Elite: Game talk

10 Sep 2023, 12:55am
Yuna Sakashiro
Shg56What about Etienne Dorn's unlock requirements to provide 25 units of occupied escape pod, is it no doubt he will release them all free, right?

You think Dorn became the top engineer of life support technology by merely opening those pods and setting their occupants free?

I guess the morale compass could change too...

I leave that to individual judgment, after my experience in Eve, I really didn't like the cyber-bullying going on out there, praying on vulnerable players isn't my idea of fun, that's one of the reasons why I play solo and only kill bots.

I don't hurt anyone especially not a beginner with a lower level of skill who struggle to get some dosh, even if it's a "bad guy" with a bounty, I had a few blue on blue or bounties on me myself when I get a kill on a ship that was clean in another system, it happen.

Next stage, training with the fuel Rats if they're still about and active, I'm only a recruit now, but I think I like the idea of rescuing players and my Krait Phantom is engineered for the role (one of theirs fits), I wish there were more rescue mission other than the burning station ones...

At the end of the day, it's a game involving combat at different levels, not everyone enjoys it, some can deal with it, a few are compulsive killer with clear cyberbullying tendencies, we can't get them out of the game but wee can avoid them, which is what I do playing Solo.

In the case of the engineers requiring escape pods, I can imagine them using the tech and selling them as slave if they're in the right system...
10 Sep 2023, 2:51am
Grecale80Good morning CMDRS, greetings to all of you.

As member/ambassador of the ACFS Squadron, and part of the ED Italian Communty I would like to bring to your attention the story of Manuel, an unfortunate CMDR from the Italian community, who has been flying with us for many years and who, unfortunately, will no longer be with us in a few days.

Manuel is a great guy. He is the founder of the Falcon's Nest Squadron, whose main core values were precisely these: mutual help, altruism and the desire to work as a team to overcome every obstacle. Both in game and otherwise. I think these values are perfectly embodied by Manuel himself.

Manuel was diagnosed several years ago with a very painful disease that leaves no way out.

All of us, on behalf of the Italian community, would like to officially request to Frontier an asset, a station, dedicated to this brave and unfortunate CMDR


So I'm here for humbly ask to anyone of you to support this initiative

As players, we can be spanned through different countries, with different timezone and languages; we can be member of different squadrons; we can be pirates or traders; we can be explorers or bounty hunters; we can be gankers, miners, xenoally or xeno hunters; we can be Imperials or Federals, BUT we must don't forget WE ARE ALL HUMANS, and when we face the death of a friends or a dear one, the only thing we can do is stay in silence. Unfortunatly real life doesn't have a respawn mode, but we have an alternative to calm our pains for a friend's lost: let us cling together and REMEMBER.

Thanks for your attention, and for your time; and the gratitude of the entire ED Italian community to any single commander and to any single squadron that will support this initiative.

Fly Safe and Live Safe.

This touched me deeply, if there is a way to "sign" a petition, consider this my signature. 07
10 Sep 2023, 6:36am
Grecale80Good morning CMDRS, greetings to all of you.

As member/ambassador of the ACFS Squadron, and part of the ED Italian Communty I would like to bring to your attention the story of Manuel, an unfortunate CMDR from the Italian community, who has been flying with us for many years and who, unfortunately, will no longer be with us in a few days.

Manuel is a great guy. He is the founder of the Falcon's Nest Squadron, whose main core values were precisely these: mutual help, altruism and the desire to work as a team to overcome every obstacle. Both in game and otherwise. I think these values are perfectly embodied by Manuel himself.

Manuel was diagnosed several years ago with a very painful disease that leaves no way out.

All of us, on behalf of the Italian community, would like to officially request to Frontier an asset, a station, dedicated to this brave and unfortunate CMDR


So I'm here for humbly ask to anyone of you to support this initiative

As players, we can be spanned through different countries, with different timezone and languages; we can be member of different squadrons; we can be pirates or traders; we can be explorers or bounty hunters; we can be gankers, miners, xenoally or xeno hunters; we can be Imperials or Federals, BUT we must don't forget WE ARE ALL HUMANS, and when we face the death of a friends or a dear one, the only thing we can do is stay in silence. Unfortunatly real life doesn't have a respawn mode, but we have an alternative to calm our pains for a friend's lost: let us cling together and REMEMBER.

