Elite: Game talk
31 Dec 2023, 4:47pm
31 Dec 2023, 5:04pm
MeowersI've been on here for quite a long time too and, frankly, got tired of all the shit they're managing to pull of update after update. Even the low expectations are high enough. So, I'll be short... In that project, they suck. Their other games are of no interest to me, no offence here but I'm simply not into that, so I don't know how the situation is there. But here, so much sucks.
My advice is just let go, honestly.
As you said there yourself: The game just gets worse with each update, and I am quite certain not a single member of the original staff is left. Not even sure the game has a dedicated CM now, following Sally's departure to Square Enix (A job, BTW, she would have been foolish to not take even if Frontier were in perfect shape. It's called career progression and it's hard to get bigger than the Square, to be perfectly frank)
There's absolutely nothing to indicate that the game is going to get better. I hate using them as it always causes the old "Nuh-uh people play outside Steam", but until you can pull out any other player count metric it is the only one we have and I look at it based on trends, not raw numbers.
The trend has continued to decline over the winter. This is unusual. That's not happened before. Small jump over this month but it's a time when a lot of folk are working less. That's an expected break in trend. I expect it to continue falling as of next month.
That's not something a quality game shows. It's something that a game riddled with bugs, hacks and other baloney displays. And it's clear that Frontier is either unwilling, or unable to resolve matters.
I hate personifying games with terms like "dead" as it's just software. But it's pretty obvious that it's in serious decline and anyone saying otherwise, are just trying to cope.
I've not played all that much over the last few years and this game, frankly, has contributed to my overall growing disinterest in gaming as a whole. Hence the mountain biking and arts. Things that are entirely within my control, obscure bike parts aside. (Even that can be solved by getting them made by commission. Expensive, but effective as a last resort)
31 Dec 2023, 5:14pm
So yeah, writing fanfics and chatting with people, getting the best parts of this game.
31 Dec 2023, 5:19pm
MeowersAnd I've let it go a long time ago. People are still raising that topic on the forum here and I've replied now since my computer is busy with CPU-heavy task and I have nothing else to do honestly. I haven't played for more than a year despite being quite a hardcore fan (was going in the first top-something to get Elite I Combat at least on Inara when it washalf-arsedly slapped on top of original Triple to under-carpet their own flop happened a long time agounlocked), then something just snapped and nah, I'm out.
So yeah, writing fanfics and chatting with people, getting the best parts of this game.
That be fair.
I only check back occasionally when I'm... Not really sure actually.
Morbid curiousity? Probably the best way to put it.
In any case, once the inevitable happens, my reaction will simply be a subtle "Meh", before I go out and hit a few trails for a weekend on the Ragley.
31 Dec 2023, 7:37pm
AND FOR FRONTIER TO TURN OFF THOSE F[RAK]ING CRIME REPORTS IN THARGOID CONFLICT ZONES. Do you know how tired I am of shooting at a Cyclops or other to suddenly get “HoStIlItY LoGgEd, LeThAl ReSpoNsE aUtHoRiZeD” popping up in my comms panel along with a “MuRdEr” bounty because the idiotic game decided scratching an idiot NPCs paintjob with a beam laser for .000001 seconds before it gets slaughtered, is the same as actively trying to kill said NPC rather than you being there to fight Thargoids(which you’ve been doing the entire conflict zone).
No? Yeah, thought so. And don’t get me to rant about that “notoriety” bullshit which is slapped on to you for a friendly fire accident. Because those clearly never happen when there’s a dozen ships swarming the same target at close range.
31 Dec 2023, 10:58pm
31 Dec 2023, 11:30pm
DierciarHello, I have an error occurring in my elite dangerous, every so often the game takes me to the main menu and tells me connection error and Ivory cobra.
Have you tried completely exiting the game and the launcher, then getting back into the game?
I am not familiar with "Ivory Cobra." That could possibly be an internal error reference for Frontier. Maybe Frontier could shed some light on the problem if you submit a trouble ticket.
01 Jan 2024, 12:13am
If that doesn’t help, a ticket may well be in order to have someone help figure it out(or try to).
01 Jan 2024, 9:51am
MeowersMaybe they meant the pass to all restricted systems? There's no such a thing in game.
XeknosI wasn't aware Frontier had a legit hacker problem.
They have a legit problem. Just like that.
The real problem is after i had seen what's going on not sure about it the ones in charge aware of it...
