Elite: Game talk

09 Mar 2022, 1:55pm
Anti Xeno alliance news is so funny. They're fighting to see who will be the next NPC to not have the ability to kill thargoid interceptors. Worthless, the lot of them. lol
09 Mar 2022, 1:56pm
UmbrellaCorpAnti Xeno alliance news is so funny. They're fighting to see who will be the next NPC to not have the ability to kill thargoid interceptors. Worthless, the lot of them. lol
Somebody has to be a punchbag! And not only the Thargoids.
10 Mar 2022, 1:26pm
How much are fleet carriers now
10 Mar 2022, 1:26pm
Bon YasharalaHow much are fleet carriers now

They start at 5 billion and go up from there depending on what upgrades you put on them.
10 Mar 2022, 1:49pm
Episparh the BluntMy FSDs WHEN?

WhErE mY POwEr PlANts?

(Was I the first?)
10 Mar 2022, 2:33pm
Hello CMDRS My Fleet Carrier QUEEN OF THE VOID  V7Q-B8W is Departing from Colonia --> Bubble 05:00 PM GMT +1 from Eol Prou RS-T d3-258
Shipyard and other services are installed for those who need to bring more than 1 ship Stay Safe CMDRs o7
10 Mar 2022, 2:42pm
Bon YasharalaHow much are fleet carriers now

They start at 5 billion and go up from there depending on what upgrades you put on them.

thank you
10 Mar 2022, 5:48pm
Hi people! Im playing ED with Geforce Now... and also I wanna buy a hotas controller (maybe the logitech x52)... since GFN does not have support for hotas controllers, I read that you can use a software called "xbox 360 controller emulator" to transform the inputs of the hotas into a "xbox controller", so then GFN recognize as a xbox controller. Does anyone tried this solution? I really wanna know if this works well before I jump into buying the hotas !! Thanks everybody !
10 Mar 2022, 7:19pm
James HussarFDev/Elite Dangerous abandons consoles.

It was obvious. R.I.P

Episparh the BluntMy FSDs WHEN?

WhErE mY POwEr PlANts?

(Was I the first?)

I wonder how many of you guys will rage when they realize that it is just single engineered, overcharged power plant
10 Mar 2022, 7:30pm
10 Mar 2022, 7:33pm
Episparh the BluntI wonder how many of you guys will rage when they realize that it is just single engineered, overcharged power plant

Apparently not
10 Mar 2022, 7:58pm
Ah, pinky promise , it is better! It is so good it improves Odyssey performance.
10 Mar 2022, 11:30pm
Like, all they had to do was call the engineering something else... "CG will reward one specially ubercharged PP". Would save SO MUCH aggravation over 'is this the ubercharged one, or yet another one of my normal overcharged PPs'.

They've added an asterisk in some spots for double engineered (and presumably for this special engineered PP) but it's hit and miss still.
11 Mar 2022, 7:48am
I couldn't be bothered with a fourth hauling CG in a row even for some super-duper power plants. It looks like I developed a resistance to FOMO

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