Elite: Game talk

today, 5:14am
SakashiroWell, you can get exploration Elite in pretty much any ship. I once used a Sidewinder. Went to Colonia, scanned a few systems along the way, done.

But if you enter a Thargoid-controlled system by accident as AH did and get interdicted, it won't matter if your AspX is engineered or not. A fast ship such as a Courier or even an Adder will simply shrug it off. And shrug off gankers too by the way.

Certainly. :-) I just wanted to be silly by feigning offense. I'm proud of my pudgy path-seeker. (I need to start being nostalgic about it now because I know I'm going to drop it as my "flagship" so fast when that Mandalay comes out. LOL)

If I'm being honest, I really only use my AspX for errand runs these days. No, not missions. Errands as in, "Hey, I should fly over to that one engineer and put an exp effect on such-and-such weapon. Looks like the AspX can slot it, so that'll work." Other than that, I've been spending more time in my purpose-built ships like my courier (ground stuff), FDL (assassination), Mamba (hanging out at Nav Beacons bounty hunting), etc.
today, 5:17am
Me, tonight, upon dropping into ShinDez with a teammate, hoping to get in a bit more AX combat...
*mail ding* [Reads: something about ShinDez being freed from invasion]
"Hey, looks the Thargoids have been pushed back in ShinDez.... yay... we won..." :-(

I want more AX! Guess I'm hooked! That was a fun appetizer and it was great to have it "right in my backyard"
today, 5:51am
SakashiroTo be fair, the AspX is garbage even when fully engineered.

You take that back!
I quite like my AspX. Sure it's a bit plump and not as fast, fierce, or freight-ready, but it's versatile and I've got it fully engineered to easily make multiple 72+ Ly jumps. It got me from nothing to Elite in exploration and helped me start the real gameplay of credit grinding. So, there!


It is a slow garbage with a joke of a shield still. AKA garbage.

Reference: Jinn
today, 7:01am
So what do you folks do after getting the Cold Turkey treatment in ShinDez? Where the Thargoids at? ShinDez was nice because there were so many Goids and so many players, and most commanders didn't have travel a lot to go there. I guess I'm just craving the next big Hydra popper party
today, 8:00am
You can always go to Col 285 Sector YT-F b12-2, where I got my ass handed to me. I actually had no idea what was happening because I never bothered to read about it or how to recognise the attack.
Screen went crazy, everything was starting to fail, acid torpedoes on may tail and that was about it. 5 planets + several systems worth of data gone.
So, if I was "rescued", my ship was "rescued", why was the black box "left behind" (while knowing exactly what was on it). Millions in funny money gone...puff.

Last edit: 24 Sep 2024, 9:12am
today, 8:01am
Aren't there still two motherships active? At least that's what Galnet reported on 20 Aug 3310.

A quick look at the galaxy map shows ports under attack in 12 systems. I doubt FDev will let you AX guys run out of things to blow up any time soon.

I had fun flying rescue missions from Jameson, but that's because there were gankers and the station was basically a trap. Rescue missions in remote systems aren't that interesting. And the payment is lousy anyway.
today, 8:12am
Yeah, Col 285 Sector OS-T d3-146 is hot on my list, it's just not the same community feel like ShinDez. Ah, anyway, one of the Titans is going to pop soon, so that's going to be fun.
today, 8:56am
I'd really like to know what do they mean by 'Double Capacity' heatsinks. Haven't seen that wording on any other heatsinks before. If that's any better than the current 5-round ones (can't remember where did I get them), the bugs are going to be super dead.

Also I hope to stay in the 25% with my humble 1.67bn after all the bond hoarders unleash their inner monetary demons, lol. I have three heatsinks in my standard setup but having a spare never hurts.

Last edit: 24 Sep 2024, 9:41am
today, 10:13am
Considering the main contribution spike post-invasion has occurred already, it doesn’t seem too likely that much more will be added to the CG total unless Frontier drop a few more Thargoids on our heads.

MeowersI'd really like to know what do they mean by 'Double Capacity' heatsinks. Haven't seen that wording on any other heatsinks before. If that's any better than the current 5-round ones (can't remember where did I get them), the bugs are going to be super dead.

I would be wary of Frontier wording, this could just be the standard Sirius pre-engineered heatsink with the 4 reloads (plus the one already loaded). Because there was a CG awarding a “Ram Tah heatsink” which turned out to just be a standard ammo capacity engineered one.

And you likely got yours from the tech broker at one of those Sirius megaships. If memory serves the Spirit of Laelaps is one of the ones which offers those (and the preengineered AX missiles which are on offer for the CG here but those are mostly just useful for Titan bombing and slaughtering Thargoid transport trucks, aka Orthrus… I have barely seen any players actually use them to the end of exerting Thargoid hearts, probably for the same reason original shard cannons and plasma chargers are frowned upon - not very good at their job… in case of those missiles, I wager it is comparatively slow shot speed which makes even slight changes in direction from an Interceptor just result in missing completely).
today, 10:27am
SakashiroInteresting: The Courier's Guardian FSD booster gets fried even while the ship is sitting in the hangar. For some reason the Adder's Guardian shield reinforcements were not affected.

Shield, module and hull reinforcements are not affected. Everything else is.

In Titan systems everything gets fried. I just visited one to confirm.

Thargoid interdictions still aren't fatal because the Adder can outrun them. But the ship gets more than 90% of its raw shield strength out of SRPs, so if a ganker catches me without them, that's a rebuy for sure.
today, 10:51am
Kasumi Goto“Ram Tah heatsink”
I'd rather have shielded Modshards. Or at least those I can ramtah myself later. Uh, okay, spare ones don't hurt... Even if I have no use for more 5-round heatsinks. Anyway, time will tell. At least I've had my kind of fun with triple Hydra spawns.
today, 1:26pm
I figured out what I missed and was able to open him up last night. Thx for the reply
today, 4:52pm
Episparh It is a slow garbage with a joke of a shield still. AKA garbage.

Reference: Jinn

I know. Shut up. *cries* "It's OK, AspX. The mean commanders can't hurt you when you're in storage. Soon."
today, 5:37pm
Well, at least it isn't an Asp Scout...
today, 6:06pm

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