Elite: Game talk

18 Sep 2023, 5:25pm
I dont think this war is over yet... IN fact this entire last year felt like an initial invasion followed by what we see now in the form of
the xenos moving forward with outpost building

plus I dont totally discount the return of the Guardian AI to the field in the future...
too much nonsense with the Salvation guy being hinted at to let it just go

Also I think Kira is right, any thing we come up with to get those pods out of the titans is going to be irritating

They said before we were like biting flies annoying but harmless, but when we start drilling in and blasting for pods its gonna get
really ugly really fast
18 Sep 2023, 5:56pm
What we got in here is a don't take what ours war. They pissed because of their barnacles and we are pissed because of our colonists. The joke of it we don't really need any of these two since our technology and resource extraction methods based on an entirely different principles. Nor our habitats are conflicting with each others. (Oxygen & Ammonia based planets.) Now the thing is we only need barnacles because of the devastating effect of their anti guardian resolutions at our tech, and they need our colonists as invasion force, because Thargoids cannot survive in oxygen based environment. They will be cooked alive within minutes.

And before any of the xeno peacers getting exited?

1, Territorial dispute still an issue.
2, Past atrocities still an issue.

And most importantly?
3, They are the antagonists!

18 Sep 2023, 5:57pm
Back to Robigo Mines where I'll be making Credit and farming materials, I spent a fair amount of both buying and partially engineering (Prismatic Shield, Engineered FSD V1) a Type 9 when I anticipated I'd need it for selling Tritium for Carrier Cargo space.

Now that I have good reputation here, I can expect to make <> 20.000 per rotation in average, for the materials it's mostly Grade 4/5.

During the breaks I'll be looking online for easy foot missions.

First run, 23.878855Cr, not bad.

Last edit: 18 Sep 2023, 6:18pm
18 Sep 2023, 6:07pm
Speaking about reputations? To some having a bad one, is a question of pride. Just like To a gangsta rapper begin in prison or having an issue with authority figures. You know? That's makes him an OG.
18 Sep 2023, 6:23pm
Hehe, FDev totaly messed up year as in ED, as in Galnet.
18 Sep 2023, 6:52pm
We’re no better than the Thargoids.

And I’ve at least sometimes been trying to tell people that there’s no way this is the best that the Thargoids can do, or that they are actually really being held back by us. It barely ever seems to get to their brains, so overfed by propaganda they can’t seem to believe that maybe, just maybe, a species that’s been spacefaring for millions of years, and whose vessels are so advanced that we can barely fight them adequately without hybridized technology from another ancient(and dead) species, could just swat us out of existence if we desired.

At least, it’s not going to be like I didn’t warn them…
18 Sep 2023, 6:55pm
The easiest way to end the war is to start using DGGs, Duck Gatling Guns. Nothing can stand against a gatling gun that fires high velocity ducks carrying knives. Plus, the QuaAaAaAaAaAk sound it makes demoralizes the enemy. Yes, it even makes noise in space. That is how bad ass DGGs are.
18 Sep 2023, 8:44pm
I'm not sure ducks would survive ammonia lakes and rivers particularly well, should they fail against the Thargoids and attempt to be domesticated.

Joking aside, I still suspect the rescue megaships are going to meet an untimely demise later on this week... or some of them, at least. I, still, really don't think moving them closer(especially not to within 70 ly of a Titan) was a good idea.
18 Sep 2023, 8:49pm
Yeah... The difference is, they bringing the war into us. And the rest of it? Just yadda yadda of which aside the you are not better?
I'm never going to care. You know why? Because it's just that, and no more.
18 Sep 2023, 9:05pm
If you don’t care, why are you making remarks on it?

And we brought the war to them first. History says that much, certainly for the second. The first war, too much has been lost to time, and what remains is too uncertain to tell for sure who ended up firing the first shot, and for what reason.
18 Sep 2023, 9:19pm
Aren't we talking about it? About the rest? This also where i'm never going to thread. The situation is crystal clear we know what happened and how, who's who and what? And any sort of BS & poor excuses weak explanation? Just don't and never going to hold my interest. To put it simple there are things which just never - ever going to happen, nor any attempt to change this going to be tolerated or forgiven.
18 Sep 2023, 10:05pm
Kasumi Goto Joking aside, I still suspect the rescue megaships are going to meet an untimely demise later on this week... or some of them, at least. I, still, really don't think moving them closer(especially not to within 70 ly of a Titan) was a good idea.

I think the boring reason they are being moved closer is to allow players to complete rescue missions in fewer jumps. Not that this will entice more people to go grind rescue missions.
18 Sep 2023, 10:24pm
Vasil VasilescuI think the boring reason they are being moved closer is to allow players to complete rescue missions in fewer jumps. Not that this will entice more people to go grind rescue missions.

But the mission limits still unfixed, yeah? so they will deplete mission board even faster... Also megaships intended to jump a bit closer due to current war trends. But not really close. Just Patollu to Jang O is 31.2 LY, still no any sights in our hub.
18 Sep 2023, 11:45pm
Vasil Vasilescu
I think the boring reason they are being moved closer is to allow players to complete rescue missions in fewer jumps. Not that this will entice more people to go grind rescue missions.

Oh, I know. Or, potentially even more likely, for people picking up pods from the Titans, which will inevitably occur in low jump range ships, probably without a fuel scoop to boot too. I guess it’s also useful for those running rescues (already) by reducing turnaround times.

From a lore/RP standpoint though? I don’t really understand the ‘low risk’ justification. Distance already has seemingly little meaning for the Thargoids, or if it does, we have no practical means of tracking that. And probably way exceeds anything our conventional ship drives can manage even modified.

So what were to prevent them from now picking those megaships off(or at least some of them - we only use four for gameplay, anyway) now, within the known operating range of the Scythes? Until Frontier just whacked them with a hammer and removed them interdicting passenger liners away from the front, that is. Hell, especially because of the Scythes, I’d see it as one hell of a dumb choice. Those ships are going to draw more attention now that they are closer, and well, there’s not much defending from a Thargoid precision strike unless you have forces in place already.

And you may guess how many of those I’ve seen around a rescue megaship already.

Last edit: 18 Sep 2023, 11:57pm
19 Sep 2023, 12:45am
Vasil Vasilescu
Kasumi Goto Joking aside, I still suspect the rescue megaships are going to meet an untimely demise later on this week... or some of them, at least. I, still, really don't think moving them closer(especially not to within 70 ly of a Titan) was a good idea.

I think the boring reason they are being moved closer is to allow players to complete rescue missions in fewer jumps. Not that this will entice more people to go grind rescue missions.

I think you've hit on the long and short of that move. And, agreed, the grind continues to get worse. I'll grant that real life is mostly about grinding for one thing or another, so in that respect I have no issue with ED being more lifelike. That said, it's the kind of grinds and the materials (forcing you to participate in other "vocations" of the experience just to get a "thing") that annoys me.

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