Elite: Game talk

14 Feb 2022, 8:08am
Hey fellow cmdrs, returning after long pause I have few questions. First, i want to transition from PC to PS4, anyone has any experince transtioning from keyboard + mouse to gamepad? Second, I realy liked core mining, is it still viable? And third, as I want to transfer from PC to PS i have to grind fed ranks again yay (wanna my vette fix) is the old Ochosi Chapka loop still working?

Thanks for you answers.
14 Feb 2022, 8:26am
InverusHey fellow cmdrs, returning after long pause I have few questions. First, i want to transition from PC to PS4, anyone has any experince transtioning from keyboard + mouse to gamepad? Second, I realy liked core mining, is it still viable? And third, as I want to transfer from PC to PS i have to grind fed ranks again yay (wanna my vette fix) is the old Ochosi Chapka loop still working?

Thanks for you answers.

I have no idea why would you want to shoot yourself in the foot with that move. Consoles are behind content and support fewer control methods. I would guess that the player numbers are lower than PC.

1. Why you don't try the pad before switching on your PC? PC can run all kind of peripherials.
2. Yes, core mining is viable but with different commodities. VO and LTD are nerfed to the ground. Best selling commodities are usually Musgravite and Monazite.
3. Ochosi triangle depends highly on BGS state. Current conditions are not so good.
14 Feb 2022, 8:28am
Yuna SakashiroDamn, the Mamba feels weird with FA off. Slower than before, or is it just my imagination?

How you fly it? Trying to out maneuver target or zoom, zoom, boom?

I tested orbiting, jousting, and reverski. The Mamba turns fast only while boosting, so jousting seems to work best. The Courier always turns fast, you can easily keep its nose pointing at the target the entire time. Both ships get the job done, but the Courier with FA off feels truly weightless.

Haven't tried the FDL yet.

Btw I still turn FA on when landing. Aligning the ship with the pad is much faster that way. For supercruise I have assigned keys for pitch and yaw, but most of the time I don't need them. Haven't done any interdictions yet.
14 Feb 2022, 8:32am
It's not often a player wants to switch from PC to console. Usually it's the opposite as there is a lot more you can do with a PC when it comes to playing ED. I'm kind of curious as to why. Just a preference thing?
14 Feb 2022, 10:55am
Hey, I'm planning to do some exploration around Colonia. Mostly space tourism, visiting various points of interest in order to take some pretty pics.

Do you have knwoledge of any locations worth the trip ? The distance doesn't scare me, I have good jump range.
14 Feb 2022, 12:27pm
NosrikHey, I'm planning to do some exploration around Colonia. Mostly space tourism, visiting various points of interest in order to take some pretty pics.

Do you have knwoledge of any locations worth the trip ? The distance doesn't scare me, I have good jump range.

Colonia Region System Database

The section called "The Nebula" have a tourist guide as PDF.
14 Feb 2022, 1:36pm
PratiganDid someone hacked INARA?
Take up arms against Darkwater Inc! does not show up in game as Community goal?

Nope, it just keeps randomly appearing in Frontier's server endpoint with the community goals listing which is Inara using for the basic goal properties updates. So I always need to delete it afterwards, as this goal apparently shouldn't be there.
14 Feb 2022, 1:50pm
Artie... So I always need to delete it afterwards, as this goal apparently shouldn't be there.

We do not want to hint players of upcoming war CG for which they can collect bonds right now if they have Summerland permit granted by Imperial Navy rank of Baron
14 Feb 2022, 2:35pm
Yuna SakashiroDamn, the Mamba feels weird with FA off. Slower than before, or is it just my imagination?

How you fly it? Trying to out maneuver target or zoom, zoom, boom?

Em from FA OFF mamba I had same feelings. This ship is pretty weird. I dont like. I also never used to fly in FDL. But Chieftain....

Chieftain is born for FA OFF
14 Feb 2022, 2:51pm
Mamba is made for Zoom , Zoom , BOOM!

14 Feb 2022, 3:17pm
Yup, that's jousting. Pretty much all that ship can do. I thought FA off would make a difference, but no.
14 Feb 2022, 3:32pm
Yuna SakashiroYup, that's jousting. Pretty much all that ship can do. I thought FA off would make a difference, but no.

It does a big diference! Try hunt thargoids with FA On-impossible.
1st you can fly with full speed and have 0 power in pips to engines
2nd for enemy is hard to shot you when you are FA OFF
3rd iaming and vector of fligt is separated, so it gives you more options in fight,especially with fixed weapons

BTW try to imigane situation when you are in a cutter and agile enemy is chasing you. They can fly around you. But when you boost,go to FA OFF and turn back, you can shoot them in full speed in reverse, they cant fly around, they can fly only behind you and you can destroy them very easily.

FA OFF is the main key of real fight.
Its about to get enemy where you want to have him.

Last edit: 14 Feb 2022, 3:38pm
14 Feb 2022, 3:38pm
Episparh Colonia Region System Database

The section called "The Nebula" have a tourist guide as PDF.

Expected mentions of some systems/celestial bodies, end up with an actual tourist guide !

I love this community.
14 Feb 2022, 3:41pm
Yuna SakashiroYup, that's jousting. Pretty much all that ship can do. I thought FA off would make a difference, but no.

BTW I saw you on PVP hub. To many players are ingnoring chaffs because they use fixed weapons. Also they are using chaffs, you need to use on them fixed weapons too. Try it in FA ON, you will be easy target.
14 Feb 2022, 3:46pm
Best opurtunity to learn FA OFF and aiming with fixed are Anti Xeno Conflict Zones. Great practise is shooting fast and agile thargoid scouts with gauss cannons. Also hydra is very often changing direction of flight, its also excellent practise keep the right distance and aiming the subtarget (thargoid heart). For everyone who wants start with PVP I recomend AX combat first.

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