Elite: Game talk

13 Mar 2022, 9:00pm
The ship models that were originally made did not account for the future need for interior corridors ~~

How about giving us the existing cockpit and do the rest with instancing?
Maybe add a button next to "disembark" and the same when activating the door in the background of our cockpit?
That let's us enter a fairly representing ineriour insance of our smaller vessels by one click.
And the same when entering the ship while outside, due to a button that gives us a decision to go to interiour or puts us directly into the pilot seat again?
13 Mar 2022, 9:25pm
Episparh the Blunt
They have to rework it all.

How you gonna explain that to share holders?

"We failed to make a DLC for the past three plus years but let us work few more years on rework, we will do great sales after! We pinky promise!"

sounds groovy huh?
13 Mar 2022, 9:28pm
I still not get what kind of gameplay is walking in station, hangar and even a ship. That is pure time sink.

I watched few videos when some people jumped on star citizen bandwagon.
One in particular discouraged me to even try that BS. It was a delivery mission. Carrying boxes between ship and a mailbox one of a time is not what I expect from a space game.
13 Mar 2022, 9:33pm
Episparh the BluntI still not get what kind of gameplay is walking in station, hangar and even a ship. That is pure time sink.

Just for the immersion, or pure roleplay.
Most importantly, do not force players to walk through the whole ship. when leaving / entering.
But give some more of us the option to do so.

Maybe... just maybe; add some more depth to it, by eventually repairing some damage module simply by hand without the use of AFMUs for example.
or just let me the frick take a moment to relax next to my coffee machine!
13 Mar 2022, 9:38pm
Ship interiors is hard to make, but what about just walking around cocpit. Cocpits are done and in case of several medium or big ships could be nice to walk around. I think it isnt so hard for developers. Or I am wrong?
13 Mar 2022, 9:48pm
Episparh the BluntI still not get what kind of gameplay is walking in station, hangar and even a ship. That is pure time sink.

Just for the immersion, or pure roleplay.
Most importantly, do not force players to walk through the whole ship. when leaving / entering.
But give some more of us the option to do so.

Maybe... just maybe; add some more depth to it, by eventually repairing some damage module simply by hand without the use of AFMUs for example.
or just let me the frick take a moment to relax next to my coffee machine!

Agree with the immersion and roleplay, especially if you are exploring and need to make sure every resource is used to its capacity.

Maybe adding a similar mechanic for repairs like scanning biology on planets or similar. You would still have the options you do now but maybe these manual processes boost returns a little further for each tier and also get a little more complex in their mechanic?

Potentially a way to repair the AFMU itself. Could also potentially be used with your ship refinery to boost yields.

13 Mar 2022, 10:31pm
Manual repairs on the ships? Those are a thing on No Man's Sky in case of your frigates and given how poor material collection is on Elite, it would be even bigger pain in the arse than it is on NMS. Don't get me wrong, it was fun the first time... but became very tedious chore.
13 Mar 2022, 10:42pm
Episparh the BluntI do not need new ship builds.
Do you have some builds that you haven't made yet?

Sir-Dukeby eventually repairing some damage module simply by hand without the use of AFMUs for example.
Medusa: "woooooooooo!"
Me: "ah, wait a minute, lemme find a screwdriver, there's a problem here..."

13 Mar 2022, 10:53pm
Episparh the Blunt
They have to rework it all.

How you gonna explain that to share holders?

"We failed to make a DLC for the past three plus years but let us work few more years on rework, we will do great sales after! We pinky promise!"

The ship models that were originally made did not account for the future need for interior corridors, so to implement them now would require changing the design of the ships to allow for on-foot traversal. This would of course change the size of the ships, which would affect both Odyssey and non-Odyssey gameplay if they maintained the necessary modifications to the ships in both versions.

Dude, seriously.
14 Mar 2022, 1:59am
Episparh the BluntI still not get what kind of gameplay is walking in station, hangar and even a ship. That is pure time sink.

I watched few videos when some people jumped on star citizen bandwagon.
One in particular discouraged me to even try that BS. It was a delivery mission. Carrying boxes between ship and a mailbox one of a time is not what I expect from a space game.

Imagine getting ambushed while carrying that box. Imagine thieves trying to hijack your ship after you disembark. Imagine someone entering and hiding in your ship, and you discovering the intruder after launch. Imagine passenger missions with actual passengers. Imagine slave or prisoner transports with actual slaves or prisoners. Imagine a ship with an actual crew, a ship too large to fly alone. Imagine ship repairs involving EVA.

There's a ton of potential gameplay in ship interiors. At least SC is trying to make that happen. In ED you can't even dock your SRV in someone else's ship. We once tried that, remember?
14 Mar 2022, 4:34am
Not a fan of ship interiors seems like a real waste of time
14 Mar 2022, 4:52am
Yuna Sakashiro

Imagine getting ambushed while carrying that box. Imagine thieves trying to hijack your ship after you disembark. Imagine someone entering and hiding in your ship, and you discovering the intruder after launch. Imagine passenger missions with actual passengers. Imagine slave or prisoner transports with actual slaves or prisoners. Imagine a ship with an actual crew, a ship too large to fly alone. Imagine ship repairs involving EVA.

There's a ton of potential gameplay in ship interiors. At least SC is trying to make that happen. In ED you can't even dock your SRV in someone else's ship. We once tried that, remember?

That is what I would expect from a first person shooter/survival game not from a space ship game. You have plenty of those.

Last edit: 14 Mar 2022, 5:04am
14 Mar 2022, 5:59am
Not sure where else to post this but I found 10 Non human frequencies in Pleiades Sector dl-y D40. Threat levels ranged from 4-8.
14 Mar 2022, 6:10am
JonnyFubarNot sure where else to post this but I found 10 Non human frequencies in Pleiades Sector dl-y D40. Threat levels ranged from 4-8.

Non-Human Signal Sources are common for Pleiades, Witch head and Coalsack.
14 Mar 2022, 8:16am
JonnyFubarNot sure where else to post this but I found 10 Non human frequencies in Pleiades Sector dl-y D40. Threat levels ranged from 4-8.

These are Thargoid signals. There's a lot of them in Thargoid places, threat ranged from 3 to 9, 5+ may include interceptors. You may even visit one and take a look, but be ready to flee. Scouts (smaller ships) are instantly aggressive, Interceptors will scan you and then go away if you won't fire at them, won't ram them, won't show them your middle finger, and there's nothing of their interest (guardian stuff, meta-alloys, etc.) in your cargo.

Also, you may kick their arse.

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