Elite: Game talk
23 Dec 2022, 6:18pm
23 Dec 2022, 7:10pm
Cephy Cyclops Devinerun site, drop relic, scan terminal, log off to main menu, hop back in, use private or solo mode. It should run smooth, if it doesn't then only FDEV can help you.
That won't work if you are in a Guardian SLF site. They work only with a key from a guardian beacon.
23 Dec 2022, 10:19pm
24 Dec 2022, 12:10am
Cephy Cyclops DevineSo i've been looking at recovery progress around Taranis. basically there is a bunch of commanders eager to kill goids, but barely any to recover from attack and deliver supplies. If we want our systems and stations back we are going to need a lot more effort than what we are doing right now. systems that were saved last week have barely moved into recovery.
If mission turn in stabilizes we'll see an uptick in recovery support.
For my part, I converted my type 7 from passengers to cargo today, so I'll prolly alternate between escape pods outgoing and recovery cargo incoming.
Thanks for the reminder though. Peace. o7.
24 Dec 2022, 5:44am
intraneerAnyone know any fleet carriers heading out to Rackham's peak?
Best place to check is the Fleet Carrier Discord channel. Found a good three-day flight to Colonia and I'm having a blast at the system layovers.
24 Dec 2022, 7:05am
DirnivirGuardian sites aren't working for me. And i can't get the terminal to accept the relic. Ik what I'm going I've done it before. I rly want shard cannons cus a dude using them decimated a goid.
I've tried odyssey and horizons my friend couldn't do it either so: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/56567
Made a ticket.
Cus I also want other Guardian things I haven't unlocked yet.
Is anyone having any luck with Guardian grind if you've tried.
Also I have a billion credits in my bank cus of this Thargoid war loving it.
Which site are you in?
P.S. Checked your flight logs.
You have visited IC 2391 Sector FL-X b1-7 which is a vessel site AKA you need a Key from a beacon.
There are three types of guardian sites - be sure to visit the appropriate one.
Last edit: 24 Dec 2022, 7:43am
24 Dec 2022, 8:31pm
Happy Thargmas everyone.
25 Dec 2022, 1:39pm
Cephy Cyclops DevineSo i've been looking at recovery progress around Taranis. basically there is a bunch of commanders eager to kill goids, but barely any to recover from attack and deliver supplies. If we want our systems and stations back we are going to need a lot more effort than what we are doing right now. systems that were saved last week have barely moved into recovery.
Problem with people... I am dealing with different problem. I raised AX division in CIDE, but... Only few people are capable slay interceptors. Instead of support with killing scouts, everybody wants kill interceptors and nobody kill scouts. The result? Almost everyone do nothing.
25 Dec 2022, 1:43pm
SalmoneaInstead of support with killing scouts, everybody wants kill interceptors and nobody kill scouts. The result? Almost everyone do nothing.Well, it's not players' problem that scouts are boring.
25 Dec 2022, 2:26pm
MeowersSalmoneaInstead of support with killing scouts, everybody wants kill interceptors and nobody kill scouts. The result? Almost everyone do nothing.
Well, it's not players' problem that scouts are boring.
Sniping scouts with gauss is great practice for railgun combat, and for hitting interceptor hearts. If you're not gaussing scouts, you're missing out.
25 Dec 2022, 2:40pm
25 Dec 2022, 4:02pm
RotwhylrSniping scouts with gauss is great practice for railgun combat, and for hitting interceptor hearts. If you're not gaussing scouts, you're missing out.Well, if I find myself wanting to go and gauss interceptor hearts, nothing stops me from doing that in a direct way.
25 Dec 2022, 4:10pm
However, I'm on my way to build a couple of Plasma AX ships to see how that goes for me.
An FDL for agility, and a Fed Gunship for takishness with maximum barrels.
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