Elite: Game talk

today, 9:04am
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to travel from one star system to another in supercruise?

If I remember correctly this is not possible as each system has its own 'instance' or 'multiplayer server' and you connect to a system/instance by jumping to it

Each system has an arbitrary number of instances for supercruise and for "normal" space created on demand, which is why even during crowded CGs, a system is never "full". You can be in the same system and even at the same location as someone else but never see them because they're in a separate instance. Every time your ship moves from normal space to supercruise and back, it leaves behind a low-energy wake which is basically a temporary portal to your instance which can be used by other players to follow you. When you jump to another system, you leave a high-energy wake behind. This also can be used to follow you, but only by ships equipped with a wake scanner.

Instances are peer-to-peer by the way, so they don't require a server. The game clients talk to each other directly. Servers are used only for matchmaking, i.e. finding suitable instances for you.

You can tell if you're alone in an instance by pressing Ctrl-B and watching the traffic.
today, 9:27am
RampagerabbitO7 commanders

Been a while since I have sunk hours into Elite. But nevertheless I decided yesterday to do som Exobiology, I've done a bit before, but yesterday I spend around 5-6 hours doing it. I went out about 2200LY from Jameson Memorial and found a few good planets that hadn't had any first footfall on them. Short story told. I netted about 440.000.000 Cr. for my scans over a 5-6 hours endeavour.

Exobiology is the best money maker in the game (and the main selling point of the Odyssey DLC). It's also the key to becoming a true space nomad: Buy an Artemis suit, a fleet carrier with Vista Genomics and repair/refuel/rearm services, store a surface mining ship and a small ship with a DSS. Now you're independent and ready to travel anywhere in the galaxy. Surface mining will replenish your tritium, and exobiology will pay the upkeep bills.
today, 9:51am
I've done some calculations. Taking into account the exploration efforts of all CMDRs over the past ten years and the percentage of the galaxy that has been explored so far, assuming the rate remains constant, we could fully explore the galaxy in 50,000 years.

There could be thousands of alien civilisations, and we might not encounter any of them.
today, 10:34am
RampagerabbitO7 commanders

Been a while since I have sunk hours into Elite. But nevertheless I decided yesterday to do som Exobiology, I've done a bit before, but yesterday I spend around 5-6 hours doing it. I went out about 2200LY from Jameson Memorial and found a few good planets that hadn't had any first footfall on them. Short story told. I netted about 440.000.000 Cr. for my scans over a 5-6 hours endeavour.

Exobiology is the best money maker in the game (and the main selling point of the Odyssey DLC). It's also the key to becoming a true space nomad: Buy an Artemis suit, a fleet carrier with Vista Genomics and repair/refuel/rearm services, store a surface mining ship and a small ship with a DSS. Now you're independent and ready to travel anywhere in the galaxy. Surface mining will replenish your tritium, and exobiology will pay the upkeep bills.

That's what I am aiming for. Although still short on credits to afford a carrier at the moment. However if I can get the same credit payouts by doing exobiology most of the times I do it, then it shouldn't take too long to reach the 5 billion + one extra billion for outfitting and "walking around" credits.
today, 11:31am
2200LY from Jameson Memorial... ouch.
today, 11:54am
Now you're independent and ready to travel anywhere in the galaxy. Surface mining will replenish your tritium, and exobiology will pay the upkeep bills.

I actually thought about a similar plan and then realized, that I'll be a slave to a massive imaginary rust bucket in imaginary space. No, this is not independence. It's slavery. You will have one more job (addition to the one in RL) but it pays in useless imaginary funny-money and takes all your free time from RL. No thanks.
today, 12:11pm
Now you're independent and ready to travel anywhere in the galaxy. Surface mining will replenish your tritium, and exobiology will pay the upkeep bills.

I actually thought about a similar plan and then realized, that I'll be a slave to a massive imaginary rust bucket in imaginary space. No, this is not independence. It's slavery. You will have one more job (addition to the one in RL) but it pays in useless imaginary funny-money and takes all your free time from RL. No thanks.

Yes, the main problem is that you can't take a break. If you stop playing, upkeep will drain your funds. Exobiology requires you to move to new regions all the time, and moving requires tritium which you have to mine.

It would be fun if there were things to discover. But as a matter of fact there's nothing out there except the same procedurally generated stars and planets we already know.
today, 12:29pm
Don't get discouraged you would find fonticulua campestris-amethyst aplenty.
today, 12:40pm
AH 2200LY from Jameson Memorial... ouch.

Wasn't to bad. Used my ASP Explorer with a 67ly jump range and it only took around 36 jumps to get out there. Nearest station to me is Hillary Depot and a lowly FC.
today, 12:44pm
Now you're independent and ready to travel anywhere in the galaxy. Surface mining will replenish your tritium, and exobiology will pay the upkeep bills.

I actually thought about a similar plan and then realized, that I'll be a slave to a massive imaginary rust bucket in imaginary space. No, this is not independence. It's slavery. You will have one more job (addition to the one in RL) but it pays in useless imaginary funny-money and takes all your free time from RL. No thanks.

Alternatively, and what I am doing now is just get in your space hopper with a scoop of life installed, and just do it. I am planning to go out around 10.000ly from Jameson and just live out there for a while in my ASP Explorer and scanning plants and planets
today, 1:05pm
So, I was thinking again about upgrading from Asp Explorer and compared 3 ships:

Mmm... speed about the same, jump range sucks... umm... I must be missing something here.
today, 1:08pm
Looks like someone need credits.
today, 1:24pm
8 minutes! That’s right… I’m such an idiot . Ty.

Another question.
How do I use an FSD boost? The ones you make on the ship. I’ve tried charting course, then creating it and creating it then Plotting course. Nothing ever happens, except mats get used of course. If I check the box in the star map for FSD boost, whatever the course it always fails to plot. Says it is beyond max range of 20k ly, even if I’m going 50

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