Elite: Game talk

20 Feb 2022, 5:12am
so, I am in Beagle Point, now what ?
oh wait...
there... found it
I got Elite rank in self mutilation, hurray...
lets go back and earn, not grind, earn Elite 2 in the same rank mentioned above
but hey, got to love the game
20 Feb 2022, 5:22am
Eternity CallsIs your cutter build un-engineered if so can you link

I am a noob and still have not played around with any engineering yet. Here's the link to my Cutter build.

Cutter Max Range / Max Cargo
20 Feb 2022, 5:41am
If I had not taken a break on the 17th, I might have reached Rear Admiral by now. Not much longer to go now and that Corvette will be mine! Doing these Fetch and Return missions are making $$$$ too so I should be able to outfit the Vette to the max!

20 Feb 2022, 5:48am
I also switched up my livery on the Cutter to match the one my youngest son put on his Python. His has the green highlights so I went with the red. This ship looks so aggressive with that body kit! I absolutely love how it looks!

20 Feb 2022, 7:57am
EdwardLThompsonIf I had not taken a break on the 17th, I might have reached Rear Admiral by now. Not much longer to go now and that Corvette will be mine! Doing these Fetch and Return missions are making $$$$ too so I should be able to outfit the Vette to the max!


I can’t understand why anyone would want a corvette, it’s like trying to fly a brick.
20 Feb 2022, 9:26am
DemonolightGoing to station for each reload would probably put me of rails forever I will not attempt argue about pvp specifically as I do not have experience with the build in that setting and do not know if shields can be downed quickly enough to cripple the PP or engines before reload

Getting hit during synthesis cancels it, no matter of the status of your shields.
20 Feb 2022, 10:27am
I can’t understand why anyone would want a corvette, it’s like trying to fly a brick.[/quote]

We all have our favourites It is a large ship, so pitching and rolling the same as say a courier would be a little unrealistic.

I purchased and sold some ships where I wasn’t so keen on the flight side, only to repurchase them later and put Grade4/5 engineering on them.
This upgraded the characteristics making them fun. Some CMDRs have perfected the engineering side better than me, but you are welcome to take a look at the fleet

The T10 (I have one) is a true flying brick

Happy flying!
20 Feb 2022, 10:29am
*happy smile of a person who found the ship she likes the most*
20 Feb 2022, 11:06am
Aguilar I can’t understand why anyone would want a corvette, it’s like trying to fly a brick.

Properly engineered the Corvette is one of, if not the most formidable ships for Combat Zones. For its size it is actually surprisingly manoeuvrable with upgraded thrusters and power distribution, turning swiftly with FA off.
Shield tank or hull tank, with an SLF it can own a CZ
20 Feb 2022, 11:25am
Gryphnn Getting hit during synthesis cancels it, no matter of the status of your shields.

I know, to clarify I meant disabling opponent before ammo runs out, so that they can't hit you, not getting own shields down.
20 Feb 2022, 12:32pm
We all have our favourites It is a large ship, so pitching and rolling the same as say a courier would be a little unrealistic.
I purchased and sold some ships where I wasn’t so keen on the flight side, only to repurchase them later and put Grade4/5 engineering on them.
This upgraded the characteristics making them fun. Some CMDRs have perfected the engineering side better than me, but you are welcome to take a look at the fleet

The T10 (I have one) is a true flying brick

Happy flying!

Yeah each to there own I agree My fave is my Asp Explorer, but am having fun in a Krait mkii at the moment. I did try a corvette tho, not for me
20 Feb 2022, 2:08pm
Tomciopalecso, I am in Beagle Point, now what ?
oh wait...
there... found it
I got Elite rank in self mutilation, hurray...
lets go back and earn, not grind, earn Elite 2 in the same rank mentioned above
but hey, got to love the game

While you are at Beagle, try and see how far North you can make it. 650LY is about the record...before you run outta stars.
20 Feb 2022, 2:14pm
Eternity CallsIs your cutter build un-engineered if so can you link

I am a noob and still have not played around with any engineering yet. Here's the link to my Cutter build.

Cutter Max Range / Max Cargo

Oh man, with that 7d thruster package you have turned a combat beast into a T9.

And I would totally own a Vette. They had me at "2 huge hardpoints"
20 Feb 2022, 2:14pm
Last night I took the FDL to a RES for testing, first with four rails and a huge PA. With four MRPs (classes 4, 4, 2, 1) module damage remained minor. By the time I ran out of ammo, modules were still around 95% health (except for the cargo hatch, which doesn't matter here). With the 40% thermal load reduction from engineering the results should be even better. I also did a run where I replaced the PA with a huge efficient thermal vent beam that I had previously used on the Mamba. Not ideal of course, but it still managed to bring the heat down considerably while increasing the build's total damage output.

Curious, I also tried a setup with five unengineered fixed beam lasers. Those cooked me worse, to the point that some modules started malfunctioning and I even lost a few percent of hull. Since beams never run out of ammo, the ship's health itself becomes the limiting factor here. Thermal conduit would turn the heat into extra damage of course. It's still a bit of a suicide tactic though.

Then I tried five PAs. Trying to hit small fast moving ships with those is a pain, so I think I'll stick with rails.

Finally, I tried Epi's suggestion with pairs of rails assigned to the left and right button. Obviously it doubles the number of shots while cutting damage per shot in half. I returned to the station with no heat damage at all. Not bad!

I find chasing ships easier with FA on, but aiming easier with FA off. Long range rails wouldn't require much chasing, so I guess that's the route I'll go, along with super penetrator and feedback cascade. And maybe a long range beam for cooling.
20 Feb 2022, 2:24pm
Yuna SakashiroLast night I took the FDL to a RES for testing, first with four rails and a huge PA. With four MRPs (classes 4, 4, 2, 1) module damage remained minor. By the time I ran out of ammo, modules were still around 95% health (except for the cargo hatch, which doesn't matter here). With the 40% thermal load reduction from engineering the results should be even better. I also did a run where I replaced the PA with a huge efficient thermal vent beam that I had previously used on the Mamba. Not ideal of course, but it still managed to bring the heat down considerably while increasing the build's total damage output.

Curious, I also tried a setup with five unengineered fixed beam lasers. Those cooked me worse, to the point that some modules started malfunctioning and I even lost a few percent of hull. Since beams never run out of ammo, the ship's health itself becomes the limiting factor here. Thermal conduit would turn the heat into extra damage of course. It's still a bit of a suicide tactic though.

Then I tried five PAs. Trying to hit small fast moving ships with those is a pain, so I think I'll stick with rails.

Finally, I tried Epi's suggestion with pairs of rails assigned to the left and right button. Obviously it doubles the number of shots while cutting damage per shot in half. I returned to the station with no heat damage at all. Not bad!

I find chasing ships easier with FA on, but aiming easier with FA off. Long range rails wouldn't require much chasing, so I guess that's the route I'll go, along with super penetrator and feedback cascade. And maybe a long range beam for cooling.

I have the same FDL, even tried loading it up with rail guns (that was sooo fun...but impractical.)
I ultimately went with the beam lazers, and had to engineer them for efficiency. Then they don't start cooking me until the capacitor is empty.
Unengineered, I hit 200% heat a couple times. Got interdicted near a sun and I was into the 300s. :o

When you get done, post that build. I'd love to check it out. I am a relative noob in engineering (on top of being almost totally outta mats right now.)

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