Elite: Game talk

16 Dec 2015, 10:45pm
RosomondOk I have some questions that I think I know the answers to but it has never been clear so here they are.
1. Does killing other players increase your combat score faster than killing NPCs?
2. Do individual planet scans increase your exploration rank faster than a system scan?
3. Do individual planet scans give you more credits than just a system scan?
4. Do detailed surface scans do either of the aforementioned better?

1. Not sure
2-4 yes
For scanning it is advisable to have an advanced discovery scanner and detailed surface scanner
16 Dec 2015, 10:48pm
Kotto OkiahI'm so tired of trying to wing up with friends and being able to "see" their wing signal but not actually see them. Frontier really, really needs to fix this if they want people to be able to play together. I was hoping there would be an improvement on this with Horizons, but nope. First time logging in to a Private Group only my friend and I in the entire group. And YET we cannot see each other even though we are in a wing. So frustrating.

Any suggestions on forcing the game to put us in the same server? We both tried logging out and back in but that didn't work.

I've noticed if I'm nav-locked to a wing mate and if I go into FSD before they do, the instance changes. What I've found to work pretty well, is if there is a station (all wing) drop down to it and the instance should be good. Depending too on your sensor type, you might not see your wing m8 even if they are in sensor range. Before you drop, look in the contacts, and if they are there, just goto your destination, or drop to normal space, and set a Nav beacon.

One more note: I've noticed too that even with nav-lock engaged and you're jumping system to system, give them a few seconds before you get to far from the star, give them a chance to 'catch up.' Most of the time, meeting at a different systems 'fixes' the instance.

Thanks I will mess around with that next time. We were eventually able to see each other and I think we essentially did the above. He flew into orbit around the planet after logging back in and then came back down to me. He saw the drones in a POI but not the POI itself (canisters and wrecked ship) which was really weird. Then we drove around in SRVs for a few minutes and the next time we flew over a POI both of us could see it all.
17 Dec 2015, 8:29am
The SRV wave scanner noises won't stop playing in my head. I keep looking for metallic meteorites that just aren't there.
17 Dec 2015, 1:42pm
I have an Asp Explorer rigged out as a miner/explorer and am happy with her as she is. I have a "licence" to buy one of the new Cobra MkIV's and found one for sale at a system/station around 80ly from my home base. I have plenty credits and so thought the easiest way would be to park the Asp, buy a Sidewinder add an extra fuel tank plus a fuel scoop and head off to said system, sell modules and Sidewinder, buy new Cobra and fit it out as a planetary landing craft and fly it back to base.

Checking on Coriolis I saw that my build http://coriolis.io/outfit/sidewinder...?bn=Sidewinder had a 77ly max range but thought this shouldn't be a problem as I would fuel scoop on the way. Parked the Asp, bought & kitted the Sidewinder went to plot course but it wouldn't do it. I tried on most economical, fastest , without any settings (ie boxes unchecked) but I could not plot a working course to my destination. It plotted a course to the destination system but after the first jump to a system 17ly the line was chequered all the rest of the way. I thought that maybe I will have to do it one step at a time so set a new destination to the first system shown 17ly away. I lined it up but the FSD wouldn't start as the jump exceeded the fuel limit. Like everyone here I started in a Sidewinder and can't remember not being able to plot a course before in it.

Is this a bug or is it impossible to do this trip in a Sidewinder. Anyone got any ideas?. Credits aren't a problem so if I need another ship like the Hauler for example, that's okay, I just thought it would be nice to get back into a Sidewinder for a change.
17 Dec 2015, 2:59pm
Regarding the Horizons planetary stations, what does the security level mean? and I've seen + signs in the name also (Rogers Depot +++) what do they mean? I couldn't find anything in the frontier forums or a Google Search.
17 Dec 2015, 3:12pm
+ means size of the settlement, security is between brackets
17 Dec 2015, 3:12pm
Hey y'all. So I have a Mac and I am officially over it. I came into some money recently (totally didn't kill anyone) and I am seriously considering buying/building a gaming PC. What do you guys use? Are there any ones you would recommend? Any specific processors/graphics cards that are particularly great?
17 Dec 2015, 3:16pm
So has anyone else had big problems with the route planner bug? I am on Xbox and I reckon it drops the plotted route 80% of the time. Very frustrating as it takes forever to get any where.

17 Dec 2015, 3:19pm
Rockin' The AntieI have an Asp Explorer rigged out as a miner/explorer and am happy with her as she is. I have a "licence" to buy one of the new Cobra MkIV's and found one for sale at a system/station around 80ly from my home base. I have plenty credits and so thought the easiest way would be to park the Asp, buy a Sidewinder add an extra fuel tank plus a fuel scoop and head off to said system, sell modules and Sidewinder, buy new Cobra and fit it out as a planetary landing craft and fly it back to base.

Checking on Coriolis I saw that my build http://coriolis.io/outfit/sidewinder...?bn=Sidewinder had a 77ly max range but thought this shouldn't be a problem as I would fuel scoop on the way. Parked the Asp, bought & kitted the Sidewinder went to plot course but it wouldn't do it. I tried on most economical, fastest , without any settings (ie boxes unchecked) but I could not plot a working course to my destination. It plotted a course to the destination system but after the first jump to a system 17ly the line was chequered all the rest of the way. I thought that maybe I will have to do it one step at a time so set a new destination to the first system shown 17ly away. I lined it up but the FSD wouldn't start as the jump exceeded the fuel limit. Like everyone here I started in a Sidewinder and can't remember not being able to plot a course before in it.

Is this a bug or is it impossible to do this trip in a Sidewinder. Anyone got any ideas?. Credits aren't a problem so if I need another ship like the Hauler for example, that's okay, I just thought it would be nice to get back into a Sidewinder for a change.

I Always use my Long Range Hauler for these kind of trips but recently did use a Sidewinder just for this purpose too and had the same problem had to reroute and upgrade the FSD on the sidewinder to get where I wanted to go.
17 Dec 2015, 4:04pm
JacknyfeUKSo has anyone else had big problems with the route planner bug? I am on Xbox and I reckon it drops the plotted route 80% of the time. Very frustrating as it takes forever to get any where.


It was dropping the port lock once I jumped into the systems but that has stopped happening.
17 Dec 2015, 6:28pm
Im currently trying to improve my rank in the federal navy but since reaching warrant officer I haven't been finding any navy missions, does anyone have any tips on finding them?
17 Dec 2015, 6:35pm
No Man's Sky drops June 2016. Braben might want to figure out how to get everyone out of their ships walking around on life-bearing worlds before then. NMS looks scary good.
17 Dec 2015, 8:56pm
Sidenti TaaloNo Man's Sky drops June 2016. Braben might want to figure out how to get everyone out of their ships walking around on life-bearing worlds before then. NMS looks scary good.

This game is a placeholder for NMS for me.....
17 Dec 2015, 9:39pm
James WolfheartAnyone know of a decent (confirmed) trade route? I can't seem to find one that fits the buy/sell values.
The few 4-5k routes I have found here turned out to be 3k routes in the game.

My last IS runs in the Laedla/Orang/Karid/Hollos systems were pulling 3300 +/- but you can count on 90-95% interdiction rates. I have not seen a normal trade run in this area hitting anything close to 4000 CR on any consistent basis.
18 Dec 2015, 12:09am
Nathanc213Im currently trying to improve my rank in the federal navy but since reaching warrant officer I haven't been finding any navy missions, does anyone have any tips on finding them?

Where can I get ANY navy missions.. Not seen a single one.

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