Elite: Game talk

13 Oct 2023, 8:13pm
QuillmonkeyPrevious versions of elite did employ a more dynamic newtonian flight model. You needed to select the reference point, manoeuvre using thrusters and accelerate in relation to the point of reference. Combat was similar to FA-off flight in ED. Saying that, it was a bit of a PitA and I 90% prefer the implementation of Flight Assist in ED, even if it has peculiar knock on effects like auto-deceleration, max speed and realism.
There again, Frontier Elite had a game-speed slider which was a bit 'gamey'. As far as I remember it was also called something ridiculous, like the StarDreamer? (basically the lore suggested the Pilot's Federation drugged all CMDRs so they'd nod off to sleep for days while travelling under severe G-force. Obviously before the invention of Supercruise).

Yeah, Stardreamer it was called, and I agree, the lore around it was rather ridiculous. (Although I learned about that much later, from the net; when I played FE2, that was early 1990s in the former Eastern Bloc, pretty much everyone there played pirated games without manuals…)

MinonianAnd yes, the flight model of elite II & III was completely newtonian

Not quite in the case of FFE; it has a stupid kludge where, if a hostile ship was within 10 km of you, the ships behaved as if they were connected by a rubber band (that’s how the author of JJFFE described it, AFAIR). The purpose of the kludge, of course, was to enforce combat; otherwise, if your ship had better acceleration you would be able to simply accelerate away, as was the case in FE2.
13 Oct 2023, 9:14pm
Any idea of it how to get rid of stuck mission items? That ages old bugged leave the area larency mission item. Nothing happened when gone to low wake and the mission item (weapon schematics) stuck in my inventory. I do hope at the next refresh it resolves. But even better, if such items entirely removed from the inventory when the mission dropped expired or failed.
13 Oct 2023, 11:05pm
MinonianAny idea of it how to get rid of stuck mission items? That ages old bugged leave the area larency mission item. Nothing happened when gone to low wake and the mission item (weapon schematics) stuck in my inventory. I do hope at the next refresh it resolves. But even better, if such items entirely removed from the inventory when the mission dropped expired or failed.

If you mean for stuff picked up in Oddessy...

You might be able to do this:
  • When outside at a SRV or ship, move items to the backpack
  • Use the Insite radial menu to choose the backpack
  • There should be an option to drop/discard, the items.

If you are at an SRV or ship, you can try:
  1. Manage Inventory
  2. Toggle the transfer/discard option (lower right, I think) to set it to discard
  3. Choose what you want to get rid of and discard it
14 Oct 2023, 12:23am
Thank you.
14 Oct 2023, 3:01pm
Anyone remember the smuggling update FDev mentioned they were gonna improve upon?
Think it'll happen by 2030?
Speaking of which, think we'll get any new gameplay features by 2025?
I've been outta the loop for almost 2 years and w/ the exception of Thargoid welcoming parties I've not noticed much difference.
14 Oct 2023, 3:23pm
MinonianAny idea of it how to get rid of stuck mission items? That ages old bugged leave the area larency mission item. Nothing happened when gone to low wake and the mission item (weapon schematics) stuck in my inventory. I do hope at the next refresh it resolves. But even better, if such items entirely removed from the inventory when the mission dropped expired or failed.

In addition to discarding it while on-foot as Vasil suggested, IIRC you can sell them to bartenders at anarchy-controlled starports.
14 Oct 2023, 5:01pm
Nope, not if mission marked.

Nor in the matter of fact can be discarded. It's stuck in the inventory.

Last edit: 14 Oct 2023, 5:18pm
14 Oct 2023, 6:04pm
Odd. The manage inventory trick always works for me.

Have the missions requiring the items been deleted? There have been times when a failed mission does not get removed and I have to go in and either delete it or abandon it. Maybe that is keeping the items from being removed.

On another note, some orphaned mission items can be used for suit/weapon upgrades. To quickly get power regulators for suit upgrades, I take restore missions and abandon them, which leaves me with the regulators. Yeah, I have to pay a fine for each abandoned mission, but the fine is less than buying regulators from a fleet carrier bartender.
14 Oct 2023, 6:26pm
Actually the reason behind such thing what happens with me, to make any exploit like the one you mention impossible the trouble is than the item stuck in your inventory, to that the resolution if a mission for any reason fails the item removed and cannot be used to anything else. And yes it's odd... Way too odd...
14 Oct 2023, 6:55pm
i was capable to discard it on foot, but not in ship.

Anyways, to not to be discarded also has a point you cannot get rid of a mission item and therefore make impossible to finish the mission.
14 Oct 2023, 7:47pm
I too, have dozens of data items from (mainly) AX restore missions stuck in my inventory. All missions were completed but the required downloaded data remains. Any idea how to get rid of them? Or is the bug stuck until they (hopefully) fix it?
14 Oct 2023, 9:10pm
SaarisI too, have dozens of data items from (mainly) AX restore missions stuck in my inventory. All missions were completed but the required downloaded data remains. Any idea how to get rid of them? Or is the bug stuck until they (hopefully) fix it?

Try to discard em on foot, just follow the instructions mentioned earlier at here

Vasil Vasilescu
MinonianAny idea of it how to get rid of stuck mission items? That ages old bugged leave the area larency mission item. Nothing happened when gone to low wake and the mission item (weapon schematics) stuck in my inventory. I do hope at the next refresh it resolves. But even better, if such items entirely removed from the inventory when the mission dropped expired or failed.

If you mean for stuff picked up in Oddessy...

You might be able to do this:
  • When outside at a SRV or ship, move items to the backpack
  • Use the Insite radial menu to choose the backpack
  • There should be an option to drop/discard, the items.

If you are at an SRV or ship, you can try:
  1. Manage Inventory
  2. Toggle the transfer/discard option (lower right, I think) to set it to discard
  3. Choose what you want to get rid of and discard it

Anyways no matter how some peoples trying to talk any crap, no excuse is good enough to not fix a simple issue which causes a lot of annoyance, and only takes a few hours on the very top! And we have an awful lot of these.
15 Oct 2023, 6:36pm
MinonianNope, not if mission marked.

Hm, so I did remember incorrectly. Anyway, glad you were able to get rid of it

(I think the only expired Odyssey mission item I’ve ever had in my inventory was a power regulator, from when I stacked too many reactivation missions and was unable to complete them all in time due to real life interruptions, and I got rid of it by using it to power up some settlement that had suffered a pirate attack, in order to loot the data ports there, then conveniently forgetting to pick it up before I left ⁠)
15 Oct 2023, 6:44pm
It might be a good idea to simply replace wall & floor clipped NPC's it's quite an annoyance especially at missions and battle zones.
16 Oct 2023, 7:38am
I was going to make some joke about how we’re in the final stretch and how I’d find everyone when the Thargoids stop treating us like an insect to be swatted aside(quite ironic, isn’t it?).

Then I read this.

Missions to restore power to settlements in Thargoid-controlled systems now have more varied text to help better distinguish the different variants.


Yep, we’re so fucked.

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