Elite: Game talk

10 Jan 2024, 9:35am
The lag is a general issue. However, Elite Dangerous model of p2p networking is the elephant in the house.
Let's say you are in an instance with 3 players , 3 of you have perfect connection and one have latency , poor networking , perhaps even packet lost (in hackzors case packet manipulation) ... all of you become victims of p2p model, especially if the "master" client in the instance is the one with the problems.
10 Jan 2024, 10:04am
Kasumi GotoUnrelated, but I sometimes get tempted to go back to doing AX CZs solo to avoid those boring 6 shard Anacondas that do almost nothing but try to kill Cyclops over and over by shoving themselves into their faces and brute forcing past the hearts.

Now yes, Cyclops is not exactly a difficult opponent when you have the basics down but it still gets boring when you’re trying to have fun in your medium ship, and here comes Mister Blasty in his zero(or near-zero) skill boat and just pulling triggers until whatever they shoot at dies. Even Basilisks are not exempt of their wrath once they’ve lost some hearts.

(Medusas… I’m not too sure how well it works on those but they don’t seem that difficult when you’ve got two or three of those Condas roaming around constantly exerting it within an instant, and equally quickly taking its hearts out. Depending on number of pilots and their ability to stay within optimal range/aim, even Hydras are not that impressive when those Condas are around.)

They also have the annoying tendency to shove themselves into the face of their target and… not really leave much room to fire at it without hitting that big fat Anaconda blocking the view.

Bainsey7 I'll try it in solo next as Meowers recommended and we'll see. My money's on "bug-disguised-as-feature" in true fdev style given that, if timed right, it should always work. just not always for me.

Really, I think you should try. I played Solo when was, literally, hunting solo. And it was unable to track in PG AXCZs since several ships have been covering each other with SFNs.

Btw. Warpig_NL, totally like your userpic, it's hilarious, especially the way how the helmet is attached. And early M16s with 20-rounders are my love, lol.

Due to limitations on my machine I only ever play Horizons meaning that I'm almost always alone anyway but I have seen these 6-mod-shard-condas.
I even have one myself which was fun for twenty minutes when doing 1 on 1 interceptor kills but I don't use it anymore and never in conflict zones because, as you say, where's the fun?

With that being said, whatever floats your boat and if you wanna kill Thargoids quick but lack the knowhow, knock yourselves out...

Last edit: 10 Jan 2024, 10:55am
10 Jan 2024, 11:19am
EpisparhThe lag is a general issue. However, Elite Dangerous model of p2p networking is the elephant in the house.
Let's say you are in an instance with 3 players , 3 of you have perfect connection and one have latency , poor networking , perhaps even packet lost (in hackzors case packet manipulation) ... all of you become victims of p2p model, especially if the "master" client in the instance is the one with the problems.

Yes this often happens. the resolution is to build in a safety mechanism, and also a pretty good idea to keep anything un P2P ed what doesn't have to be, and overall decrease the necessity of band Wight and processor / memory / storage usage. Such as doing every screenshot in BMP not to mention the computing. and every time re generate the commander and weapon profile. Than keep it in BMP. Do it ONCE if i might ask than until it's don't change, store it in JPG this let alone all by itself seriously decreases the load on P2P communication not to mention our own machines. The point is, anything needlessly increases band Wight usage is a huge Achilles heel.

And by safety mechanism i mean't such insignificant details like don't make the worst to the master, and resend lost packets.

@ Bainsey7. You are welcome. o7

Edit; just imagine sending out an 1920x1080 BMP trough P2P every goddamn time... BRUH!

Last edit: 10 Jan 2024, 11:31am
10 Jan 2024, 5:39pm
Can anyone point me to a list of which engineering materials can be traded with each other ?
10 Jan 2024, 5:44pm
That’s not difficult. Raw materials can only be traded within raws, data within data, manufactured within manufactured.

The principle is mostly the same with Odyssey except Frontier decided to make it extra grindy by separating them into the same three categories with sub-groups… but only the “assets” category can be traded(unless you buy from a carrier).

