Elite: Game talk

05 Jul 2024, 2:58am
The insanity will come on its own at some point - just look at the madness with the Tutans (sorry not sorry).

The creativity… well, I’m not so sure about that one. But it also might.

On a different, unrelated note - who thinks we will hear of a bunch of grumpy Far God nutjobs when Thor is reduced to scrap? Because that was the Titan which the Dedicant thought it was a great idea to jump to for its “salvation”.
05 Jul 2024, 11:21pm
hi commanders, I want to ask, I'm playing on the console Xbox and noticed that the data on trade routes do not match, what should I do, is there another way to make profitable routes?
05 Jul 2024, 11:25pm
Console versions are (sadly) split from the "Live" version of the game on PC, which the site pulls its data from. Afraid you're not likely to find any accurate market data for Xbox here any more. So you might have to write/note down good routes somewhere.
yesterday, 11:04am
Hi Guys,
I'm out in the Sanguineous Rim in the middle of nowhere @ 4800 Ly from the bubble. I am currently in Outoppy EP-Z C13-1.
I was not expecting to find Non Human SIgnatures out here!.
On the first 3 landables around A2 I have found crashed Thargoid sensors - each with 4 sensor fragments. Signals are persistent . Re-logging brings back the collected fragments.
Question ? : Do you think this is just something random that has appeared or does the presence of these out here indicate something more that may be lurking out here ?
yesterday, 11:50am
If there is a planet with an ammonia atmosphere in the system, they spawn on planets and moons there.
yesterday, 12:53pm
ClawsOfTiamatIf there is a planet with an ammonia atmosphere in the system, they spawn on planets and moons there.

Ah !, Thank you . there is a Gas Giant with Ammonia based life so that would explain it.
yesterday, 1:20pm
I was waaaay out in the black once and found one of those on a planet and was scared to go investigate it because I had about half a billion in exploration data and didnt want to get murdered by a space starfish. Probably spent half a day deciding whether to go check it out. FDEV has lots of warts, but they knocked it out of the park when designing the thargoids. I could read lore about them all day. The ammonia based physiology is really cool and well thought-out. I like to imagine they smell like cat piss, haha.
yesterday, 1:31pm
Their scent probably would not be very pleasant, given what I am told (or have heard) about the smell of ammonia.

But we'd probably also smell funny to them.
yesterday, 1:45pm
Waaaay back when Moses wore short-pants, I was a detective in a vice unit in Texas. In the early 2000s there was a meth lab craze here and lots of gangs had their own "bathtub meth chemists" which were called Nazi meth labs (name came from an internet site that had the recipe, and the site had a Swastika at the top). It was basically rednecks cooking really dirty meth using the anhydrous method, where they would steal the anhydrous ammonia used in the process from farms that used it to grow stuff. You could smell it from miles away, so most of these labs were way out in the woods. The smell was unmistakable though, and I probably wrote about 50 search warrants just based on the smell alone. I always imagine the thargoid smell to be like that, haha.
yesterday, 2:13pm
And then Walter White would come along and revolutionize the entire meth industry.
yesterday, 2:19pm
I missed Breaking Bad for a long time, haha. I think I started the entire series about halfway through the last season. They use a different method there (its crystal meth rather than bathtub powder junk) but its the same cast of characters. Other than WW, never met an educated Nazi dope cook, myself. They blew themselves up half the time, which was sad, but saved paperwork.
today, 11:31am
What's your preference, turrets or gimbals on a large ship, e.g. Corvette?
today, 12:16pm
DescartesWhat's your preference, turrets or gimbals on a large ship, e.g. Corvette?

Clearly gimbals. The flexibility more than cancels out the lower destructive power.
today, 3:47pm
It seems like FDev extended the Titan vent timers. I have 546 boost speed and, on Indra, it isn't a challenge to torpedo all 8 vents in a run now. It's so easy that even getting 64 out of 64 torp hits isn't hard.

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