Elite: Game talk

yesterday, 7:09pm
The post was removed.
yesterday, 7:11pm
What's interesting with the Mandalay is that you have glass between your feet = you can look down on the planet or landing area in front of you. Love that! CMDR Buur is talking about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-cZN3WWiBk
yesterday, 7:49pm
I'm so excited about this Mandalay info so far.
Definitely looking forward to this ship!

Edit to add:

Looks like I'll be able to add ALL of my current modules from my AspX to the Mandalay and have plenty of room for improvement in places.
This thing will DEFINITELY become my new main/flagship!

Last edit: 25 Sep 2024, 8:00pm
today, 12:00am
anyone know why my photos have been removed from my gallery?
today, 1:09am
Meconioanyone know why my photos have been removed from my gallery?

I see them. Under your personal content, then "Gallery".
Should I look for any in particular?
today, 3:44am
Time to farm materials...

I'll get the Premium version of this new ship in support of the game Development as usual, meanwhile, with an average FPS of 88.7 at full settings, it looks real good, very few bugs, stable apart for the occasional loss of connection and auto dock jumping out of settings.

Just reached 63% COMBAT Elite 1 level and alternate between Combat in CZ and passenger missions (Robigo run Type 8).

Last edit: 26 Sep 2024, 4:08am
today, 5:22am
Meconioanyone know why my photos have been removed from my gallery?

Better ask Artie but as far as I remember pictures in gallery that do not have much likes got removed after some time. Probably because of storage optimization or something.
today, 10:16am
Meconioanyone know why my photos have been removed from my gallery?
Episparh Better ask Artie but as far as I remember pictures in gallery that do not have much likes got removed after some time. Probably because of storage optimization or something.

Yes, exactly that. As mentioned on the gallery upload page, some images may be removed over time as there is a ton of images being added to the gallery and some measure was necessary.
today, 1:18pm
Regarding the AspX: Any ship that can't be engineered to become gank-proof isn't worth buying in my opinion, unless you spend all your play time in solo of course.

Now what exactly does gank-proof mean?

Whenever you get interdicted by a ganker, you're facing two options: fight the interdiction, or submit. Winning the interdiction mini game against a player who interdicts all the time is quite difficult, so the recommended option is to submit. At that point you're facing two options again: fight the ganker, or evade. Unless your ship is equipped for PvP combat, option #2 is the recommended one. And that's where your ship build becomes important.

If your ship has a higher MLF (mass lock factor) than the ganker's ship, the fastest way to evade is to low-wake to supercruise. If your ship is much faster than the ganker's ship, the MLF doesn't really matter because you can boost out of mass lock range and then low-wake anyway. You just need enough shields to sustain a few seconds of incoming fire.

But what if your MLF is lower and your ship is slower? Then your only option is to high-wake to a nearby system. Charging the FSD for a jump takes more time than a low-wake, so your shields need to last longer. You'll also need a stronger hull in case your shields get taken down before the jump. And if the ganker manages to drop your shields and reboot your FSD, you'll get pretty close to a rebuy screen.

So the reason why I can't recommend the AspX is because it lacks in all the metrics that matter. It's slow, has a low MLF, and its shields and hull cannot be hardened enough to survive the time between submission and high-wake. It's a soft target and not fit for open mode unless you plan to fly it only in places where you're unlikely to meet other players.
today, 3:45pm
You are wrong again, Sakachicken

AspX is as fast as FDL and when build properly can have 900MJ shield. That is more than enough to submit and highwake.

The problem is when people do "exploration" builds and skip on PD, Engines and shield in favor of +10Ly jump range. Resulting in AspX with 70ish MJ shield and engines that barely boost to 400m/s and a PD that gives enough capacitator to boost twice in a minute.
today, 5:41pm
EpisparhYou are wrong again, Sakachicken

AspX is as fast as FDL and when build properly can have 900MJ shield. That is more than enough to submit and highwake.

The problem is when people do "exploration" builds and skip on PD, Engines and shield in favor of +10Ly jump range. Resulting in AspX with 70ish MJ shield and engines that barely boost to 400m/s and a PD that gives enough capacitator to boost twice in a minute.

AspX isn't as fast as FdL, and FdL isn't as fast as a Frag Mamba. Even the new Python Mk2 murderboat is faster than AspX.

So you high-wake, and then what? Pray that no one scans your wake and follows you? Log into solo to reach your destination?
today, 5:54pm
Are there voice comms or other ways to message people in CQC? Or perhaps a Discord or community elsewhere?

It seems like it's disabled, likely due to trash-talking or other issues. Even so, I'd like to do the opposite.
There have been a couple high ranking CQC players who have really been patient with me. (I'm sure others might use the words "toying with me", but I see it as patience and encouragement.) I've been learning a lot and getting better thanks to their willingness to play match after match with me where I'm essentially just target practice for them.

I found one here on Inara and messaged them here to express my gratitude for probably a dozen matches last night. However, they don't seem to be very active here these days. So, I'm just wondering if there's somewhere else I should look.

(I really wouldn't be surprised if these players are part of some community elsewhere, as their CQC XP is in the millions.)
today, 6:20pm
Indytheir CQC XP is in the millions.

Considering how hard it is nowadays to find a match in CQC, they must have been in the game for a long time.

Btw, facing an uphill battle in the beginning is perfectly normal. There are dozens of goodies you have yet to unlock.
today, 6:25pm
Sakashiro Considering how hard it is nowadays to find a match in CQC, they must have been in the game for a long time.

You're not the only one to mention difficulty in finding CQC matches, but I haven't had any trouble myself. There have been a couple times where I've been queued for about 10-15 minutes, but usually it's been 5 minutes maximum and those players seem to stick around for more than a handful of matches.

It also helps that I found how to queue while playing the main game. Although, I have used that feature far less than I thought I would. I guess I just don't mind the spinning circle when I'm in the CQC mood.

Also, I found one Discord run by a top-ranking player. Seems like it's not "everyone" though, so maybe people are more spread out. In any case, thought I'd ask because I'm really enjoying the intensity of CQC. I'm of the opinion that it's not about winning, it's about flying.
today, 6:34pm
AspX isn't as fast as FdL, and FdL isn't as fast as a Frag Mamba. Even the new Python Mk2 murderboat is faster than AspX.

So you high-wake, and then what? Pray that no one scans your wake and follows you? Log into solo to reach your destination?

Are you kidding me? Do you believe that I will say something without checking it?

My AspX make 556 m/s and is 5m/s faster than my FdL and just 45 m/s slower than my frag Mamba which turns like a beached whale.

And after high wake I usually do few more in close systems and try again. Depending on the task I may switch ships or target station.

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