Elite: Game talk

07 Sep 2023, 12:15am
This is more about trying to turn us into... Yeah.

Pretty much speaking my mind. It wouldn’t be giving Seo any bad dreams if the Thargoids were doing this to get someone to communicate with us. I can only hope they’re not trying to do that to every human that is currently alive.
07 Sep 2023, 6:19am
Nah! They are not that bad, most of us just... You know? Gets killed.
Reassuring innit?
07 Sep 2023, 7:30am
MeowersThargoids harvesting people, putting them in pods to infect with something and then use for invasion... No, FDev game designers don't play Baldur's Gate 3 that has been released a month ago, no no no, just a coincidence.

Called it last year already.

Yuna Sakashiro
Broken Messif we ever actually get ground AX gameplay added that is.

I think we will, but maybe not the way most people would expect. FDev recently kept mentioning that the Thargoids aggressively collect occupied escape pods as if they were the hottest snack since meta-alloy.

How do you avoid the potential goofiness of a tentacled alien foot soldier that doesn't crawl along walls and ceilings like H.R. Giger's dildo-headed xenomorph? By making the alien foot soldier look like a human being, augmented with alien tech. Still scary, but much easier for the art department to pull off. All the settlement interiors and doors automatically fit, mocap files can be reused, pathfinding and A.I. can remain unchanged. Why would the Thargoids get their tentacles dirty if they can just send our captured brothers and sisters back to us as mind-controlled drones?
07 Sep 2023, 7:44am
Btw, FDev should take that idea one step further and release a game that lets you play a thargoid. Make it simple like CQC: no progression, no grind, just pick one of the currently available thargoid ships or a human drone and play the other side of AX combat, in open mode, against the ED community.
07 Sep 2023, 8:43am
SkrzetuskiHey guys, I'm in a bit of a pickle. Last time that I played the game, I docked into a random player's carrier and left the game. I logged back in today and found that he essentially carried me a huge distance closer to the galactic core from where I was before. I was originally doing some mining in an area that was more dense in star systems and I didn't require long distance jump capabilities, so my Python is now too heavy to make the journey back to where I was because the distance between star systems is much too large for me to be able to make those jumps myself. I also have a cargo hold full of expensive minerals but dumping the cargo didn't help much, as I still cannot make jumps that are larger than 16 light years.

I already checked the player who owns the carrier but he didn't check into the game for almost 2 months now so I'm not sure if he'll even respond if I approach him about dropping me off at some space station.

What would you guys suggest that I do? Would anyone be able to help out and pick me up from where I am right now or am I basically screwed and have to self-destruct? Will that even return me to an actual space station or am I just gonna respawn back at the same carrier?

What system are you in?

So... I realize that it's been a while but just in case you were curious, I ultimately ended up waiting it out and logged back into the game about a month later when its owner jumped halfway across the galaxy and back into a populated system. It's all good now and I'm back to earning dosh through mining.

Lesson learned - never leave the game while docked into a random carrier.
07 Sep 2023, 9:25am
Yuna SakashiroBtw, FDev should take that idea one step further and release a game that lets you play a thargoid. Make it simple like CQC: no progression, no grind, just pick one of the currently available thargoid ships or a human drone and play the other side of AX combat, in open mode, against the ED community.
I've had that idea on my mind already. Though... I think, even making it a 2D mobile game for low-tier phones is a tough call for FDev. But, as far as I know, the 10th year of their agreement is going to end soon, and eradicating our version of virtual humankind by unleashing countless procedurally spawning them without a limit until the game crashes seems like a 'lore-friendly' way to finally sink that tilted rusty ship.
07 Sep 2023, 9:35am
Yuna SakashiroBtw, FDev should take that idea one step further and release a game that lets you play a thargoid. Make it simple like CQC: no progression, no grind, just pick one of the currently available thargoid ships or a human drone and play the other side of AX combat, in open mode, against the ED community.

I've had that idea on my mind already. Though... I think, even making it a 2D mobile game for low-tier phones is a tough call for FDev. But, as far as I know, the 10th year of their agreement is going to end soon, and eradicating our version of virtual humankind by unleashing countless procedurally spawning them without a limit until the game crashes seems like a 'lore-friendly' way to finally sink that tilted rusty ship.

Sink ED? Nah, there's nothing to replace it.
07 Sep 2023, 10:50am
Yuna SakashiroSink ED? Nah, there's nothing to replace it.
No one will hear this until the players' wallets speak
07 Sep 2023, 11:25am
Moving the rescue ships closer to the front? Why do I feel like that will result in disaster sooner rather than later?

Maybe Frontier will actually fix missions only going to three of them every time at last, though…
07 Sep 2023, 11:26am
I think ED is still making money. Thanks to the P2P design, FDev can keep it running with a tiny number of servers and minimum staff. Legacy Horizons is a test run for this.
07 Sep 2023, 1:07pm
Kasumi GotoMoving the rescue ships closer to the front? Why do I feel like that will result in disaster sooner rather than later?

Maybe Frontier will actually fix missions only going to three of them every time at last, though…

More like because the front starts to move backwards. But yes, sounds like disaster.

Yuna SakashiroI think ED is still making money. Thanks to the P2P design, FDev can keep it running with a tiny number of servers and minimum staff. Legacy Horizons is a test run for this.

Yeah... But that's only because they do this part really good, and not because the issues not that significant with devastating consequences. Which means, they can and must fix that part. About the arguments? Some peoples never run out of excuses, and results speaking for themselves. So!?

And getting back to the cliché part. Everyone uses em. Just some not doing it shamelessly, until becomes banality. Make it good, and not make it way too oblivious.
07 Sep 2023, 1:32pm

More like because the front starts to move backwards. But yes, sounds like disaster.

The front, in regards to the ranges to the megaships, hasn’t actually changed that much. Most systems that have come under threat for most of the war have been at the current distance to the rescue ships, with a few exceptions, and it hasn’t really posed issues.

Will this simplify things for those who run evacuations? Yes. I’m thinking about that this is done partly in preparation for when people begin to take pods from the Titans and return them, which will inevitably take place in ships with a lot lower jump range(unless they place a bunch on their carrier and do mass deliveries).

But I still feel there may just be some problems later on… at the very least, until we bring those totally safe and not altered humans back from the Titans.
07 Sep 2023, 2:15pm
Kasumi Goto[
But I still feel there may just be some problems later on… at the very least, until we bring those totally safe and not altered humans back from the Titans.

Might be interesting to have odessey missions on Titans. I imagine it sort of like an old school Mass Effect mission on a Reaper where you are constantly mowing down hordes of husks, only in this case it would be your friendly neighborhood thargy-human. Maybe hang signs around their necks stating "Me is hooman. Do not shoot."
07 Sep 2023, 2:18pm
It’s looking a lot more like we’re just gonna be staying in our ships for this, for now. Especially judging by the latest CG from today.
07 Sep 2023, 2:31pm
If the DM makes a move like this when things mostly going good, that's usually a plot. Just like when a good DM cheats. That's usually to move the story forward make the crucial things happen. You can't beat the end boss till the end, n' stuff after all...

Speaking of which? What's the matter with the gnome liberation front Roomba liberation army? They still getting emotional over poor hurt mobs? They are quite a joke indeed, and the punchline is they taking themselves seriously.

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