Elite: Game talk

10 Feb 2022, 11:52am
Can confirm, just upgraded to a 3080ti ultra and it can't maintain 120fps everywhere, and settlements/bars/etc drop into the 50-60s

edited: til that I replied to a thread started months ago
10 Feb 2022, 2:51pm
4 weeks of running cheap goods to build stations no one will hang out at? LOL, I'm heading back to fortnite to get some fresh content. This game is getting SO stale.
10 Feb 2022, 3:27pm
UmbrellaCorp4 weeks of running cheap goods to build stations no one will hang out at? LOL, I'm heading back to Fortnite to get some fresh content. This game is getting SO stale.

That's ok, we all need a break every once in a while
10 Feb 2022, 4:44pm
UmbrellaCorp4 weeks of running cheap goods to build stations no one will hang out at? LOL, I'm heading back to Fortnite to get some fresh content. This game is getting SO stale.

That's ok, we all need a break every once in a while

It's not a break that I need. If I needed a break that would mean that I'm engaged. I have 10B in cash, enough engineering mats to build out at least 3 more fully engineered ships and I already have a FC and all of the meta builds. And a ton of weird ones. What's to do in Elite? Fight to save a lady? Nope. Fight for Salvation? Nope. New content? Hell no. 4 weeks of a beginner community goal to mindlessly transport cheap goods over and over and over again. TO build starports that are way out in nowhereville. I got nothing to grab onto to engage me. That isn't anger, it's honesty because I'm an end game player and it's a boring time to play Elite right now for me.
Let me put it another way. FDev refuses to stream Odyssey. They've been working on Odyssey for 4 years now. And they do not think that it's a good idea to display that work to anyone. They should trashcan the entire mod and go back to building new spaceships and making new aliens. But since they aren't going to do that, all end game players have left is CGs.
No need to apologize on their behalf, we can all see that the content is boring. That isn't a crime. It's just, well, boring.
10 Feb 2022, 5:10pm
UmbrellaCorp4 weeks of running cheap goods to build stations no one will hang out at? LOL, I'm heading back to Fortnite to get some fresh content. This game is getting SO stale.

That's ok, we all need a break every once in a while

It's not a break that I need. If I needed a break that would mean that I'm engaged. I'm an end game player and it's a boring time to play Elite right now for me.
Let me put it another way. FDev refuses to stream Odyssey. They've been working on Odyssey for 4 years now. And they do not think that it's a good idea to display that work to anyone. They should trashcan the entire mod and go back to building new spaceships and making new aliens. But since they aren't going to do that, all end game players have left is CGs.
No need to apologize on their behalf, we can all see that the content is boring. That isn't a crime. It's just, well, boring.

Well, and the Thargoid incursions still going on since Xmas.
10 Feb 2022, 5:10pm
UmbrellaCorpNo need to apologize on their behalf, we can all see that the content is boring. That isn't a crime. It's just, well, boring.

Yes, absolutely no lore but bacteria...it looks like the game would repeat the fate of EVE
10 Feb 2022, 6:34pm
Space exploration will be boring. Best to get used to it if you want to be a true explorer.
10 Feb 2022, 8:11pm
For me its not just a game, its a place where I can relax and for a moment engage my imagination and immerse myself in the science (not so far away now) fiction.
So it's more of a simulation than a game for me.
And I love it, I hate it , I quit playing it, I rest from it, and I go back to it, its addiction.
10 Feb 2022, 8:40pm
TomciopalecFor me its not just a game, its a place where I can relax and for a moment engage my imagination and immerse myself in the science (not so far away now) fiction.
So it's more of a simulation than a game for me.
And I love it, I hate it , I quit playing it, I rest from it, and I go back to it, its addiction.

What he said.
ED is a place where I can go and be someone else, fly a spaceship, and pretend to be Han-Fucking-Solo if I want.

But I can understand how UmbrellaCorp may be done with the game. After all, it is only a game...not a real galaxy...and there is only so much content.
Clearly he has done everything the game has to offer, and has the badges to prove it.
I have done the same thing on other games myself. 4000hours in Xplane sated my appetite. Hardly ever go back there anymore.

Yep, I can identify with his feelings.
10 Feb 2022, 10:08pm
... and you are keeping repeating to yourself "oh no, it could not be true after so many hours, it should be something there"...though it was a perfect time killer during CV-19 restrictions but now it is slow sliding down to Loserville plane
11 Feb 2022, 3:33am
I found it at 39.7702 - 54.9170
11 Feb 2022, 7:14am
Colonia side of the CG hit tier 2 at less than 300k units out of the max 100 million requested.... that didn't take long.
11 Feb 2022, 7:37am
This is before the reserves dried out. Anyway, pointless CG with pointless reward: credits + universal cartographic & vista genomics
11 Feb 2022, 7:47am
EpisparhThis is before the reserves dried out. Anyway, pointless CG with pointless reward: credits + universal cartographic & vista genomics

Agreed. I'm curious to see what else might be rewarded by the end. Fingers crossed that at some point they put in a double engineered size 7 FSD that I could get for my Cutter.
11 Feb 2022, 9:41am
Dang, I thought you wanted Majestic

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