Thanks for your attention, and for your time; and the gratitude of the entire ED Italian community to any single commander and to any single squadron that will support this initiative.

Fly Safe and Live Safe.

This touched me deeply, if there is a way to "sign" a petition, consider this my signature. 07

Just click on the link in my previous post: you'll be redirected to the official petition on the Frontier's forum. You can sign there. Thanks again for your support
10 Sep 2023, 8:34am
Dear Cmdrs

Im deeply sad to inform you that Cmdr Manuel Apocalypse departed for his last trip toward the heaven this night at 11pm italian local time.

May the wind be at your back Cmdr during this last journey. And thanks for all....
13 Sep 2023, 2:12am
Had kind of a funny scene tonight. Was out loading cargo onto my carrier to support this (travesty of a) CG, and got the usual dumb NPC pirate trying to steal from an armed shield Cutter. Waited outside the no fire zone to fight. At some point throughout the encounter, I rammed into the Anaconda and I heard the FC ATC go “Is everything okay, Commander? Your flying is erratic.”

The response in my mind was “Yeah, I’m fine. Totally fine. Alive, even.”.

A Cutter’s nose takes no prisoners. And I got to witness an interaction that made the ram even more amusing.
13 Sep 2023, 3:31am
Once the NPC starts jousting, I find great pleasure whenever I manage to intentionally ram a much smaller NPC ship. It must be the ork in me that likes smashin' stuff up. "Ha, I made dat git explode!"
13 Sep 2023, 9:17am
And if they don’t explode, all that momentum being transferred tends to make them move backward for a few easy shots.
13 Sep 2023, 1:11pm
That's also an old tactics of mine, with the issue it's too much of a reflex and i have the tendency to go full GTA on the baddies whenever or not a proper move at the given situation. Which is... Unwise to put it mildly.

Pro tip; Do not mistake a brown dwarf with a pedestrian!

Last edit: 13 Sep 2023, 1:17pm
13 Sep 2023, 11:32pm
Vasil Vasilescu"Ha, I made dat git explode!"
14 Sep 2023, 12:15am
Vasil Vasilescu"Ha, I made dat git explode!"


I was so disappointed that I missed an NPC Mamba’s top side by a hair’s width when I waited for the pirate to pester me for cargo(supporting Aegis CG, for all that that’s worth now…) and I tried to ram it. It was that close.
14 Sep 2023, 5:13am
I had a lot of nearly miss moments when I was trying to ram NPC bad guys. Biggest problem was agility of my T10. Speed was not so big issue. But then, I have good ram moments too. Expert Krait 2 (again NPC). By lasers I depleted his shields and then I tried to ram him. This was succesful. Hull on Krait decreased by 70%. I lost big amount of momentum because turning manuever was not my best, so Idecided to finish him with lasers. Half a million credit bounty was solid payoff for such easy target. I had shields dropped only by 20 percent at lowest point.
14 Sep 2023, 5:33am
Kasumi GotoHad kind of a funny scene tonight. ...got the usual dumb NPC pirate trying to steal from an armed shield Cutter. Waited outside the no fire zone to fight.

I constantly had some pirates telling me some gibberish while I still unloading in docks. The ship also can be missed both in entire station area and in supercruise too. Magic...
14 Sep 2023, 11:19am
So, apparently, the seven(or was it six?) megaships set to jump on the 21st have all disappeared from the game. Oops…

I’m sure it’s fine.

(It probably is just a bug on Frontier’s end, or maybe they want us betting which of them make it to their destination in one piece… though it may be a slight problem for those who were planning to deliver refugees to them this week.)
14 Sep 2023, 11:36am
Kasumi GotoIt probably is just a bug
I like the ambiguity of this.
14 Sep 2023, 12:31pm
We won’t know until they tell us. Or don’t.

I would assume it’s not intentional, though, seeing as they are kind of central to one of the gameplay loops. But you never really know…

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