Elite: Game talk

22 Sep 2024, 3:16am
And if you see a giant line of bright yellow streaking toward a poor NPC, either make sure you quickly knock a heart off that Interceptor or that the bot which just got absolutely obliterated by an entire Thargon swarm was also the Interceptor’s target. Because that kamikaze mode (unlike the ordinary ‘15% of a swarm launches missiles when agitated’) means the big goid is enraged and will keep deploying new swarms - that also go completely into missiles when agitated - until it kills a target (while having it locked) or loses a heart.

And you do not want to eat an entire Medusa or Hydra Thargon swarm, because that will absolutely destroy your entire ship in a second, unless it’s like a Corvette or Cutter with a super beefed up prismatic shield.

For reference, swarm agitation occurs when it passes around a ship or a ship passes through it. Same mechanism should theoretically reset it but feels inconsistent when there are NPCs involved that care about avoiding swarms as much as a bull leaves a china shop intact.
22 Sep 2024, 5:35am
Yeah, I was playing with it some more this evening; the boost-FA-flip-fire method seems comfortable. I'm just still getting used to aiming with that leading reticle, especially challenging when the swarm switches direction a lot.

I am getting more comfortable with it all though. I was in Low AXCZs at least five times today; twice in Solo, twice in Open, and twice in a duo with a friend.
Interceptors are tough for me, currently, at least in Solo/Private. I can get a couple hearts taken out myself, but eventually have to bug out (after a few 20 km retreat-repair-rearm-reengage-repeat). I did not have to rebuy ever though (so far), so that's nice.

I'm sure it will all come with practice and I'm looking forward to that practice!
22 Sep 2024, 6:55am
That's the joke, and fighting in open around Shin. is so f. poorly scripted that it shifts time and space continuum.

Man that was so funny when the Thargoid just teleported around the screen erratically and no one knew where to shoot at
22 Sep 2024, 7:29am
SakashiroInteresting: The Courier's Guardian FSD booster gets fried even while the ship is sitting in the hangar. For some reason the Adder's Guardian shield reinforcements were not affected.

Shield, module and hull reinforcements are not affected. Everything else is.
22 Sep 2024, 9:01am
Uh oh ...

First time I instanced with that guy, I think.
22 Sep 2024, 9:26am
I have to admit, this 'Tony' looks mildly suspicious...
22 Sep 2024, 9:34am
Notorious seal clubber and connoisseur of K-pop.
22 Sep 2024, 10:08am
SakashiroNotorious seal clubber and connoisseur of K-pop.

I mean, there's not much to see on that tiny pic, but that 'Tony' does look somewhat like you.
22 Sep 2024, 10:29am
Now, I'm trying to buy some damn bloody limpets at Cornwallis but the damn game keeps getting stuck on the main station services screen every time I press the 'adv. maintenance' button. Ah, okay, I guess I'd rather just synth them.

(ah, nevermind, it just takes like 2-3 minutes to open, lol)
22 Sep 2024, 11:16am
SakashiroNotorious seal clubber and connoisseur of K-pop.

I mean, there's not much to see on that tiny pic, but that 'Tony' does look somewhat like you.

Only the haircut.
22 Sep 2024, 11:32am
SakashiroOnly the haircut.
Yeah, many facial features are different, but, I thought... Could it be a nooby attempt to copy your characters' appearance using the same tiny pic in the contacts as a reference? :p
22 Sep 2024, 12:11pm
SakashiroUh oh ...

First time I instanced with that guy, I think.

That confused commander Tony looks like your long lost sister. Call the galactic madhouse an let them take car of it.
22 Sep 2024, 7:14pm
This seems like the right place to ask this AX-related question, without having to jump all in to joining the AXI Discord or something....

Why should/shouldn't I use my thermal vent beam at the same time as my Gauss cannons? Specifically in an AXCZ.
I find it easier (aka comfortable) not to have to switch fire groups constantly. I could, of course, just "get used to it", but I'd like to understand why or why not first.
22 Sep 2024, 7:20pm
Thermal vent beam for one cannot counter the thermal load of gauss cannons, and also has a tendency to make it harder to see the heart once exerted, especially for other players. Those are the two main reasons.

The beam is also not for controlling weapon thermal load in active fighting but to keep heat level low and shield strip as you kite an Interceptor and/or approach it.
22 Sep 2024, 8:54pm
Kasumi GotoThermal vent beam for one cannot counter the thermal load of gauss cannons, and also has a tendency to make it harder to see the heart once exerted, especially for other players. Those are the two main reasons.

The beam is also not for controlling weapon thermal load in active fighting but to keep heat level low and shield strip as you kite an Interceptor and/or approach it.

A straight-forward answer. That makes sense.

I had been using heat sinks sparingly because I could get the heat reasonably low with my beam and my "staggered" firing. (Related to my previous acknowledgement that I need to improve my skill with fixed weapons. LOL)

Right now I have two heat sinks, a caustic sink, and a enhanced xeno scanner. I replaced my Shutdown Field Neutralizer with the Enhanced Xeno Scanner this morning, thinking I could avoid the field with either boosting and distance or staying cool. Go figure that instead I found myself facing my first rebuy screen for this ship.

Perhaps I should just add a third heat sink, if I don't benefit from the xeno scanner? And, if I do, then I imagine I should do the recommended practices of using heat sinks continuously while firing gauss? I just run out so fast!

(Keep in mind, this is all in reference to AXCZ)

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