Elite: Game talk

today, 5:55pm
Rawnu I also love the idea of it being a city (mine is called Night City anyway, for various reasons), but then it would need more modules like a shopping mall, a casino, a night club, a sports club, a church etc. I would love to turn this into its on little world, like Babylon 5.

First we'd need actual, proper solid interiors instead of glorified mission boards and outfitting shops which have taxi services attached on the side.

Because as it is, the concourse is A, not even a gameplay space and B, hardly something I can consider a "social hub". The best thing you can do there in that regard is look at ships come and go to/from the docking bay of a station. Which would be fine if there were other areas of the station that actually seem like a place people want to go to and live in, not morons shouting at you to go massacre civilians nilly-willy, Pioneer Supplies is peddling guns that would probably barely even qualify as civilian-grade weaponry, and some person is literally allowing you to sign up as a mercenary to go fight in conflict zones.
today, 6:47pm
A factions module, where local/sector factions can post missions: that would be damn fantastic! Or factions with whom you have friendly/allied status. Oh dang, that would really make your FC a full-blown station. I also love the idea of it being a city (mine is called Night City anyway, for various reasons), but then it would need more modules like a shopping mall, a casino, a night club, a sports club, a church etc. I would love to turn this into its on little world, like Babylon 5.

You'd need a larger Carrier, but the factions module is a darn good idea...

As it is, I'm happy with what I have, since I was unable to get all services working for me I'm even considering uninstalling some of them.

From my PoV, we should be able to upgrade and engineer them the way we do ships, obviously it would be more costly, but navigation and range could be improved...
today, 7:42pm
We talk a lot about our wish lists but is there any way to pass those ideas to Frontier Developers?
today, 8:25pm
Kasumi Goto
Because as it is, the concourse is A, not even a gameplay space and B, hardly something I can consider a "social hub". The best thing you can do there in that regard is look at ships come and go to/from the docking bay of a station. Which would be fine if there were other areas of the station that actually seem like a place people want to go to and live in, not morons shouting at you to go massacre civilians nilly-willy, Pioneer Supplies is peddling guns that would probably barely even qualify as civilian-grade weaponry, and some person is literally allowing you to sign up as a mercenary to go fight in conflict zones.

Its also a pointless waste to have to jog along to a pointless lift that works like no lift ever has (select your destination before entering, even though there is only ever one destination), and why only one destination on any station, you fly over all those areas coming in why not get to visit them
How about a shuttle car service from ship exit ramp to any area on the station.

Area 1, Food Concourse, bars and restaurants
You can meet your wing mates over a cease fire salad
The proprietors may ask you to source rare stuff for them - Ochoeng Chillies and Buckyball beer mats etc

and here's a thing, it seems the Bar tenders are really good at dodgy trading but why can't you buy a sodding drink and a Magellan elephant shark steak.

Area 2, Transport services.
Taxi service ticket desk and a viewport overlooking the taxi rank to watch them coming an going
space tours travel agency, (where you can look at the pleasure cruises and do the passenger mission board stuff).

Area 3, Shopping Mall
Where you can buy your gear. do you Exobiologic hand-ins.
.....but the weapon shop has a gun range to try everything out

Area 4. Ship sales and Yard, where you not only get to see a holo of the ships but can actually walk round them,

Area 5. Other bays, yes there are thousands of ships docked, but you can only see your or the others taking off and landing,

Others: Why can't you go the the park, sports centre or visit one of those massive statues they have in some of the bugger stations.

ie do something that is more interesting, because a the moment the concourse it just an awkward menu system for missions.

of course none of this will come to pass because we all know this half arsed Odyssey stuff will not get an proper first person expansion.
today, 11:23pm
RawnuQuestions for Fleet Carrier owners:
(1) How did owning an FC change your playstyle (if at all)? What is now different for combat, trading, exploration, mining etc.?

I use it very much as a mobile homebase. All of my ships and modules are stored on it, I do the bulk of engineering on it, and sell all of my bounties and carto data on it. I also made it available for my friends to store their ships and what-not on it.

For trade, I use it for buying cargo I "need" and letting other players bring it to me. For example, I'm currently buying all of the necessary components for corrosive resistant cargo racks for a premium. I have ships that can transport that stuff easy, so why would I buy it for extreme prices? Because I want to spend my game time doing something else, so I figure I'll pay someone else to do what I don't want to.

I plan to use if for huge amounts of trading eventually. As in, gathering some pilots, paying them a decent profit to but a bunch of cargo on my FC, then jumping the FC to wherever it sells well, then paying them to dump it off in said location. I'll make a bit on both ends.

Lastly, but probably most importantly: Have a combat-oriented ship with a low jump range? I just jump the FC near the combat I want to do, then fly the ship in and out as I please. (e.g. AX stuff)

(2) What do you wish to have as additional options for your FC (outfitting, customization etc.)?

I have all services on my FC except outfitting (for other pilots). I also don't have secure whatever storage (for stolen goods), but that's just unnecessary anyhow so meh. I plan to add outfitting (for others) service during my next relocation in the next couple days.

As far as wishlist for other services: I ABSOLUTELY want interstellar factor as a service. I don't care the price.
I love that the bartenders can actually buy and sell ground stuff (as opposed to just trade like station bartenders) BUT I wish the FC bartender could do both. (Maybe I'm just doing it wrong? I've only tried once and then flew to a nearby station instead.)

(3) Did you ever regret having an FC? (e.g. because of maintenance costs or lack of feeling "alone" in your one ship)

Nope. I have enough credits in its bank that it will stay running for a while, so it's not like it's "costing" me anything now for my personal game play. In fact, I'm even considering getting more FCs in the future (for specific purposes or locations). Like, one for going on long journeys, one for that cargo trade scenario I mentioned earlier, one for ship retail, or one/more for helping the whole bridge/breadcrumbs to Colonia.

I'll probably just stick to the one, honestly, but I just wanted to demonstrate how far away from "regret" I am.

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