Elite: Game talk

22 Jan 2024, 7:41pm
Kasumi Goto Why? Thargoids, mostly. And whoever deals with the corporations or Fed navy leaders hopefully doesn’t end up with a knife or bullet in their back at some point.
Feds also like to replace and rotate their political figures in an explosive, quite literally, way.
24 Jan 2024, 7:22am
damn fednecks!
25 Jan 2024, 1:44pm
I should have asked this ages ago. Anyway...
Has anyone ever figured out a way to tell which type of Interceptor you're targetting just by looking at the hologram on the HUD? I know which are Medusas and Hydras obviously as they're easy to differentiate but, without doing a scan, it seems that Cyclops' and Basilisks look identical on the hologram thing.
Am I right in thinking this or is there a reeeeaaaally slight difference that I'm missing?

... not that it really matters at this point but it'd be nice to be able to tell without having to get right in their faces, so to speak.
25 Jan 2024, 1:49pm
Basilisks look nearly identical to the Cyclops, except slightly more rugged(which is difficult to perceive) on the hologram. However, if you have a xeno scanner equipped, you can distinguish them by counting the number of hearts, which is displayed even with just the basic scan.

(If they are in the distance and already firing at something, that is also a way to tell them apart. Or you can judge them off of their speed in a straight line.)
25 Jan 2024, 2:24pm
So the side panel shows the number of hearts even before you do a full scan? I never even thought to check that.
I'd assumed nothing would show up until the full scan's done.
Thanks very much. o7
25 Jan 2024, 2:29pm
You get four to eight bars(depending on type) showing underneath the interceptor target hologram even with a basic scan, yes. But you cannot target them directly without performing the detailed scan.
25 Jan 2024, 2:33pm
Ha! Would you believe I bagged my thousandth Interceptor the other day and I've never noticed that...

edit: Now that I've seen it it seems so obvious. I feel a bit stupid now. Thanks again CMDR Goto. o7

Last edit: 25 Jan 2024, 6:08pm
26 Jan 2024, 5:49pm
Kasumi GotoIt’s a shame the peasants were all up in arms about it because their sorry rusty brains can’t imagine that the idiot who built a system-wide weapon couldn’t figure out some Guardian gizmo to make his brain digital.

And the politicians trotted along because they don’t much care to upset the idiots and instead leave a threat to go by unchecked. Or maybe it was those Azimuth pamphlets some of them held upside down.

The Guardian Built Unknown Structure does house a Thargoid Device (Transmitter) , but with the current range it did not broadcast past it's system due to being damaged over time.

The Guardians as the Codex states reached out with the Transmitter that they built the unknown structure around to try and get it to work, like the book / movie Contact.

Salvation did ask for medical supplies first... to heal the transmitter structure which he finally did and it reached - wherever the Titans were to let them know that humans were now on a competent level of minimum conversation and it was time for the resources to be collected from the Milky Way (one of the many galaxies Thargoids have collected from for 20 million years or more.

I have provide links above on why we think this - and why we believe that even the Unknown Structure is a duplicate of the Engineers / Guardians ship from Ridley Scott's Prometheus (even down to the map room).

There is a reason for these Mesopotamian Ziggurats being built everywhere on Sol's earth and everywhere in space.

Edited by Artie: Removed plentiful amount of links that may or may not be related - if somebody needs them, ask the post author. Removed unrelated images. This is not a logbook entry but discussion, so please - let's be constructive without a ton of fluff around. Thanks.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Jan 2024, 7:37pm
26 Jan 2024, 6:34pm
Another Gmail emails collection campaign?
28 Jan 2024, 7:56pm
7 year old bugs , Same old same old.
Nothing change year in and year out.
28 Jan 2024, 10:22pm
EpisparhAnother Gmail emails collection campaign?

what cmdr youre saying youre not enjoying the

29 Jan 2024, 7:02am
what cmdr youre saying youre not enjoying the


I guess you are new here as I am not very active last year or so, otherwise you would knew better.

31 Jan 2024, 12:59pm
Jesus 3000 pages and this place still exists. Feeling like a raisin...
31 Jan 2024, 3:49pm
There is no age limit when you fly the void
31 Jan 2024, 7:42pm
4 new ships! Finally. But what will be that major feature. I hope for full interiors

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