Elite: Game talk

18 Feb 2022, 2:07pm
That bar and bartender sucks... I am wondering about it. Britons have a lot of taverns. So why they miss reference?
Imagine bar with hazard games, with drunken people, a lot of smoke, hookers, booze, grafitti on toalets,... Even this picture is boring. (Cant find a better one)
18 Feb 2022, 2:09pm
SalmoneaThat bar and bartender sucks... I am wondering about it. Britons have a lot of taverns. So why they miss reference?
Imagine bar with hazard games, with drunken people, a lot of smoke, hookers, booze, grafitti on toalets,... [img=1349x759]https://www.wallpaperflare.com/static/85/558/365/space-spaceship-star-citizen-bar-wallpaper.jpg[/img]

They need the Cantina band.
18 Feb 2022, 2:10pm
Earworm for the rest of the day ✔
18 Feb 2022, 2:14pm
FerriJokuGood evening. Is there anything that is worth to deal with abysmal performance in odyssey or it's not worth at all?

Cause odyssey for me looks like ass while lagging as hell on rtx 2060 (especially in settlements)

There's not much you can do until FDev fixes their bugs. I do not share Yuna's pessimism on this not happening. Numerous posts by people obviously more qualified than I (and probably to some of the actual devs) have posted breakdowns on what some of the most egregious problems are. It essentially boils down to bad shaders making calls 1000s of times for things like fire, shadows, and smoke instead of 8 like it is in Horizons. This can be fixed. Once all these wrinkles get smoothed out performance should seriously improve. I see no technicall reason why it can't get to where FDev wants it: Console compatible/ready and if it is then it's definitely PC ready. The only reasons why it wouldn't are economic and at that point we're talking subjective opinions on what their management will tolerate.
18 Feb 2022, 2:31pm
Burstar or something
FerriJokuGood evening. Is there anything that is worth to deal with abysmal performance in odyssey or it's not worth at all?

Cause odyssey for me looks like ass while lagging as hell on rtx 2060 (especially in settlements)

There's not much you can do until FDev fixes their bugs. I do not share Yuna's pessimism on this not happening. Numerous posts by people obviously more qualified than I (and probably to some of the actual devs) have posted breakdowns on what some of the most egregious problems are. It essentially boils down to bad shaders making calls 1000s of times for things like fire, shadows, and smoke instead of 8 like it is in Horizons. This can be fixed. Once all these wrinkles get smoothed out performance should seriously improve. I see no technicall reason why it can't get to where FDev wants it: Console compatible/ready and if it is then it's definitely PC ready. The only reasons why it wouldn't are economic and at that point we're talking subjective opinions on what their management will tolerate.

Wanna improve system performance? Get an M2.
But you have to put the OS and the game on it.
3x better than a SSD.
It won't fix the bugs in ED, but it will make your system much more responsive.
18 Feb 2022, 2:37pm
Burstar or somethingThis can be fixed.

The question is, can it be fixed by FDev?
18 Feb 2022, 2:41pm
Daddy O
SalmoneaThat bar and bartender sucks... I am wondering about it. Britons have a lot of taverns. So why they miss reference?
Imagine bar with hazard games, with drunken people, a lot of smoke, hookers, booze, grafitti on toalets,... [img=1349x759]https://www.wallpaperflare.com/static/85/558/365/space-spaceship-star-citizen-bar-wallpaper.jpg[/img]

They need the Cantina band.

18 Feb 2022, 3:12pm
SalmoneaThat bar and bartender sucks... I am wondering about it. Britons have a lot of taverns. So why they miss reference?
Imagine bar with hazard games, with drunken people, a lot of smoke, hookers, booze, grafitti on toalets,... Even this picture is boring. (Cant find a better one)

I am certain brits know what a pub is.

18 Feb 2022, 3:15pm
Episparh the Blunt
SalmoneaThat bar and bartender sucks... I am wondering about it. Britons have a lot of taverns. So why they miss reference?
Imagine bar with hazard games, with drunken people, a lot of smoke, hookers, booze, grafitti on toalets,... Even this picture is boring. (Cant find a better one)

I am certain brits know what a pub is.

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oh my dog
18 Feb 2022, 5:37pm
Daddy O
Yuna SakashiroAfter FDev's ten failed attempts to fix settlement performance I'm not too optimistic tbh.

They shoulda just licensed the Pavlov engine...or even the Unreal engine.

Elite Dangerous 2, done in Unreal Engine 5?
18 Feb 2022, 5:39pm
SalmoneaThat bar and bartender sucks... I am wondering about it. Britons have a lot of taverns. So why they miss reference?
Imagine bar with hazard games, with drunken people, a lot of smoke, hookers, booze, grafitti on toalets,... Even this picture is boring. (Cant find a better one)

I'm mostly disappointed that you can't go to a bar and order a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
18 Feb 2022, 5:53pm
Oh, FFS, I had to switch to Horizons to transfer multiple modules from different types to my location. Who ever made that new menu should be kept away from any work on UX/UI!
18 Feb 2022, 6:05pm
SalmoneaThat bar and bartender sucks... I am wondering about it. Britons have a lot of taverns. So why they miss reference?
Imagine bar with hazard games, with drunken people, a lot of smoke, hookers, booze, grafitti on toalets,... Even this picture is boring. (Cant find a better one)

Eh, I disagree. I really like how there are engine parts dangling over them and how they all are wearing cheap jackets. It's as if they couldn't afford to waste any more room to build out a bar, so they had to improvise and built it underneath a hangar. Wish they commited more to giving it a distinct style, but I like it. Feels like a downtown type of area
18 Feb 2022, 7:50pm
Episparh the BluntOh, FFS, I had to switch to Horizons to transfer multiple modules from different types to my location. Who ever made that new menu should be kept away from any work on UX/UI!

I could be wrong but if I remember correctly, a former FDev employee who was involved in the development of the original ED UI, after seeing the new Odyssey UI made a comment that who ever replaced them at FDev must be someone who has never played ED.
18 Feb 2022, 7:52pm
He probably never played a game or using any application at all.

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