Elite: Game talk

16 Feb 2022, 11:46am
Yeah, but if you watch the demo video, they use FA off only for turning.
16 Feb 2022, 1:38pm
What tools do people use for pip management macros? AutoHotkey?
16 Feb 2022, 2:35pm
16 Feb 2022, 4:37pm
I was thinking about ways to implement a toggle for relative mouse that doesn't require FDev's involvement. There's a keyboard shortcut in ED to center the mouse. With a macro that can be toggled on and off, that keystroke could be triggered in a loop, with a configurable delay in between. AutoHotkey looks like it could do such a thing.
16 Feb 2022, 6:05pm
Yuna SakashiroI was thinking about ways to implement a toggle for relative mouse that doesn't require FDev's involvement. There's a keyboard shortcut in ED to center the mouse. With a macro that can be toggled on and off, that keystroke could be triggered in a loop, with a configurable delay in between. AutoHotkey looks like it could do such a thing.

There was a way to implement this with vJoy. I still have the files from my failed attempt somwhere.
16 Feb 2022, 8:26pm
Yuna SakashiroYeah, but if you watch the demo video, they use FA off only for turning.

I just made some testing with my FDL. Reaching 313m/s with vertical and lateral thrusters FA on/off times look same. Perhaps it is ship specific.

The forward and stop is same too.
16 Feb 2022, 8:51pm
Arissa is a puppet-clone!!!
16 Feb 2022, 9:12pm
CupcoArissa is a puppet-clone!!!

If you are right next move will be to remove Duvals...

... Giving it a second thought, she should do the same even if you are not right and she is the real Emperor
16 Feb 2022, 9:16pm
Episparh the BluntI just made some testing with my FDL. Reaching 313m/s with vertical and lateral thrusters FA on/off times look same. Perhaps it is ship specific.

The forward and stop is same too.

Today on the ganker discord they assured me that the thrusters are more powerful with FA off. Said it has been "spreadsheeted" and called me all kinds of names because it's not what I observed yesterday. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, I'm going to use whatever works best, and for now that's FA on. Until that bug is fixed.
16 Feb 2022, 9:53pm
My FDL is almost ready, only 17 more modules to engineer!

God, I hate the grind in this game...
16 Feb 2022, 10:47pm
Yuna Sakashiro
God, I hate the grind in this game...

I'm satisfied with my Explora-conda for now. I'll worry about making other ships after I get my fleet carrier, which should only take 3-4 yrs to make the 5 billion needed. LOL.

Note: I am not actively grinding for credits either. I despise the grind as well.
16 Feb 2022, 11:12pm
The money grind I find bearable because there are so many different ways to make credits. But the materials grind is soooooo boring.
16 Feb 2022, 11:54pm
Anyone know the mechanics in how planetary position and rotational directions is calculated? My best guess is that these are generated randomly when someone enters the system or logs into a system. I doubt the orbital and rotational progression of each planet is stored because that amount of data would be, for lack of a better term, astronomical.
17 Feb 2022, 12:04am
CupcoAnyone know the mechanics in how planetary position and rotational directions is calculated? My best guess is that these are generated randomly when someone enters the system or logs into a system. I doubt the orbital and rotational progression of each planet is stored because that amount of data would be, for lack of a better term, astronomical.

IIRC Frontier is employing a bunch of of people who know astrophysics, and they created a really complex algorithm that calculates how a system could be made up based on its position insight the Milky Way and a buttload of other factors. That algorithm got overhauled for Odyssey so make sure some extreme things like colliding planets and moons that you cannot catch up to even in supercruise (Can't recall their names and systems right now) don't show up anymore.
17 Feb 2022, 12:35am
CupcoAnyone know the mechanics in how planetary position and rotational directions is calculated? My best guess is that these are generated randomly when someone enters the system or logs into a system. I doubt the orbital and rotational progression of each planet is stored because that amount of data would be, for lack of a better term, astronomical.

It's pseudo-random, i.e. deterministic. The same seed (probably derived from the system's coordinates) always generates the same set of planets and orbits, so the amount of data to be permanently stored in the database is very small.

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