01 Jan 2024, 11:56pm
User437154Bonsoir a tous j'ai une question
Impossible de trouver des omnipass auriez vous des info svp
Good evening everyone, I have a question
Impossible to find omnipasses, do you have any information please?
Bonsoir. Je ne comprends pas le mot « omnipass », pouvez-vous le décrire? À quoi sert-il?
Good evening, I don't understand "omnipass", can you describe it? What it is used for?
03 Jan 2024, 12:51pm
que? george on NPT? heh pipefitter? or playtation?
sounds like you might be in legacy, are you?
either way, before you fly to any system, look into the system if you can to see first.(I know, if you have not been there, you can't look)
then you can look in (Galactic Powers)powerplay and see if it shows as belonging to LYR. the painful way. but then flying to systems with wrong info is more painful. not all systems are listed.
that aside, its a dbx, super cheap. buy it where you find it, exchange it once you find it cheaper elsewhere.
if you are so new that it is tough to afford a dbx, keep talking..
the more you tell us the easier it is to help you.
fwiw Mbukarla is a LYR system and Mitropoulos Arsenal(planetary station 1,200LS from star) is the only station with a shipyard(in Mbukarla) and it does have the DBX @ 1.57 mil
I would not waste time in any systems with only outposts when searching for ships, they have NO Shipyards.
and not all planetary stations have shipyards.. too much of a gamble.
remember Diaguandri, it is one of the best places to shop. and is LYR in Legacy too.
if you r in legacy, you might want to consider moving to Diaguandri.
good Luck
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Jan 2024, 12:30am
03 Jan 2024, 1:12pm
CMDR Milesred@geoergonpt
que? george on NPT? heh pipefitter? or playtation?...couldn't help myself...
sounds like you might be in legacy, are you?
either way, before you fly to any system, look into the system if you can to see first.(I know, if you have not been there, you can't look)
then you can look in (Galactic Powers)powerplay and see if it shows as belonging to LYR. the painful way. but then flying to systems with wrong info is more painful. not all systems are listed.
that aside, its a dbx, super cheap. buy it where you find it, exchange it once you find it cheaper elsewhere.
if you are so new that it is tough to afford a dbx, keep talking..
the more you tell us the easier it is to help you.
fwiw Mbukarla is a LYR system and Mitropoulos Arsenal(planetary station 1,200LS from star) is the only station with a shipyard(in Mbukarla) and it does have the DBX @ 1.57 mil
I would not waste time in any systems with only outposts when searching for ships, they have NO Shipyards.
and not all planetary stations have shipyards.. too much of a gamble.
remember Diaguandri, it is one of the best places to shop. and is LYR in Legacy too.
if you r in legacy, you might want to consider moving to Diaguandri.
good Luck
Hello, ty for your reply.
For what i understand, i think the problem is... yes i'm in PS. So i guess it's legacy.
But since all the queries i've done so far were ok, i didnt think that would be a problem.
In fact i can afford the DBX without any discount, since i have been grinding massacre missions. But if i can buy it 15% cheaper, why would i buy it more expensive? :-)
Been using Hakaia as homebase because i get massacre missions here and on Chorote to attack on Yu Tun. And were systems exploted or controled by ALD so i would get the 20% bonus payouts.
But guess i might be taking your advise about Diaguandri.
Ty again
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Jan 2024, 12:30am
03 Jan 2024, 1:31pm
you can see some action just by looking in squadrons and see whos on top...
takes me 5 minutes to change anything there as there are so few players in legacy.
which is good as it means BGS is mostly frozen, so turf is not changing hands much and therefore market and shipyards pretty much stay as they were in november 2019.
which means for market not too much to worry about
shipyards though have been moving in 'Live' from hand to hand and as such are close to useless on inara for legacy players.
so watch for dates, as in last checked or scanned was 2019, then its probably not changed
I have my own database for all of it in legacy or live, always have.
for market, it was NEVER required.
the game has the tools it needs for the market, you just have to figure it out.
if you do not play bgs, then it is irrelevant anyway.
if you are making your fortune by trade, then like people say, you are doing it wrong.
as in trade is the sloooow way to riches.
trade via missions such as wing mining missions is much faster and far less tiresome.
but the game has the tools for that too.
having items in your cargo, visit the sell portion of a market and it tells you where to find it nearby.
if you do not have the items then visit a market that does.
this may seem like a poor way, but it is how I learned the BGS and how I learned how to use commodities as weapons for the BGS, but most important, it is how the game tells me where to get things.
before carriers, price mattered, a lot.
since carriers, price does not matter one drop because you can control the price.
this is for BGS, not for making money.
tbh my BGS game style has cost me over 30 billion...yet I still have over 100bil cash, assets aside.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Jan 2024, 12:30am
03 Jan 2024, 6:42pm
It was not hard to check before I said anything, took 10 minutes.
nothing worth mentioning changed in all that time in 'Live'
But I also play in Legacy and is why I know the previous things I said.
