Elite: Game talk

20 Feb 2022, 2:36pm
Silver Taffer
Aguilar I can’t understand why anyone would want a corvette, it’s like trying to fly a brick.

Properly engineered the Corvette is one of, if not the most formidable ships for Combat Zones. For its size it is actually surprisingly manoeuvrable with upgraded thrusters and power distribution, turning swiftly with FA off.
Shield tank or hull tank, with an SLF it can own a CZ

If corvette is brick what is then T10 defender?
20 Feb 2022, 2:37pm
Silver Taffer
Aguilar I can’t understand why anyone would want a corvette, it’s like trying to fly a brick.

Properly engineered the Corvette is one of, if not the most formidable ships for Combat Zones. For its size it is actually surprisingly manoeuvrable with upgraded thrusters and power distribution, turning swiftly with FA off.
Shield tank or hull tank, with an SLF it can own a CZ

If corvette is brick what is then T10 defender?

A boulder.
20 Feb 2022, 3:19pm

If corvette is brick what is then T10 defender?

Noob trap.

Last edit: 20 Feb 2022, 3:24pm
20 Feb 2022, 3:33pm
Noob trap with a spoiler!
20 Feb 2022, 3:40pm
Every trap needs a bait.
20 Feb 2022, 4:50pm
Plug for startport entrance
20 Feb 2022, 4:50pm
My T10 AFK is on hold due to lack of mats.
I am totally outta mats.
Hell, I am even outta vanadium and nickel.
Tried to engineer too many ships at the same time.
20 Feb 2022, 4:53pm
I am out of sellenium...
20 Feb 2022, 5:18pm
SalmoneaI am out of sellenium...

I wish ED let you keep a shopping list. Using 3rd pty apps to do it is a PITA in VR.
20 Feb 2022, 5:42pm
SalmoneaI am out of sellenium...

Worst raw material ever
20 Feb 2022, 8:01pm
Daddy O
Tomciopalecso, I am in Beagle Point, now what ?
oh wait...
there... found it
I got Elite rank in self mutilation, hurray...
lets go back and earn, not grind, earn Elite 2 in the same rank mentioned above
but hey, got to love the game

While you are at Beagle, try and see how far North you can make it. 650LY is about the record...before you run outta stars.

I will try that, but I was hopping for at least small outpost that sells Beagle Point souvenir, I will take a picture
20 Feb 2022, 8:10pm
Daddy O
Tomciopalecso, I am in Beagle Point, now what ?
oh wait...
there... found it
I got Elite rank in self mutilation, hurray...
lets go back and earn, not grind, earn Elite 2 in the same rank mentioned above
but hey, got to love the game

While you are at Beagle, try and see how far North you can make it. 650LY is about the record...before you run outta stars.

I will try that, but I was hopping for at least small outpost that sells Beagle Point souvenir, I will take a picture

The souvenir is your statistic for MAX DISTANCE FROM EARTH.
Here is mine: Should be easy to beat since I never quested for the GFSD booster:
Max distance from start 65,495.18 ly
Max distance from Sol 65,552.24 ly

20 Feb 2022, 8:25pm
Daddy O
Daddy O

While you are at Beagle, try and see how far North you can make it. 650LY is about the record...before you run outta stars.

I will try that, but I was hopping for at least small outpost that sells Beagle Point souvenir, I will take a picture

The souvenir is your statistic for MAX DISTANCE FROM EARTH.
Here is mine: Should be easy to beat since I never quested for the GFSD booster:
Max distance from start 65,495.18 ly
Max distance from Sol 65,552.24 ly


thank you for putting the wind into my sails
I completely forgot about the game stats
Now I have a reason to go farther north beside the pictures
20 Feb 2022, 8:27pm
I'm beginning to understand why gankers hate Couriers so much. Rail guns are great against large or straight-lining ships, but predicting the trajectory of small and evasive targets is an exercise in frustration.
20 Feb 2022, 10:36pm
I just looked more carefully at the anti-Darkwater Inc. rewards and had to check twice.

... Does FDev remember that the Powerplay decals are free?

Edit: Okay, they aren't free that now I checked but an item for 20 ARX as reward for participation in CG is a bit laughable, for lack of words that are not outright foul language. Moreover, the fact that the reward for entire CG is Master Rank completely misses the point, as the players who are more likely to join CG are already around that rank in Imperial Navy. Why not just... boosting the Imperial Rank?

10% price reduction? Go to LYR/Empire system for even better deal of 15%. Arissa's decal to show you like Her Highness? Just pay 20 ARX. You want Imperial Hammer? Pfffft, sit 20 hours a day and maaaaaybe you get to these 25% players. That nice Imperial CZ decal? Just forget it.

I've been doing that Imperial CG 3-5 hours a day and I'm still stuck in 75% participants. Frontier does not value the player's time at this point. And I say that as player with something over 2500 hours since 2016/2017.

Last edit: 20 Feb 2022, 10:53pm

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