Elite: Game talk

18 Mar 2022, 2:19pm
Salmoneayou racist

Hey, they're killing those greedy stupid power-hungry aggressive arseholes innocent people!

Yuna SakashiroNot an option for me while I'm in a pro-xeno squadron.

Don't resist the temptation!

Right Sometimes is better stand on no one's side.. Only on self own.
18 Mar 2022, 2:22pm
SalmoneaRight Sometimes is better stand on no one's side.. Only on self own.
Humanity may be a bunch of stupid, power-hungry and greedy arseholes, but those arseholes deserve a chance to become non-arseholes! Won't quite be possible if they become Thargoid food...
18 Mar 2022, 2:25pm
SalmoneaRight Sometimes is better stand on no one's side.. Only on self own.

Humanity may be a bunch of stupid, power-hungry and greedy arseholes, but those arseholes deserve a chance to become non-arseholes! Won't quite be possible if they become Thargoid food...

A snackcrifice
18 Mar 2022, 4:50pm
What's a good way to make money towards a fleet carrier
I've been assuming that randomly doing ground conflicts, while fun, isn't going to make much too quick
18 Mar 2022, 4:53pm
DuplixityWhat's a good way to make money towards a fleet carrier
I've been assuming that randomly doing ground conflicts, while fun, isn't going to make much too quick

with a couple friends wing mining and trading missions are very effective, took me 5 nights with a group of 4 running those missions to gather the finds.
18 Mar 2022, 4:54pm
btw the mining missions were done by buying the necessary materials rather than actually mining
18 Mar 2022, 5:45pm
high payed mission also welcome for fc upkeep.. im doing so the last days.. 50 mil. for each mission with a little bit costs for the neede materials..
18 Mar 2022, 5:49pm
Your missions can't go "Wooooo!" that funny when you're completing them!
18 Mar 2022, 7:26pm
So, what is the basic loadout for current CG, I did not have a chance to play as a pirate yet.
Looks like fun.
Anybody ?
18 Mar 2022, 8:17pm
there are many ship types at the cg combat zones so there is no basic loadout i would say, get well armed and have some fun
you can pick the shisp step by step, in my fights there are mostly one or two opponents i have to deal with at the same time, sometimes three.
but there are many ships on your side and when you got to muched damaged u can thrust away to regain or jump to the next starport for repairs..
18 Mar 2022, 8:49pm
If you're taking damage in space CZ then you're doing something terribly wrong...
18 Mar 2022, 8:49pm
Thanks Alex,
this game, for some reason, made me very scared of loosing my ship, so I keep away from any combat related activities
my first kill was a drone on a planet surface, boy did it feel good
I know, most of you fighters are scratching your head by now, but for me this was more real than ever (VR had something to do with that)
so going back to my question ,
all I need is a combat ship, a good one, like type 7 and go and find CZ in the CG system
and kill bunch of pirates
no need for hunting down and pulling pirates from hyperspace, right ?
18 Mar 2022, 8:53pm
all I need is a combat ship, a good one, like type 7 and go and find CZ in the CG system
and kill bunch of pirates
no need for hunting down and pulling pirates from hyperspace, right ?

Type 7 is probably a bad choice;
but if you got nothing else, just slap in a good shield, some good weapons and call it a day.
You can easily fly into one of the lower resource mining zones and just steal kills from the local police.
(Until you feel competent enough to take on a real fight)
18 Mar 2022, 8:56pm
all I need is a combat ship, a good one, like type 7 and go and find CZ in the CG system
and kill bunch of pirates
no need for hunting down and pulling pirates from hyperspace, right ?

May I say, forget the type 7, go for an Alliance Cheiftan, a little more expensive but far better for combat.

Also, try this site for tips https://sites.google.com/view/ed-pve-combat/builds/recommended-progression
18 Mar 2022, 8:57pm
Type 7 is a combat ship? Are people misusing it as a cargo hauler?

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