The only things different for me is the shipyards and outfitting and it is real easy to keep my database up to date with both legacy and live.
Not that it is useful, it is NOT.
I do not shop on carriers so, that part is no value to me.
But then it never was because they are private and they move and the can change market every 5 minutes, seems like a no brainer to me, I have always owned a carrier or 3..
In Legacy, I would look at the squadrons and then try and contact those who are there in the game and see if anyone could help me.
If not I would try the forums or here, preferably here where Ozric doesn't delete things because he is bored or dislikes someone.
Not to mention even fdev removes things.
meaning, help is/was once there. Nowadays most are gone or banned or deleted.
There is a legacy league thread, I read it. Just can't post as I am one of the banned and semi-deleted.
but its easy enough to ask for help here and get help.
I also have 2 carriers setup for selling modular terminals in Legacy.
For the same reason, live or rather inara has useless carrier info for Legacy and people need them.
I still build ships in Legacy as much as in Live too. Over 1,200 and adding almost daily.
so finding all the LYR ships and the outfitting is important to me in both Live and Legacy.
Brestlia, Ltt 779, Diaguandri...all good places. there are so many.
the worst is actually live, because it seems PP cmdrs don't like LYR selling cutters so that one is always one I am looking for..
currently not an issue in Legacy and down to 1 system in Live...maybe 2 have not looked for a whole week..
for all the console players, they should find a share data location and tell everyone..
discords are useless unless everyone is using them.
that kinda leaves the forums or here.
I understand the market issue.
What made it worse was frontier making it break soooooooo often that it became undependable. making eddb and inara useful.
it still made no difference to me, I already had my database with every market and shipyard I ever visited.
But I also learned in my early days that making credits by hauling without missions is a huge time waster.
In the very beginning of the game, mining missions existed and it took fdev over 7 years to even notice a flaw.
That flaw was stations offering mining missions for items THEY SELL.
I have shown thousands of cmdrs how to make their first millions without even leaving the station.
When frontier fixed this bug after more than 7 years....they were replaced with rarer same thing but now gold and silver and bertrandite, indite. All things you can buy, but FINALLY , no longer at same station. AND They increase they pay from pennies to 50mil per mission.
And here come utube to make it stupid.
telling cmdrs to go to expansion systems or go put systems into expansion...
One has NOTHING to do with the other.
Agriculture stations always want gold and silver and the others. ALWAYS!!
Expansion mining missions are usually bertrandite, indite and a couple others but in quantities larger than 1,000tons.. as in larger amounts for less credits.
So, not even close to the same thing.
Agriculture stations, NOT in expansion.
and if you need to make the profit margin perfect, you are doing it wrong.
I cannot tell you how many times I have dumped 720 tons of whatever....just to change ships, or I made a mistake, etc...I throw out millions every day.
in the long run, I always end up making more than I can spend, even when I screw up.
Sometimes I dump 6 to 9 missions, just to get no interdictions for a short while.
I should say, I am a bounty hunter, I kill the interdictors for the wing mining missions. This I do for my BGS and for the mats I get from the kills which are for the ships I build, which is my ingame hobby.
imo only carriers need a legacy and a live database.
a normal day is getting interdicted every few minutes. sometimes it is too much and I snap and remove missions.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Jan 2024, 12:30am
For the discussions about the community, other stuff related to the game like astrophysics and so on please use the General talk thread.
What does belong here:
- Questions, answers, tips and guides about ship loadouts, game activities like exploration, mining, combat and similar things that directly relate to the gameplay.
- Game technical issues and problems, if you are looking for a help. For the bug reports please head to the official FD forum.
- Discussion about "official" events from GalNet and community goals.
- Discussing player actions and activities, general topics about Elite community and player events, topics related to the game but also real world (like astrophysics and similar). Please post these to the "General talk" thread instead.
- Any off topic discussion, please post this kind of stuff to the "Offtopic" thread.