Elite: Game talk

09 Feb 2022, 7:21am
Burstar the Always on Time for DinnerIs there at tool that keeps track how how much Cartography data you've scanned?

Elite Dangerous Journal Processor and EDSM can track your estimated data value
09 Feb 2022, 7:31am

Elite Dangerous Journal Processor and EDSM can track your estimated data value

"You need to install .Net to use that program."

09 Feb 2022, 9:40am
Is the Fed Dropship still a bit of a dud? When I bought my first one - several years ago - I modded and engineered it as much as I could but it was still disappointing. I know they tweak ships now and then and I bought one yesterday with the intention of just doing salvage jobs with it, plus farming USS etc.

I'm sure I will be fine using it just for those tasks, but has it improved any since release? The jump range, for a start, was diabolical even after Flic had worked her best magic, and it was nowhere near as manoeuvrable as I'd expected. Seem to remember not doing too well in combat, as well (and finding them not too hard to kill when pirates turned up in them). Now the FGS/FAS are another story, but the FDS was just yuk - I sold it pretty quickly. I didn't know anyone else who flew one, either. When I'd ask in a group while trucking online, it would all go quiet.
09 Feb 2022, 9:59am
M0bzgIs the Fed Dropship still a bit of a dud? When I bought my first one - several years ago - I modded and engineered it as much as I could but it was still disappointing. I know they tweak ships now and then and I bought one yesterday with the intention of just doing salvage jobs with it, plus farming USS etc.

I'm sure I will be fine using it just for those tasks, but has it improved any since release? The jump range, for a start, was diabolical even after Flic had worked her best magic, and it was nowhere near as manoeuvrable as I'd expected. Seem to remember not doing too well in combat, as well (and finding them not too hard to kill when pirates turned up in them). Now the FGS/FAS are another story, but the FDS was just yuk - I sold it pretty quickly. I didn't know anyone else who flew one, either. When I'd ask in a group while trucking online, it would all go quiet.

Engineering is more or less required these days for any ship, but at least it is no longer a slot machine process. The jump range for dropship is still on the low end. Overall I consider the dropship mediocre. But to be fair, only a few ships stand out one way or the other. Most ships are somewhere in the middle.
09 Feb 2022, 10:19am
M0bzgIs the Fed Dropship still a bit of a dud? When I bought my first one - several years ago - I modded and engineered it as much as I could but it was still disappointing. I know they tweak ships now and then and I bought one yesterday with the intention of just doing salvage jobs with it, plus farming USS etc.

I'm sure I will be fine using it just for those tasks, but has it improved any since release? The jump range, for a start, was diabolical even after Flic had worked her best magic, and it was nowhere near as manoeuvrable as I'd expected. Seem to remember not doing too well in combat, as well (and finding them not too hard to kill when pirates turned up in them). Now the FGS/FAS are another story, but the FDS was just yuk - I sold it pretty quickly. I didn't know anyone else who flew one, either. When I'd ask in a group while trucking online, it would all go quiet.

It makes a good suicide bus? Other than that it 'can' be purposed for many things but excels in none, not even (gasp) as a dropship...
09 Feb 2022, 12:08pm
FAS is fast, nimble and well rounded ship that lacks firepower.

FGS is slow turd with a lot of fire power (it even have SLF)

FDS is an odd combination of worst things from the two above.

09 Feb 2022, 12:35pm

Elite Dangerous Journal Processor and EDSM can track your estimated data value

"You need to install .Net to use that program."

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Isn't the .Net framework a standard component of a Windows install?
09 Feb 2022, 2:03pm
M0bzgIs the Fed Dropship still a bit of a dud? When I bought my first one - several years ago - I modded and engineered it as much as I could but it was still disappointing. I know they tweak ships now and then and I bought one yesterday with the intention of just doing salvage jobs with it, plus farming USS etc.

I'm sure I will be fine using it just for those tasks, but has it improved any since release? The jump range, for a start, was diabolical even after Flic had worked her best magic, and it was nowhere near as manoeuvrable as I'd expected. Seem to remember not doing too well in combat, as well (and finding them not too hard to kill when pirates turned up in them). Now the FGS/FAS are another story, but the FDS was just yuk - I sold it pretty quickly. I didn't know anyone else who flew one, either. When I'd ask in a group while trucking online, it would all go quiet.

Better to buy a Krait than any of the dropshits.
The only thing the FDS/FGS/FAS are good at is being redshirts.
09 Feb 2022, 5:06pm
M0bzgIs the Fed Dropship still a bit of a dud? When I bought my first one - several years ago - I modded and engineered it as much as I could but it was still disappointing. I know they tweak ships now and then and I bought one yesterday with the intention of just doing salvage jobs with it, plus farming USS etc.

I have FAS, it is not that bad for special missions. I built it as more powerful version of DBS so she could fight a group of ships sent after her during the salvage mission and it is as cold as it could possibly be. Also planning to test her as goids scout hunter.
09 Feb 2022, 6:06pm
I'm looking for carrier with good sell price of platinum and osmium around Omicron Capicorni B. I tried some of the present carriers but it didn't buy plat.
09 Feb 2022, 8:52pm
I think it's time I went back to playing the game.
09 Feb 2022, 9:23pm
M0bzgI think it's time I went back to playing the game.

I had a cool experience the other day.
This may be old hat for many of you, but a first for me: I joined an atmospheric dogfight.
They got civil war over in Ross128, so I wen to one of the tourist attractions featuring a war, and a bunch of opposing navy ships showed up and battled.
I have to admit; I clipped a ridgeline and blew out my shields during the fight.
But it was the first time I got to kill a Vette.

Very cool fight; the addition of gravity and terrain really changed the whole dogfight. For fun I was targeting enemies drives...made one guy in a Asp fall out of the sky and fall to the ground....BOING!
09 Feb 2022, 11:09pm
Paul GlynnI'm looking for carrier with good sell price of platinum and osmium around Omicron Capicorni B. I tried some of the present carriers but it didn't buy plat.

Kind of a hike from there to a good buyer. Best price I found is at Runco Station in LT 14850, for $282,001. Check out "Miner's Tool" for best advice on prices and hotspots.
10 Feb 2022, 5:36am
Paul GlynnI'm looking for carrier with good sell price of platinum and osmium around Omicron Capicorni B. I tried some of the present carriers but it didn't buy plat.

try fcow
10 Feb 2022, 8:39am
Paul GlynnI'm looking for carrier with good sell price of platinum and osmium around Omicron Capicorni B. I tried some of the present carriers but it didn't buy plat.

That is a bit confusing. You want to sell or buy?


Best Imports and Imports are locations where you can sell.
Best Exports and exports are locations where you can buy.

You can include/exclude FC, outposts , planetary and Odyssey with filters.

Note: This is player provided information so check "updated" field.

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