Elite: Game talk

today, 7:09pm
Jana RazekiAnd where does this thing fit all those hardpoints? I see one placed on the underside where the wing goes into the body, presumably mirrored on the other side, but not much of a clue for the rest.

(And I completely forgot I'm logged into the wrong account on my laptop right now. Argh.)

I would assume that the mediums are on top, the smalls under the wings.
today, 7:11pm
What's interesting with the Mandalay is that you have glass between your feet = you can look down on the planet or landing area in front of you. Love that! CMDR Buur is talking about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-cZN3WWiBk
today, 7:49pm
I'm so excited about this Mandalay info so far.
Definitely looking forward to this ship!

Edit to add:

Looks like I'll be able to add ALL of my current modules from my AspX to the Mandalay and have plenty of room for improvement in places.
This thing will DEFINITELY become my new main/flagship!

Last edit: 25 Sep 2024, 8:00pm

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