Elite: Game talk

29 Oct 2023, 1:59pm
that was the idea..
Palin thought of it first though.

I always wondered about the bits in the Orthrus that look manufactured. oddly they are also on all the one Palin did not tweak.
Seems very odd.
nuts and bolts to hold things together
or something to increase/control the restraints/the pain

as it is the orthrus looks like the head of a really old tired man..but inside...seo could tell us..she's not very forthcoming with anything
considering millions have joined her plight now...starting to think she is not even partially human.
probably happy she has friends in her head now.
to allow something to happen that she could stop, just by telling us.
really hard to get good view of any canopy, but as long as you do NOT see insect legs in the canopy, thats a bad sign and a good/bad start.
i keep seeing bluur of a face, always blurred.
a lifepod when they go boom would be neat...
also fwiw, the hunter's don't seem to want slaves or imperial slaves anymore...nowadays they just shoot me and fly away empty handed, fast.
They used to call friends and then they would all fly away full.
29 Oct 2023, 2:26pm
I don’t think the spires ‘burn human souls’ or some stuff like that. What’s oozing out of them is probably some fluid they use for internal cooling or something that is dumped outside and (possibly) recollected later.

Do they use us for something to do with their ships like piloting the less important ones? Maybe. Remains to be seen exactly what they are doing with us…

And Seo doesn’t have those insights into the hive you seem to think she does. She can only interpret snippets of whatever thing she manages to focus on enough to even get a basic sense out of.
29 Oct 2023, 2:54pm
And here coming the sort of stupid whom debating with the evident than denying reality and saying night is day & black is white.
And there's only one way to deal with them not because nothing else is possible, but that's the only thing they deserve.
They all can rest assured never going to listen and even less going to waste my breath on em.
29 Oct 2023, 5:17pm
I hate this waiting for results.
29 Oct 2023, 6:23pm
Kasumi GotoI What’s oozing out of them is probably some fluid they use for internal cooling or something that is dumped outside and (possibly) recollected later.

Or... it is space diarrhea.
29 Oct 2023, 6:25pm
Vasil VasilescuOr... it is space diarrhea.
That gives the whole Thargoid lore a new angle!
29 Oct 2023, 6:27pm
Kasumi GotoWhat’s oozing out of them....

The answer is, it is mental virus which is oozing out...
29 Oct 2023, 6:54pm
referring to the little blue floaties that look a bit like many sci-fi crustaceans.
for a factory it is i suspect like the various towers we use for expelling unwanted components of creating energy or a product.
ours usually emit toxic waste of various sorts..
up until these factories arrived, all we could ever see were all the things that spew from the TG ships..

so, like many things at the sites, new product of some sort but not interact-able, just different and interesting as to what is it and what is it from..
the only reason to fly down inside the spirals was to see whats there and maybe the 'whatever' that they are coming from...flat nothing to see.

ever see the soul of the TARDIS ? mercurial but similar shape

still expecting a giant something to pop out and swat my ship flat. the statues are over 1km tall and they look small.
29 Oct 2023, 7:00pm
I won’t be too surprised if these end up turning into some kind of ship later on. Or maybe it’ll be a giant Thargoid city-like structure(it feels a lot more like that currently). Their mass lock factor currently is 100, and remains at that all the way up to 23-25 kilometers.

As for what the blue stuff floating at the top of the spires is? I haven’t got a clue. Energy particles from the internal process maybe. Even less of a clue what the blue fluid within the spear root crown could be, but I somewhat suspect it’s a mineral compound used inside the towers. Or whatever remains below the surface.
30 Oct 2023, 8:16pm
So today I did my first real Oreo hunt. I allready tried it yesterday in my Phantom, but I didnt have luck. But today, I did it with few pilots from AXI (10 or 15) and earned 200 millions in half of hour. Experts can do 2 billions in hour! So carrier grind began.
30 Oct 2023, 10:13pm
At least call them space flowers.

And if you really fancy super easy money, going to one of the spire sites and slaughtering the mostly defenseless Orthrus(which I don't approve of much) seems to be a good source as well. Just don't bring Guardian weapons...
30 Oct 2023, 10:35pm
A note: I moved some of the latest posts to the Offtopic thread. Without addressing anyone, I would like to mention (again) that posting stuff that doesn't make sense to anybody but the poster has not much point. Rather the opposite - it's just cluttering the threads. So if I will spot such posts here again, I will either simply remove them or move them to the Offtopic without waiting if it will spark some interesting discussion. Thank you for the understanding.
31 Oct 2023, 6:22am
Kasumi GotoAt least call them space flowers.

And if you really fancy super easy money, going to one of the spire sites and slaughtering the mostly defenseless Orthrus(which I don't approve of much) seems to be a good source as well. Just don't bring Guardian weapons...

Eh, it is not as super easy as it seems. Still geting shutdown can you drive to nice nuts. And then perma shutdown. For now, Orthrus is only Interceptor which I destroyed. And with help. So I did not enrage space flowers much I guess.b

To summarize my opinion to this situation: No, I am not one of Far God cultist and no, I am not Salvation "cultist" Proteus was huge step off,but no fight would be too. I am for controlling their expansion, or slowly pushung them out. Something gigatic as Proteus wouldnt work.

And, I brought Modshards but with basic ammo, judge it as you want
31 Oct 2023, 8:39am
ArtieA note: I moved some of the latest posts to the Offtopic thread. Without addressing anyone, I would like to mention (again) that posting stuff that doesn't make sense to anybody but the poster has not much point. Rather the opposite - it's just cluttering the threads. So if I will spot such posts here again, I will either simply remove them or move them to the Offtopic without waiting if it will spark some interesting discussion. Thank you for the understanding.

No, we should thank you Artie
31 Oct 2023, 2:35pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik

And, I brought Modshards but with basic ammo, judge it as you want

That suggestion was more because the Orthrus can fry your Guardian weapons(and other modules) if it sets off its shutdown pulse. Now, at spire sites, it acts a bit weird because it only reacts to getting shot if it is not flying around scanning barnacles(eg going up to leave), but if one of them is triggered at that point, bye bye Guardian guns. Probably better to take AX multis or missiles.

And maybe these spire sites aren’t good for humanity, but we don’t even have a clue what they are for yet. And you’re just killing Thargoid ships that can barely defend themselves as it is, in excessive numbers.

You as in, people that fight the Thargoids. Especially AXI. “Defending humanity”… yeah, right. More like, “Exterminate every bug in sight”. (This is just RP-based chatter, by the way. No personal issues outside of the game’s lore.)

Oh, and an ECM module can divert the disruption missiles of the Banshees away from your ship. Unfortunately, if you ever go out of and dismiss it, that causes the ECM to bug out and not fire any longer.

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