Elite: Game talk

23 Sep 2024, 8:03pm
SakashiroTo be fair, the AspX is garbage even when fully engineered.

You take that back!
I quite like my AspX. Sure it's a bit plump and not as fast, fierce, or freight-ready, but it's versatile and I've got it fully engineered to easily make multiple 72+ Ly jumps. It got me from nothing to Elite in exploration and helped me start the real gameplay of credit grinding. So, there!

Besides, it's currently my "main", my flagship, and will likely stay my main until that new Mandalay comes out. (Still hate the name choice for the "Mandalay".)

Note on tone: Read the above as faux offense somewhat tongue-in-cheek, not actual hurt. I do like the AspX, but I also accept criticism on it compared to other ships. To each their own.
23 Sep 2024, 8:17pm
Sooo, war is over? If you want it?
23 Sep 2024, 8:19pm
That's odd, but I got into a working instance after getting the 'it's over' message, and currently fighting it. Hope it won't crash though.
23 Sep 2024, 8:21pm
"We cant win this war..."
"Hold my beer, I have a new Sidewinder!"
"War is over"
23 Sep 2024, 8:38pm
MeowersThat's odd, but I got into a working instance after getting the 'it's over' message, and currently fighting it. Hope it won't crash though.

Yup, the goids didn't get the memo.

But no more rescue missions at Jameson. Station is abandoned now, I guess.
23 Sep 2024, 8:40pm
Kasumi GotoOr at least a reason to pay attention to where the ship is jumping/the map when selecting a system.

Yeah, I was looking at yours blanketing your knees in +5G and blind you in -5 like spaniel ears... so forgot to pay attention to charts. It was just too funny.
(Now I need industrial strength eye and memory bleach)

Rocks in socks, said gravity.

Your comment seems unnecessarily abrasive for me mentioning that it’s sensible to check your route, especially when there’s an alien invasion force still at the edges of human space. One of those being a fairly large area around the Col 285 systems around the eastern side of it.

And perhaps you should leave profile pictures out of a game-related discussion, else it just seems like you don’t have any arguments or anything useful to add to it.

MeowersThat's odd, but I got into a working instance after getting the 'it's over' message, and currently fighting it. Hope it won't crash though.

Yup, the goids didn't get the memo.

But no more rescue missions at Jameson. Station is abandoned now, I guess.

The goids will not be there if you get an instance that has not been kept alive past the end of the invasion/reaching 100%. Players may still have been fighting Hydras in Open for a while.

The last few stragglers are probably finishing up around about now though.
23 Sep 2024, 8:49pm
SakashiroBut no more rescue missions at Jameson. Station is abandoned now, I guess.
Yeah, no combat missions either. I wonder, whether or not my remaining one (two Hydras) is still valid. Ah, creds won't hurt anyway. All missions on smaller variants went okay, but it was before I noticed the board is empty.
23 Sep 2024, 9:05pm
SakashiroBut no more rescue missions at Jameson. Station is abandoned now, I guess.

Yeah, no combat missions either. I wonder, whether or not my remaining one (two Hydras) is still valid. Ah, creds won't hurt anyway. All missions on smaller variants went okay, but it was before I noticed the board is empty.

The bonds should count, my nearly 350mil for two CZs did even though about half of the second was completed after the 100% mark was hit for the invasion.
23 Sep 2024, 9:16pm
I've got a Basilisk along with my Hydras, funny.
23 Sep 2024, 9:32pm
SakashiroTo be fair, the AspX is garbage even when fully engineered.

You take that back!
I quite like my AspX. Sure it's a bit plump and not as fast, fierce, or freight-ready, but it's versatile and I've got it fully engineered to easily make multiple 72+ Ly jumps. It got me from nothing to Elite in exploration and helped me start the real gameplay of credit grinding. So, there!

Besides, it's currently my "main", my flagship, and will likely stay my main until that new Mandalay comes out. (Still hate the name choice for the "Mandalay".)

Note on tone: Read the above as faux offense somewhat tongue-in-cheek, not actual hurt. I do like the AspX, but I also accept criticism on it compared to other ships. To each their own.

Well, you can get exploration Elite in pretty much any ship. I once used a Sidewinder. Went to Colonia, scanned a few systems along the way, done.

But if you enter a Thargoid-controlled system by accident as AH did and get interdicted, it won't matter if your AspX is engineered or not. A fast ship such as a Courier or even an Adder will simply shrug it off. And shrug off gankers too by the way.
23 Sep 2024, 10:24pm
Okay, of course the game crashed, lol. At least I wasn't so deeply in those Hydras. Awsum quolity!
yesterday, 5:14am
SakashiroWell, you can get exploration Elite in pretty much any ship. I once used a Sidewinder. Went to Colonia, scanned a few systems along the way, done.

But if you enter a Thargoid-controlled system by accident as AH did and get interdicted, it won't matter if your AspX is engineered or not. A fast ship such as a Courier or even an Adder will simply shrug it off. And shrug off gankers too by the way.

Certainly. :-) I just wanted to be silly by feigning offense. I'm proud of my pudgy path-seeker. (I need to start being nostalgic about it now because I know I'm going to drop it as my "flagship" so fast when that Mandalay comes out. LOL)

If I'm being honest, I really only use my AspX for errand runs these days. No, not missions. Errands as in, "Hey, I should fly over to that one engineer and put an exp effect on such-and-such weapon. Looks like the AspX can slot it, so that'll work." Other than that, I've been spending more time in my purpose-built ships like my courier (ground stuff), FDL (assassination), Mamba (hanging out at Nav Beacons bounty hunting), etc.
yesterday, 5:17am
Me, tonight, upon dropping into ShinDez with a teammate, hoping to get in a bit more AX combat...
*mail ding* [Reads: something about ShinDez being freed from invasion]
"Hey, looks the Thargoids have been pushed back in ShinDez.... yay... we won..." :-(

I want more AX! Guess I'm hooked! That was a fun appetizer and it was great to have it "right in my backyard"
yesterday, 5:51am
SakashiroTo be fair, the AspX is garbage even when fully engineered.

You take that back!
I quite like my AspX. Sure it's a bit plump and not as fast, fierce, or freight-ready, but it's versatile and I've got it fully engineered to easily make multiple 72+ Ly jumps. It got me from nothing to Elite in exploration and helped me start the real gameplay of credit grinding. So, there!


It is a slow garbage with a joke of a shield still. AKA garbage.

Reference: Jinn
yesterday, 7:01am
So what do you folks do after getting the Cold Turkey treatment in ShinDez? Where the Thargoids at? ShinDez was nice because there were so many Goids and so many players, and most commanders didn't have travel a lot to go there. I guess I'm just craving the next big Hydra popper party

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