Elite: Game talk

05 Apr 2022, 12:57am
With Trade Routes, how do people find their own? A lot of Trade Routes on here usually have no stock making them useless. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something here?
05 Apr 2022, 1:05am
KaibrWith Trade Routes, how do people find their own? A lot of Trade Routes on here usually have no stock making them useless. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something here?

You can set a minimum supply in the search parameters. In the results list, pay attention to when the route was last updated. A route that had 5,000 supply one hour ago should still be good for a while.
05 Apr 2022, 2:41am
KaibrWith Trade Routes, how do people find their own? A lot of Trade Routes on here usually have no stock making them useless. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something here?

Yes, the supply runs easily out if you do just one thing. And the demand with the highly priced items dimininshes easily as well, if you run a Type-7 full runs quickly. Sometimes the best station to sell changes after just one day of intensive trading. This has caused me to have to change ship to a smaller one (serving outposts) to keep trade going. I haven't tried intensively to keep the stations in good working order so they can produce more of the high-pay item, but makes just general sense to supply materials they demand.

F.e. I ran weapons supply from a military installation to three-four stations in the neighborhood, and the supply quickly ran out, only when I brought in food and components they demanded the production picked up again. Some (low-paying) items seem to never run out like food/drink related produce on a station with agricultural economy with an earthlike under it, so it's an easy export to choose. I'd say, local knowledge of say 10 nearby stars and stations within can keep the trade routes running for longer, but eventually you need to change the method and supplies you trade anyway. Or move to another place.
05 Apr 2022, 12:58pm
I have had a good outcome with this Guardian relics CG, and I really hope the community can get to tier 5 and help turn this galaxy into a radioactive slag heap to handle the thargoids (glaring at Private COE).

this post/video shows a limpet bombing at unity with the return volume. In it there is system, coordinates, and azimuth shown in odysey coordinates. (HZ may have different coordinates but its the same)

the DOWNVOTED reddit

the vid/data

Last edit: 05 Apr 2022, 1:25pm
05 Apr 2022, 1:08pm
JiirnI have had a good outcome with this Guardian relics CG, and I really hope the community can get to tier 5 and help turn this galaxy into a radioactive slag heap to handle the thargoids (glaring at Private COE).

this post/video shows a limpet bombing at unity with the return volume. In it there is system, coordinates, and azimuth shown in odysey coordinates. (HZ may have different coordinates but its the same)


More Thargoids, more fun!
05 Apr 2022, 1:20pm
KaibrWith Trade Routes, how do people find their own? A lot of Trade Routes on here usually have no stock making them useless. I'm just wondering if I'm missing something here?

05 Apr 2022, 2:46pm
Dear Galnet writers, people like interesting news. Looking at the 4 stories on the front page I see a fake vote for marlonists, a fake vote for hudson, a fake CG with cheap goods and a note about a CG that already ended. We all understand that there's no new content coming down the pipe. But at least the news can be interesting. How about some new alien news? Obviously it doesn't have to have new content following it. Just us a rumor that isn't true, something, ANYTHING. Just make it interesting, because at least for the time being, your stories are the only new content that we get.
05 Apr 2022, 3:20pm
Elite Dangerous has the least amount of new content of all active MMOs on planet earth right now. That I have the courage to state that is not indicative of tik tok video watching, whatever the hell that is. The twists and turns that you're referring to are all in your imagination. The rest of us can clearly see that no new content has been released. But you know what? Keep telling them how wonderful their work (or lack thereof) is. You deserve exactly what you're getting - nothing.
05 Apr 2022, 3:22pm
UmbrellaCorpDear Galnet writers
INARA isn't an official forum, I doubt they will read your messages.
05 Apr 2022, 3:23pm
YE its a 3th party tool
05 Apr 2022, 5:16pm
UmbrellaCorpElite Dangerous has the least amount of new content ...

You may be right on new content part, BUT what it has is the best VR immersion out there.
05 Apr 2022, 5:59pm
UmbrellaCorpElite Dangerous has the least amount of new content of all active MMOs on planet earth right now. That I have the courage to state that is not indicative of tik tok video watching, whatever the hell that is. The twists and turns that you're referring to are all in your imagination. The rest of us can clearly see that no new content has been released. But you know what? Keep telling them how wonderful their work (or lack thereof) is. You deserve exactly what you're getting - nothing.

Defenceless 0%, Directionless 0%. Not sure what you're waiting for, but you haven't even touched the content they dropped last year.
05 Apr 2022, 6:47pm
UmbrellaCorpYou deserve exactly what you're getting - nothing.

I have fun and joy by playing ED, it is still a Space Sim. All the players with different storys,factions and roleplay making this game great. The content we got with Horizon is huge for me. And i am still loving and playing it even more then before. I am playing only on Xbox
05 Apr 2022, 7:45pm
UmbrellaCorpElite Dangerous has the least amount of new content of all active MMOs on planet earth right now. That I have the courage to state that is not indicative of tik tok video watching, whatever the hell that is. The twists and turns that you're referring to are all in your imagination. The rest of us can clearly see that no new content has been released. But you know what? Keep telling them how wonderful their work (or lack thereof) is. You deserve exactly what you're getting - nothing.

My dude, Elite is a Sandbox not a god damn Theme park like WoW or Final Fantasy, or any hundreds of other MMO games out there. Also Galnet is the OFFICIAL news of Elite ran by FRONTIER themselves. There's a lot of content in Elite as it is, a lot of it is just also very hidden and it's up to the Players to explore and find it. Hell EVE ONLINE barely gets new content and has largely remained the same over the years it's been active.
05 Apr 2022, 11:14pm
I think the frustration a lot of us have is that major gap between what the game is and has been compared to what it could be. That gap has only widened over the years. So much untapped potential that will never be realized given their track record.

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