Elite: Game talk

02 Apr 2022, 2:38pm
Nick NovaThis might be old news but it's new to me. Just thought i'd share.
Im farming guardian relics and just realized that you can successfully carbet bomb the guardian structure with limpets.
It's a bit tricky to find a good position but when you do, you get a return rate of around 50%. Relog and repeat.
I brought my mining cutter with 512 limpets and it's filling up fast.

industrial farming
02 Apr 2022, 6:45pm
Nick NovaThis might be old news but it's new to me. Just thought i'd share.
Im farming guardian relics and just realized that you can successfully carpet bomb the guardian structure with limpets.
It's a bit tricky to find a good position but when you do, you get a return rate of around 50%. Relog and repeat.
I brought my mining cutter with 512 limpets and it's filling up fast.

so limpets turn into guardian relics after re-login ? really ?

I smell April joke here, lol
02 Apr 2022, 7:04pm
Nick NovaThis might be old news but it's new to me. Just thought i'd share.
Im farming guardian relics and just realized that you can successfully carpet bomb the guardian structure with limpets.
It's a bit tricky to find a good position but when you do, you get a return rate of around 50%. Relog and repeat.
I brought my mining cutter with 512 limpets and it's filling up fast.

so limpets turn into guardian relics after re-login ? really ?

I smell April joke here, lol

But it's true. At some Guardian sites you can pick up relics with limpets. Relog, and you can do it again.
02 Apr 2022, 7:06pm
Your way sounds much cooler but no.
Made a video of it:
02 Apr 2022, 7:08pm
Nick NovaThis might be old news but it's new to me. Just thought i'd share.
Im farming guardian relics and just realized that you can successfully carpet bomb the guardian structure with limpets.
It's a bit tricky to find a good position but when you do, you get a return rate of around 50%. Relog and repeat.
I brought my mining cutter with 512 limpets and it's filling up fast.

so limpets turn into guardian relics after re-login ? really ?

I smell April joke here, lol

No it is kind of a tricky technique to farm surface materials, you fly in with your ship, flip it over and spam the limpets xD
Stay ~200m above ground on your back with ~600m to your target
02 Apr 2022, 7:16pm
Relogging is such an essential gameplay mechanic of Elite, I think FDev should dedicate a button to it.
02 Apr 2022, 7:21pm
SakashiroRelogging is such an essential gameplay mechanic of Elite, I think FDev should dedicate a button to it.

Nope rename game " Elite Relog "
02 Apr 2022, 7:23pm
Nick Nova
Im farming guardian relics and just realized that you can successfully carpet bomb the guardian structure with limpets.

ok, good,
when I read "carpet bomb" I am seeing this:
opening my cargo door and dropping all my limpets like I would when doing a carpet bomb run, simple

then in your video its much simpler than that
just use the limpets to pickup the artifacts from the ground, forgot you can do that
I LMAO when I realized that this is in fact possible, at a somewhat big loss of limpets, but much easier than driving around avoiding drones and obstacles.
and collecting much faster the stuff you want

for me, going into my SRV is a treat
but thank you for sharing,
you made me laugh at myself for forgetting that things in life don't have to be difficult
will come in handy when in t9 unable to land close due to the terrain being a pile of poo
02 Apr 2022, 7:24pm
Elite Tedious.
02 Apr 2022, 7:36pm
Elite crashed again
02 Apr 2022, 8:35pm
Elite: Damnit
02 Apr 2022, 8:44pm
Nick NovaYour way sounds much cooler but no.
Made a video of it:

impossible. My limpets everytime get destoyed when they reach the surface
02 Apr 2022, 9:19pm

impossible. My limpets everytime get destoyed when they reach the surface

Limpet farming works only on low G worlds - around 0.1G and you need to find correct angle.
02 Apr 2022, 10:16pm
Has the auto launch feature been deliberately fubared or is it just me? I can barely leave any station using it without bouncing off the walls or all around, but not through the mail slot. I can, of course, do it it manually and do, but the Advanced Docking Computer is a feature I paid for, it would be nice if it worked.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Apr 2022, 2:42pm
02 Apr 2022, 10:41pm
Mine has been hitting the edge of the mail slot on occasion, but nothing major. This discussion prolly belongs in game talk.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Apr 2022, 2:42pm

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