Elite: Game talk

06 Apr 2022, 2:22am
been away from game for a bit. did they do something to engineers or get rid of some? just went to The Brig up here in Luchtaine near Colonia and it's gone. still is in EDDB though. /shrugs.
06 Apr 2022, 4:14am

Defenceless 0%, Directionless 0%. Not sure what you're waiting for, but you haven't even touched the content they dropped last year.

much as I don't agree with the original poster, Inara seems to not show my on foot ranks either (mostly defenseless, compiler). They could be fully engaged with odyssey and still complaining.
06 Apr 2022, 6:55am
Woeful Jokerbeen away from game for a bit. did they do something to engineers or get rid of some? just went to The Brig up here in Luchtaine near Colonia and it's gone. still is in EDDB though. /shrugs.

engineers are still there, im right now at colonia too and visited the brig and others a few days ago.. all fine. many personal equipment engineers had been added since the odyssey realase.
06 Apr 2022, 7:52am
Woeful Jokerbeen away from game for a bit. did they do something to engineers or get rid of some? just went to The Brig up here in Luchtaine near Colonia and it's gone. still is in EDDB though. /shrugs.

You have not yet discovered Mel Brandon, so you will not see him on the map.
06 Apr 2022, 8:39am

You have not yet discovered Mel Brandon, so you will not see him on the map.

I do not think it works that way. Engineering bases exists , they are just hostile toward you if you do not have invitation.
06 Apr 2022, 8:44am
I do not think it works that way. Engineering bases exists , they are just hostile toward you if you do not have invitation.

yep, confirmed. they exist but are not accessable till invitation. im on the way to get them unlocked atm..

btw is the invitation from Eleanor Bresa bugged ? visited more than 5 settlements in colonia.. walking around, doing some stuff, get scanned.. but still now invitation, even after relog. strange.

..lol.. got the invitation, the message only didn´t appear as new message in the menu so i dind´t saw it imidediately.. so invitation is still working

Last edit: 06 Apr 2022, 9:04am
06 Apr 2022, 9:08am
Mr Sloppymuch as I don't agree with the original poster, Inara seems to not show my on foot ranks either (mostly defenseless, compiler). They could be fully engaged with odyssey and still complaining.

Even if you go back to Horizons, your Odyssey ranks remain visible in the achievements history.
06 Apr 2022, 9:09am

You have not yet discovered Mel Brandon, so you will not see him on the map.

I do not think it works that way. Engineering bases exists , they are just hostile toward you if you do not have invitation.

I said on the map, aka the engineer icon.
06 Apr 2022, 2:00pm
Even if you go back to Horizons, your Odyssey ranks remain visible in the achievements history.

Well so they do! Kind of annoying that playing with friends in horizons wipes achievements on inara, but I expect that is because of fdev dodgy data.
I'm only just beginning my odyssey journey, so issues like this are new to me.
06 Apr 2022, 2:48pm
Mr Sloppy
Even if you go back to Horizons, your Odyssey ranks remain visible in the achievements history.

Well so they do! Kind of annoying that playing with friends in horizons wipes achievements on inara, but I expect that is because of fdev dodgy data.
I'm only just beginning my odyssey journey, so issues like this are new to me.

The wipe is only temporary. As soon as you log into Odyssey and import the data, the ranks will be back.
07 Apr 2022, 1:31am
Off the grind Guardian materials. Gotta get those unlocks so I can pester the space flowers.
07 Apr 2022, 2:28am
KurakilOff the grind Guardian materials. Gotta get those unlocks so I can pester the space flowers.

Pestering space flowers is always fun
07 Apr 2022, 5:18am
I just love spending my day exploring and having a fruitful time just to get ganked and lose all my data.
07 Apr 2022, 6:51am
AguilarI just love spending my day exploring and having a fruitful time just to get ganked and lose all my data.

Typical Story
07 Apr 2022, 7:01am
AguilarI just love spending my day exploring and having a fruitful time just to get ganked and lose all my data.

Typical Story

Yep I normally wouldn’t give a poo, but loosing data for 40 systems is somewhat irritating.

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