Elite: Game talk

01 Apr 2022, 5:22am
MalottheadSo where do we pick up the heat sinks?

Here we go again...
01 Apr 2022, 5:28am
01 Apr 2022, 5:36am
Adding experimental effects to those pre-engineered drives is already possible. I recently added thermal spread to one of mine, and it worked. The UI was a bit weird though, it would temporarily show the drive as grade 1, but after relogging it displayed as grade 5 again, with the added effect. The stats were changed accordingly.
01 Apr 2022, 5:40am
I was able to upgrade the 3a and 4a but the 6a wouldn’t
01 Apr 2022, 5:46am
MalottheadI was able to upgrade the 3a and 4a but the 6a wouldn’t

Interesting. I upgraded the 6A. It was in my T-9, which is why I needed thermal spread. The ship was fully engineered and had a tendency to overheat with fast boot FSDs.
01 Apr 2022, 5:51am
That is interesting, I just tried a few days ago it’s in my conda and still wouldn’t allow me to add
01 Apr 2022, 6:02am
Here's what it looked like in outfitting:

I don't have the drive any more because I started a new playthrough a few days ago, but you can see it was all there. Pre-engineered, grade 5 increased range, 2 seconds boot time, thermal spread effect. And the drive did work as advertised. Before I added the effect, it was practically useless for me because it roasted my T-9 while charging.

Are you playing Odyssey? Maybe Horizons behaves differently.
01 Apr 2022, 6:14am
I’m landing at farseers right now I’m gonna try again

I’m on horizons but I’m setting up my new pc this weekend so I’ll probably be starting odyssey if I don’t start star citezen instead. And it keeps giving me the can’t modify pre engineered #10

Last edit: 01 Apr 2022, 6:22am
01 Apr 2022, 6:55am
Tbh I'm not a fan of those one-off modules you can get only if you're at the right place at the right time. It's unfair to casual players who don't have the time to participate in CGs. The 5A FSD at least you can repurchase from tech brokers. FDev should add the other modules to tech brokers, too, or not introduce them in the first place. Especially in this half-assed way where you can modify some modules but not others, for no apparent reason.
01 Apr 2022, 7:02am
SakashiroTbh I'm not a fan of those one-off modules you can get only if you're at the right place at the right time. It's unfair to casual players who don't have the time to participate in CGs. The 5A FSD at least you can repurchase from tech brokers. FDev should add the other modules to tech brokers, too, or not introduce them in the first place. Especially in this half-assed way where you can modify some modules but not others, for no apparent reason.

I'm still waiting for the availability at tech brokers. Only a few pre-engineered modules have made it to that point so far.
01 Apr 2022, 2:46pm
MalottheadI’m landing at farseers right now I’m gonna try again

I’m on horizons but I’m setting up my new pc this weekend so I’ll probably be starting odyssey if I don’t start star citezen instead. And it keeps giving me the can’t modify pre engineered #10

If you get that error, store the drive, reinstall and try again.
01 Apr 2022, 3:23pm
Can someone join im squadron please and why is a fleet carrier so good to get
01 Apr 2022, 4:02pm
Dragon GamingCan someone join im squadron please and why is a fleet carrier so good to get

Depends on what you are aexpecting and what do you want to di with it. I pay more than 30 milions per week for mainterance.
01 Apr 2022, 6:05pm
Dragon GamingCan someone join im squadron please and why is a fleet carrier so good to get

Depends on what you are aexpecting and what do you want to di with it. I pay more than 30 milions per week for mainterance.

But still I just play ed but no one is on ed so it why I say I need someone to play ed with me
01 Apr 2022, 6:14pm
Is there a particular Thargoid surface site that is better than others for farming their materials or does it really matter?

Edit: Nvm. Found a good spot.

Last edit: 01 Apr 2022, 7:54pm

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