Elite: Game talk

03 Apr 2016, 1:31pm
Cap'm B Wald Big Mek
Cpt-krigzi hall im on eranin and i search for : URANIUM ! where i can buy it near of my position ?

Go to website: www.eddb.io

Click on commodities, and you can input where you are & what you're looking for.

It will give you a list of systems and stations that have it, and display how far away it is, prices, stock, and how old the info is.

Or simply head there: http://inara.cz/goods/50
03 Apr 2016, 7:46pm
To keep discussion in some decent boundaries, I took my dictatorship rights to remove the last page. I hope you understand.
03 Apr 2016, 8:03pm
Aye, Aye, Sir!
03 Apr 2016, 8:05pm
I'm okay with that.
03 Apr 2016, 9:28pm
Roger that, no problem.
03 Apr 2016, 9:41pm
ArtieTo keep discussion in some decent boundaries, I took my dictatorship rights to remove the last page. I hope you understand.

Benevolent Dictatorship is the single best form of government.
03 Apr 2016, 11:46pm
I don't remember the the cobra mark III having 4 hp's, I thought it only had 2. Am I just stupid or were changes made and I  missed the memo?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Apr 2016, 1:11am
04 Apr 2016, 12:18am
The MKIII has always had four. You may be thinking of the Sidewinder.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 04 Apr 2016, 1:12am
04 Apr 2016, 8:23am
Hi Fellows,
how do I update the shipyard menus?
04 Apr 2016, 12:41pm
I see Artie solved the problem his way I guess that settles that.
04 Apr 2016, 7:55pm
Simon DaturaThe MKIII has always had four. You may be thinking of the Sidewinder.

ahh maybe, maybe. That changes my game play strategy completely lol
04 Apr 2016, 10:47pm
ArtieTo keep discussion in some decent boundaries, I took my dictatorship rights to remove the last page. I hope you understand.

I'd rep you if you made the option available
05 Apr 2016, 11:43am
Simon DaturaThe MKIII has always had four. You may be thinking of the Sidewinder.

Yep.. Cobra Mk III has 4. 2 Med 2 Small.

On my various Cobras I run 2 Beam + 2 Multicannon or 2 Beam, 1 Mining, one Cannon. Probably should go to Pulse as the Beams really eat up capacitors. Of course they also eat up Shields and Hull of opposing ships
05 Apr 2016, 11:51am
On my Cobra I use 2x C1 beams and 2x C2 cannons, with military armour and bi-weave shields. It tore down an NPC pirate 'Conda. It was a challenge mind you, but a very fun challenge.
05 Apr 2016, 5:30pm
The main disadvantage of Cobra Mk3 - awful positions of the outermost hardpoints making them useless for fixed weapons.

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