CMDR Milesredyou know, I could tell he was in legacy because I actually flew to Mbukarla to make sure my database was up to date as it had been several years since I had been there.(...).
Well, i was already considering migrating, so i did it yesterday.
But although my laptop can display the game correctly, it does heat up more than i like, so guess in the long run i will either have to go for a better machine, or stop playing it on PC and go back to legacy on PS and have some little fun there. The galaxy is the same anyway, just will not have access to updated tools.
[Edit] Am btw 1st thing i managed to do yesterday after migrating, was to get my Anaconda destroyed cause i couldn't manage to get out of station fast enough - too used to the controller as opposeed to mouse and keyboard. 12M rebuy blaarghh