Elite: Game talk

14 Mar 2022, 11:05am
JonnyFubarNot sure where else to post this but I found 10 Non human frequencies in Pleiades Sector dl-y D40. Threat levels ranged from 4-8.

These are Thargoid signals. There's a lot of them in Thargoid places, threat ranged from 3 to 9, 5+ may include interceptors. You may even visit one and take a look, but be ready to flee. Scouts (smaller ships) are instantly aggressive, Interceptors will scan you and then go away if you won't fire at them, won't ram them, won't show them your middle finger, and there's nothing of their interest (guardian stuff, meta-alloys, etc.) in your cargo.

Also, you may kick their arse.
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The Thargoids have a lot of undiscovered things. We have been working on First Contact through the Unknown Structure... summoning a mothership to discuss using more of their technology.

Death being my gift... is a hard pill to swallow for most. Remlok seems to save the foiled attempts.

First we thought the doors inside the structure would open. They don't... but if you get your SLF inside - it will get sucked into the magnet... without any hope of getting away.

Image of SLF stuck to the door.

Not sure what else to say about the Goids. Live document here.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Mar 2022, 3:41pm
14 Mar 2022, 1:24pm
SalmoneaShip interiors is hard to make, but what about just walking around cocpit. Cocpits are done and in case of several medium or big ships could be nice to walk around. I think it isnt so hard for developers. Or I am wrong?

Would it be worth the effort?

How many times can you walk around your cockpit, a station, etc. without getting bored with the 'novelty'?
14 Mar 2022, 2:05pm
Yum KaxWould it be worth the effort?

How many times can you walk around your cockpit, a station, etc. without getting bored with the 'novelty'?

Depends on how it is implemented. No one complains about dealing with ship interiors in Star Citizen. Braben himself had a lot of ideas on things to add along with the ship interiors so that they would not just be static decoration with no purpose. There is definitely evidence that interiors were something FDev was trying to implement at one point in time. If you get a VR headset that allows you to walk around in a ships cockpit, it becomes evident rather quickly that too much time was spend on the cockpits for there to have been no purpose for them, they are surprisingly detailed. However the way ED plays now, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have much in the way of ship interiors, other than maybe a walkway to physically walk in/out of your ship instead of the fade-to-black aspect we currently have. With even the largest player ships flying like fighter jets, a lot of the old ideas kind of don't mix anymore, or even make much sense. Case in point, Braben mentioned stuff like getting into combat, your cargo hold gets blasted open so now you are losing cargo and need to go repair it, internal fires that need to be put out, etc... If you leave your ships cockpit to deal with these, you are going to get destroyed immediately by what ever other ship is fighting you. ED doesn't have artificial gravity so having crew try to deal with these issues while your Corvette flies around like an F22 means the inertia would prevent the crew from actually being able to accomplish anything. Going into speculation, I could see these mechanics working if large ships were a lot less maneuverable and could remain largely stationary while repairs took place during combat but that would require rebalancing turreted weapons so that they would be just as lethal as gimbled if not fixed weapons.

There is a lot that can be done with ship interiors but ED isn't really a space sim so much as it is a space arcade with a really REALLY awesome galactic model of a map that unfortunately we can't do a whole lot with.

Last edit: 14 Mar 2022, 2:11pm
15 Mar 2022, 10:51am
SalmoneaSo... I wrote on ED forum. Guess how fast this post will disappear

forum link

I hope here is freedom of speach and I can freely tell my opinion. I am very sorry, I dont want be rude or insult somone, but after so long time of lies, broken promises, bugs and schedules I am kinda out of patience. David Braben told us he dont will sell ED studio. But for me its like he is holding this dying corpse and dont want release it to someone who can heal it. We love this game and I belive Fdevs does too. But in every case of love if something goes wrong and one in realationship suffers from that love, we should let that person go. I dont understand why you cant just admint you took biger bite than you can handle. I think for example Microsoft could save this game. I know you will delete this posts very quicky, but nevermind. At least you will just know one voice from thousands devoted and disappointed customers.

I disagree with the idea that Microsoft being able to save this game, Microsoft wouldn’t know what todo with it

microsoft would give the client away and implement loot box micro tx and shut down arx, bgs, updates, cg, and anything else that required headcount besides an azure server.
16 Mar 2022, 4:25am
Damn that witch space is really magic I had two officers front of me before during the opening hyperspace portal and after jump I am lookin at some diferent two people Who are they?
16 Mar 2022, 5:29am
Recently found a planet without atmosphere and with big-ass craters. Tried to drive through one of it on SRV, but it feels like you would never reach crater walls on SRV cause of sloppy low gravity driving and cause outside of the ship craters feel much bigger.
16 Mar 2022, 11:35am
Sorry another Newbie question, I have Raw components what do I do with them,? do they have any value?

many thanks

CMDR Longshanks
16 Mar 2022, 11:38am
Longshanks3054Sorry another Newbie question, I have Raw components what do I do with them,? do they have any value?

many thanks

CMDR Longshanks

Someday my friend, you will use it with engineers
16 Mar 2022, 11:41am
Longshanks3054Sorry another Newbie question, I have Raw components what do I do with them,? do they have any value?

many thanks

CMDR Longshanks

Raw materials are used for various unlocks and synthesis and upgrade recipes. They are like additional currency as you cannot buy them. They are only subject to trade at material traders for other materials from same category.
16 Mar 2022, 12:00pm
Episparh the Blunt
Longshanks3054Sorry another Newbie question, I have Raw components what do I do with them,? do they have any value?

many thanks

CMDR Longshanks

Raw materials are used for various unlocks and synthesis and upgrade recipes. They are like additional currency as you cannot buy them. They are only subject to trade at material traders for other materials from same category.

Thank you you friend....think it going to take a very long time before I unlock all the secrets of ED :-)

be Well
16 Mar 2022, 12:05pm
I'd like to rename my CMDR as he was so stupid he died by his own error far out of the Bubble, the ships he gained would transfer in family, I guess. Is there a way to do this without losing ships and progress?

Anyway this Ironman run lasted almost three months, with three near deaths, so it's kind of been fun.

Anyway, Heylindh is dead, and the take over of family assets will be made by Tiffany S.H. Yür, 5th cousin in the Yür-clan.
16 Mar 2022, 1:41pm
You can request your name change with customer support but you shouldn't change it too frequently
16 Mar 2022, 1:46pm
GryphnnYou can request your name change with customer support but you shouldn't change it too frequently

Thank you for the info, probably too much hassle to do that. I guess the family Yür will keep Heylindh's name on the ships, for now at least. He's anyway the Cmdr who's been furthest out in the family. The next logbooks here in Inara will be written by another member of the family, then.
16 Mar 2022, 5:31pm
T.S.Heylindh Yür
GryphnnYou can request your name change with customer support but you shouldn't change it too frequently

Thank you for the info, probably too much hassle to do that. I guess the family Yür will keep Heylindh's name on the ships, for now at least. He's anyway the Cmdr who's been furthest out in the family. The next logbooks here in Inara will be written by another member of the family, then.

17 Mar 2022, 12:35am
I am starting to believe Settlement Defense Plans don't exist. I have been looking for them at Irregular Markers with threat 2 or 3 and in Command Centers in Restore missions. Nada.

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