Elite: Game talk

11 May 2022, 3:01am
Tiffany YürBesides, you can fly freely in at least high res -sites, if you do not deploy hard points. Do you want to see how police forces take out other NPCs? Go to Res without weapons drawn. Thought that easy bounties would be possible this way, shoot a couple of laser shots at an npc the police has almost taken out, but this is not possible, you need to be an active bounty hunter and likely show some initiative to get the bounty.

Is it still a thing where if you wait for pirates to engage their FSD and then start shooting them so that they turn to attack you but never draw their hardpoints? Certainly used to be the case. A little cheezy but worth it when you're green and you can take down a conda in your cobra3.

I don't know of that, but at least you can tailgate a criminal and wait until there are enough police forces around, and just then start the decommission of the criminal vehicle.
11 May 2022, 6:32am
QuillmonkeyIs it still a thing where if you wait for pirates to engage their FSD and then start shooting them so that they turn to attack you but never draw their hardpoints? Certainly used to be the case. A little cheezy but worth it when you're green and you can take down a conda in your cobra3.

This used to happen in assassination missions but never in resource extraction sites, as far as I remember. In a RES, once they start charging FSDs, you have only a few seconds left to kill them before they are gone. They won't turn around.
11 May 2022, 7:29am
AguilarIt’s a psychological high for the ganker, they think they have the ultimate control and get a kick out of it.

Absolutely. I know because I got similar kicks out of gank evasion. Angry reactions are rewarding.

I spent some time on a ganker discord. They had a dedicated channel #endless-reddit-crying where they shared posts and snippets from social media and other places where people complained about gankers. Screenshots of chat or direct messages from the game were frequently posted, too. Some gank victims (aka "care bears") really lose their cool when losing their ships and post nasty things. All those were presented like trophies.

But regarding gank evasion, some of them behaved like care bears, too. I was invited to and kicked out of that discord at least three times. Ironically I was kicked off the Gank Evasion Academy discord for pretty much the same reasons. Gankers are a very sensitive bunch and often hypocritical. If you deny them the gratification they are looking for, they will cut you off. Which is basically the same as combat logging, only in a different medium.
11 May 2022, 1:09pm
Re: Hyperdiction hostilities.
In addition to possessing Guardian Artefacts, Thargoid Items and the like, if you have any momentum and bump into one of them before they have all started the 'Entering Hyperspace sequence' they will consider it a ram and go hostile. If you don't want to agro them it is best to set throttle to zero and enable flight assist to ensure this doesn't happen.
11 May 2022, 3:20pm
Renamed my Vette Tender Heart after local ganked kept .calling people in our squad on PS carebears hehehehe
11 May 2022, 4:43pm
Alex Hoffmannhow can it be fun to kill much weaker players in a way they could no defend themselve ? this is bullshit, my meaning.

its not . its why CQC is dead.. no one wants a fair fight or a fight that people can attack back . this has been provem time and time again .. lol
11 May 2022, 4:51pm
witht that sayd some events in this game should be reserved for online only specailly cgs and expanding with bgs and pwoer play .. i still remember that you coudl kill other players from other factions and get merits. but allas the pvpers (gankers mostly) started abusing that feture and it was caned .. :/

ps isnted of complaning about gankers just block and report and move on folks . why give attention to kids and people who dont deserve it .. alot of the gankers are underage children to .. one of the head guys in spear was doxxing them and it turns out a bunch of them are kids lol
11 May 2022, 5:01pm
Alex Hoffmannhow can it be fun to kill much weaker players in a way they could no defend themselve ? this is bullshit, my meaning.

its not . its why CQC is dead.. no one wants a fair fight or a fight that people can attack back . this has been provem time and time again .. lol

CQC isn't dead because people don't want fair fights. It's dead specifically because it doesn't produce fair fights.
There are no 'weight classes'. You enter as a novice and fight against max prestige pilots fully decked out in the best fighter and modules. Additionally, the P2P and F2P aspect means cheating is common. Those aren't all the reasons that CQC is dead but only the ones that address your comment.
11 May 2022, 7:10pm
Somebody clogged the hose pipe...............
11 May 2022, 7:46pm
Kelootps isnted of complaning about gankers just block and report and move on folks . why give attention to kids and people who dont deserve it .. alot of the gankers are underage children to .. one of the head guys in spear was doxxing them and it turns out a bunch of them are kids lol

Once you start blocking, you might as well stay in solo, because you will not only block gankers but also everyone else who happens to be in the same instance with a ganker.

Reporting gankers is a waste of time because ganking does not violate any rules. However, doxxing does.

Oh, and comparing gankers to underage children while defending SPEAR's doxxing is EXACTLY what carebears would do. Stop the name-calling and learn to play the game, ffs.
11 May 2022, 8:16pm
o btw reporting gankers is a waste of time?? naw it works . specailly when they start getting warning emails from fdev lol

and blocking does work . wich is funny because a bunch of gankers block me to when i repet gank them with a viper.. and my galaxy is not empty .. just yesterday met around 20 new comanders to in game in the edo starter zone .. and had no problems with them i guess its a ganker problem there galaxy is empty lol wounder why

again wont discuss any futher . i guess arguing with gankers and the defenders is really wierd ... they excuse shity behaviur and when called out on it they double down on the behaviur and keep doing the same thing over and over again .. no wounder there community is what it is lol
11 May 2022, 8:23pm
" . but what actaully was proven and has been over time . again and again " Proven? I don't think you['re quite right there.

As for:
gankers are primerly lgtq people . underage and furrys and mentally ill people ."

" because peoplea are mentaly ill and cant act like decent human beings "

These are your opinons, not facts..
11 May 2022, 8:26pm
Kelootgankers are primerly lgtq people .... and mentally ill people
Hey, WTF?! Just... WTF, man?!
11 May 2022, 8:29pm
Just for the clarity - some of the recent posts were removed and a warning was issued, so let's leave this topic...
11 May 2022, 8:31pm
ArtieJust for the clarity - some of the recent posts were removed and a warning was issued, so let's leave this topic...

yes my bad

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