Elite: Game talk

17 Feb 2022, 1:28pm
Amata LireinTier 1 is a PERMANENT 10% discount on Imperial ships in Summerland

Same as Shin Dez but behind imperial navy rank.
Not if that matters for most that have several dozens of ships and all permits unlocked.
17 Feb 2022, 1:36pm
Episparh the Blunt
Amata LireinTier 1 is a PERMANENT 10% discount on Imperial ships in Summerland

Same as Shin Dez but behind imperial navy rank.
Not if that matters for most that have several dozens of ships and all permits unlocked.

Is there a listing somewhere of what goodies to look for inside of these permit-locked systems?
I have been unlocking a number of systems...but the benefit is not always readily evident.
17 Feb 2022, 1:46pm
Episparh the Blunt
Amata LireinTier 1 is a PERMANENT 10% discount on Imperial ships in Summerland

Same as Shin Dez but behind imperial navy rank.
Not if that matters for most that have several dozens of ships and all permits unlocked.

True. But people who want an Imperial ship do now have the choice if they want to grind an Elite-rank for Shin Dez or the Imperial rank for Summerland. And having options is always nice.
17 Feb 2022, 1:47pm
Daddy O
Is there a listing somewhere of what goodies to look for inside of these permit-locked systems?
I have been unlocking a number of systems...but the benefit is not always readily evident.


Check different tabs for: Independent, Federation, Empire, Alliance etc.
It lists benefits and how to obtain.
17 Feb 2022, 1:48pm
I have been unlocking a number of systems...but the benefit is not always readily evident.[/quote]

Every permit locked system has something unique in it. But you have to look around the system to find what it is. Then you'll start to figure out patterns that the devs use in hiding lots of things. What do you think those faction megaships are doing by jumping from one system to the next, have you ever followed one of them? You'll have to do that and maybe some other dirty tricks if you want to unlock the secrets of a specific permit locked area.
Do that long enough and you can ever figure out what is in a few permit locked system that there's no permit for. Like crashed ships that came from Witch's Reach sometimes have Mysterious Idols in their cargo.
17 Feb 2022, 2:02pm
Apparently there are multiple CZ's going on in Summerland right now. I went into a CZ and it was Summerland Crimson Allied vs Summerland Patron's Principles
17 Feb 2022, 2:24pm
Episparh the Blunt
Daddy O
Is there a listing somewhere of what goodies to look for inside of these permit-locked systems?
I have been unlocking a number of systems...but the benefit is not always readily evident.


Check different tabs for: Independent, Federation, Empire, Alliance etc.
It lists benefits and how to obtain.

Oh wow, some of these involve ship discounts. That woulda been handy before I spent a billion credits on new ships.
Nah, I still woulda spent it in 3 weeks flat.
17 Feb 2022, 4:18pm
Episparh the Blunt~
I wonder if anti-empire movement will win that for Darkwater Inc.

I'm thinking about another try to capture Arissa Lavigny-Duval again...
Honestly, I think that woman's kinda hot.
But I assume, chances for a success are pretty low right now, eh?

She is not Helen of Troy.
17 Feb 2022, 4:30pm
Episparh the Blunt~
I wonder if anti-empire movement will win that for Darkwater Inc.

I'm thinking about another try to capture Arissa Lavigny-Duval again...
Honestly, I think that woman's kinda hot.
But I assume, chances for a success are pretty low right now, eh?

She is not Helen of Troy.

So can she be captured by a player?
17 Feb 2022, 5:03pm
Daddy OSo can she be captured by a player?

No. Also it seems they don't even give you the opportunity to join with the Darkwater side even if you wanted to. I mean I'm flying for the Empire but it doesn't seem right to not have legit opposition.
17 Feb 2022, 5:18pm
Daddy O

I'm thinking about another try to capture Arissa Lavigny-Duval again...
Honestly, I think that woman's kinda hot.
But I assume, chances for a success are pretty low right now, eh?

She is not Helen of Troy.

So can she be captured by a player?

Wtf? What is wrong with you?
17 Feb 2022, 6:30pm
When in your ship and you want to chat, you can cycle between local/system/team, etc... by hitting tab. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but on foot, I can't seem to change who I am communicating with. Tried opening up the comms panel and that was bugged to hell and nothing worked there. Is it normally supposed to still be "tab" to change the chat channel on foot?
17 Feb 2022, 6:55pm
17 Feb 2022, 8:59pm
"warm, white cockpit lights" Who can resist that?
17 Feb 2022, 9:00pm

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