2022, 10:11am
Episparh I assume you are not talking about player owned Fleet Carriers which are megaships too. (...)

Ok, clear. Now I understand. Thanks.
28 Jan 2022, 10:56am
EpisparhThe Gnosis was faction controlled ship, they basically were sending request to jumps to frontier but now is made obsolete by drake-class fleet carriers and follows a fixed flight plan https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/The_Gnosis#Retirement_Route

This kind of thing shows a better side of FDev. Where the devs were actually staying somewhat involved in the community. Helping the game feel more interactive and alive. It's not the only small thing they have done but IMO it goes a long way to show that they are actually interacting with the community their game created.
28 Jan 2022, 11:41am
It's a shame they don't have any chance of starting the game at Colonia - even if it were a small percentage chance. I had my second profile based there but reset it recently. Having made the trip so many times in the past, I really don't feel like doing it again.

Be nice if they also had the odd pioneer settlement in some far off areas, perhaps with a single asteroid space port for basic supplies/mods/repairs. That would attract me for exploring possibilities.

When I went to Sag A* I felt like I'd been out of civvies for eons (I took a very scenic, roundabout route) and sometimes you just want to see some "faces" on occasion. I never bumped into anyone, even though all my exploring was in open play - just the odd rare crashed AI ship or beacon. Even when I used the normal Colonia route, stopping along the 'highway' ports.

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