Elite: Game talk

02 Dec 2023, 2:06am
MeowersMaybe they are queens.

I doubt it. There are separate entities at play - the ships, which are in some way alive, and the ‘real’ Thargoids manning them, linked to those ships through some… weird mind link stuff that I don’t know exactly how to refer to better, or describe.

And why would a Thargoid queen expose itself to the possible risk of humans finding a way to do more than basically just tickle a Titan?
02 Dec 2023, 7:52am
Apparently, AXI is holding an anniversary Orthrus clubbing party at a spire site around (Titan) Thor today… the same day that not just I, but my character in-lore has the birthday.

This world and its coincidences.
02 Dec 2023, 8:08am
Kasumi GotoApparently, AXI is holding an anniversary Orthrus clubbing party at a spire site around (Titan) Thor today… the same day that not just I, but my character in-lore has the birthday.

This world and its coincidences.

Happy Birthday
02 Dec 2023, 8:34am
Kasumi GotoApparently, AXI is holding an anniversary Orthrus clubbing party at a spire site around (Titan) Thor today… the same day that not just I, but my character in-lore has the birthday.

This world and its coincidences.
One more year on our crappy planet is no small feat indeed! :p
02 Dec 2023, 1:58pm
Does a 1D refinery have any advantages over a 1E refinery? Both are weightless and have only one bin, but the 1E refinery has a higher integrity (according to EDSY), a lower power draw, and it's cheaper too! It seems there's no reason for 1D refineries to exist. Am I missing something?
02 Dec 2023, 2:09pm
Where do i find Azimuth enhanced AX Multi-cannons?

I looked at the following megaships on their technology traders. They don't have it at this moment:

Kumiho Sky | ANDECAVI
Spirit of Laelaps | LUYTEN'S STAR
El Centinela Cadejo | ARIMPOX
Chariot or Rhea | LEESTI


Last edit: 02 Dec 2023, 2:25pm
02 Dec 2023, 3:03pm
CooladinhoWhere do i find Azimuth enhanced AX Multi-cannons?

I looked at the following megaships on their technology traders. They don't have it at this moment:

Kumiho Sky | ANDECAVI
Spirit of Laelaps | LUYTEN'S STAR
El Centinela Cadejo | ARIMPOX
Chariot or Rhea | LEESTI


Wrong place to check, they are at rescue megaships such as Imperial Sanctum in Hixkamaru(or something like that for system), Bertschinger in Haritanis, Allied Solace in Sun Wen, Federal Haven in Gera… or one of the seven others.

You checked Sirius megaships, which only offer Sirius-related stuff on them, such as a pre-engineered AX missile rack, or the pre-engineered heatsink which comes with an extra charge.
02 Dec 2023, 3:29pm
These can be found via Outfitting search like this, too (it's incorporating the tech brokers).
02 Dec 2023, 5:01pm
SakashiroDoes a 1D refinery have any advantages over a 1E refinery? Both are weightless and have only one bin, but the 1E refinery has a higher integrity (according to EDSY), a lower power draw, and it's cheaper too! It seems there's no reason for 1D refineries to exist. Am I missing something?

1E is actually better and with less power draw.

Which makes me wonder... Why in a blue hell you consider those two modules which are essentially trash? You always take the A as it provides more bins ( 1A can store 4t something and at zero added mass, 1E and 1D just 1t)
02 Dec 2023, 8:12pm
Thanks Cmdr Kasumi Goto. I am going to check that.
02 Dec 2023, 8:47pm
thank you Cmdr Kasumi Goto. They got it. i unlocked them in Allied Solace in Sun Wen.
Thanks a lot for your help. o7
03 Dec 2023, 12:07pm
SakashiroDoes a 1D refinery have any advantages over a 1E refinery? Both are weightless and have only one bin, but the 1E refinery has a higher integrity (according to EDSY), a lower power draw, and it's cheaper too! It seems there's no reason for 1D refineries to exist. Am I missing something?

1E is actually better and with less power draw.

Which makes me wonder... Why in a blue hell you consider those two modules which are essentially trash? You always take the A as it provides more bins ( 1A can store 4t something and at zero added mass, 1E and 1D just 1t)

Imagine having a ship build that's optimized for a particular purpose, i.e. it has the smallest engineered power plant that covers its requirements. But now you temporarily need a mining ship. You could engineer one from scratch, which takes time, or you could repurpose your existing ship for mining. But now your optimized power plant becomes a bottleneck. If your goal is to mine only one commodity at a time, a single bin is actually enough, so a power-efficient 1E refinery may just be the solution here.

Just a consideration while I was playing with EDSY. I'm about to outfit my Cutter for mining, and it will have a 4A refinery of course. The example above was purely hypothetical.
03 Dec 2023, 12:12pm
I'm still pondering buying a carrier and taking it into deep space, trying to survive by mining tritium and scanning life forms for Vista Genomics. Becoming completely self-sufficient. The final challenge, and maybe the last thing I'll ever do in ED.
03 Dec 2023, 12:20pm
SakashiroBecoming completely self-sufficient. The final challenge, and maybe the last thing I'll ever do in ED.
ED lacks any 'deep space survival' mechanics. Nothing would happen if you stop doing stuff. Maybe except for carrier upkeeps but they are laughable in comparison, you could cover months of carrier maintenance in two days of jumping around and throwing probes at ELWs. Your pilot don't have to eat, drink, sleep, don't even have to use a toilet. Every situation has a solution to it, even being stranded heck knows where. So... I don't think it would be difficult, especially for an already experienced player like you.

I thought about that 'living a carrier life' thing too before I switched to AX, since every major superpower started to hate me, lol. Since in many other spaceship games they refuse to give you docking access if you annoy them too much. But that didn't happen here.
03 Dec 2023, 12:29pm
Imagine having a ship build that's optimized for a particular purpose, i.e. it has the smallest engineered power plant that covers its requirements. But now you temporarily need a mining ship. You could engineer one from scratch, which takes time, or you could repurpose your existing ship for mining. But now your optimized power plant becomes a bottleneck. If your goal is to mine only one commodity at a time, a single bin is actually enough, so a power-efficient 1E refinery may just be the solution here.

Just swap the reactor, our ships are way too modular.

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