(For an actual list, I don’t actually know where one exists.)
10 Jan 2024, 5:45pm
DescartesCan anyone point me to a list of which engineering materials can be traded with each other ?

Like this?

10 Jan 2024, 5:45pm
DescartesCan anyone point me to a list of which engineering materials can be traded with each other ?

It's pretty simple:
You can exchange any material for any other material within the category, so Raw, Manufactured and Encoded by the respective material trader. The on-foot components, so Chemicals, Circuits and Tech can be exchanged by the bartender.

Edit: Look, a good question and everybody is in hurry to respond!
10 Jan 2024, 6:13pm
That was quick! Thankyou,

I guess it's obvious really, but as they say 'no such thing as a dumb question, only a dumb questioner'.

In my defence, I've only been playing for 5 or so years.
10 Jan 2024, 7:51pm
What I'm really interested at a spear sheet or something like this about the best current micro / ground mat farming methods
especially the ones needed for engineer unlocks. (in colonia) seen some but that's heavily outdated.
13 Jan 2024, 12:10am
Warpig_NLI am still relatively unfamiliar with the rules of AX battles and have a question. Why does it take so much effort to free Hupang from Thargoids? We have destroyed over 60,000 in the last two weeks and are only at 12%, while some systems have already been cleared of Thargoids (100%) after 24 hours with less then 10.000 kills. Is there anything special about Hupang or am I missing something? Over 50% of the commanders are in Hupang, free gameplay for the Thargoids in the other systems (maby a strategic move?).

January 11, 2024: Hupang's recovery is reset to 0%. So we can start again. Nice way to gain credits for a large group of commanders, but the goal of the game is to win back as many solar systems as possible from the Thargoid, right? I would say ignore Hupans and concentrate our efforts on the other threatened (invasion + alert) and already conquered areas in the bubble by the Thargoids. Perhaps the AX initiative can take the lead in this at a strategic level, they are already doing a lot of good work in this area.

With concentrated attacks by commanders on our part on certain systems, we can then "liberate" many more systems from Thargoids every week (sweep method).

Hupang is difficult due to its proximity to a Maelstrom system; and yes, people who try to coordinate efforts have been of the opinion that Hupang is not worth fighting for.

You might want to read a couple of recent pages of this Frontier Forums thread, lots of interesting info there if you skip past the grumbling and rants about the way FDev has been handling the Thargoid War. (Edit: the guys with the most interesting info there are Ian Doncaster and Aleks Zuno.)

Last edit: 13 Jan 2024, 1:38am
13 Jan 2024, 9:51am
Thank you for this information Sampi Ogonek, I will definitely read this thread and the information from cmdr Doncaster and Aleks Zuno.
17 Jan 2024, 2:41pm
Is there a way to turn off the "decontamination limpet failed" computer voice message?
There seems to be the option to turn off most computer voice messages but not that one. Am I just missing something?
In AX Conflict Zones it repeats it over and over and over...
18 Jan 2024, 1:41pm
Do you mean't it's stuck looped or repeats every time when it fails? And no i don't know, another small annoyance on the list of annoyances i guess...
Your best choice is audio options just take down the volume of it but that's going to affect everything.
18 Jan 2024, 2:09pm
Whenever an NPC tries to send a decontamination limpet at me to "help" but I'm moving too fast for it to attach my ship's voice says this.
Over and over and over and over.
I've turned off various messages (such as "4. 3. 2. 1. Engage" and "Fuel scooping" etc) as I don't need to hear them again and again.
This one though I want gone because of how often it repeats. There's no option to do so though and I don't want to just mute them all. The option to mute some of them is a good thing in my opinion but this particular message isn't there to turn off in the sound options for some reason meaning that I suppose I'm stuck with it.
Thanks anyway. o7
18 Jan 2024, 2:13pm
It's a bug. File in a bug report but don't held your hopes high. Knowing them? It's never than later...
And about this sort of deficiencies? Business as usual.

Not an unintended bug tho, more like a programmin deficiency someone was sloppy. But non the less? works as a bug.

Last edit: 18 Jan 2024, 2:19pm

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