Elite: Game talk

today, 2:04pm
Most people would say you should optimise the fun and build a ship for each role you need and that's the way you play Elite blah blah blah.
today, 2:06pm
Amedievalman8 minutes! That’s right… I’m such an idiot . Ty.

Another question.
How do I use an FSD boost? The ones you make on the ship. I’ve tried charting course, then creating it and creating it then Plotting course. Nothing ever happens, except mats get used of course. If I check the box in the star map for FSD boost, whatever the course it always fails to plot. Says it is beyond max range of 20k ly, even if I’m going 50

In all the many hours in game, I think I can count on one hand the number of times I have used a synthesized FSD boost. I do not find it worth the time or effort.
Generally, you can use the synthesized FSD boost for only one jump at a time, which I find useless. Why spend the time plotting a single jump at +100% base range when I can just let the ship auto-plot the course, make 2 jumps at normal range, and still get to the same destination in less time?

Three questions, though:
Are you setting the jumps to Fastest Routes?
Are you using the slider to set the boost level for the FSD boost you have synthesized?
Are you manually plotting a single jump?

If you go into the nav screen , choose DISPLAY OPTIONS and enable DISPLAY CONNECTIONS, you will see that only one jump is shown when you have FSD boost enabled. If you do not have FSD boost enabled, you will see multiple jump connections. The multiple jump connections are what the ship uses when auto-plotting a course.

Given that there are three levels of synthesized boosts (25% 50% and 100%), the most you will ever do is double the current range. Again, to me that is not even worth the time and effort for single jumps.
today, 2:19pm
AHSo, I was thinking again about upgrading from Asp Explorer and compared 3 ships:

Mmm... speed about the same, jump range sucks... umm... I must be missing something here.

AspX is a great early/mid-game generalist ship, if you want a better ship then I'd recommend Krait Mk2 or Python as they are the best generalist ships. Former better for combat, latter better for trade.

Anything else is more specialised stuff. FDL is pure combat, Krait Phantom makes a great explorer.

Large ships are all well and good for brawls or heavy lifting but mediums are the sweet spot.

Check out the Mandalay which is about to drop soon. Looks like it could be the new meta in exploring.

Don't skip past the DBX and Vulture, they are great fun little ships.

In short, don't think of it as upgrading, you are just expanding your collection. Never throw an old ship away, you'll always come back and find a new use for it.
today, 2:22pm
AHSo, I was thinking again about upgrading from Asp Explorer and compared 3 ships:

Mmm... speed about the same, jump range sucks... umm... I must be missing something here.

What you want the ship for? If it‘s going to be multi-role, then go with the Krait Mk2 instead of the FdL. The Krait is a good combat ship but can also do other stuff (although it doesn‘t excel at the other stuff). But the FdL is only good for combat (and here it is very, very good). You might want to check out the Python (the old one), it‘s also multi-purpose and can do trading, mining and exploration better than the Krait (in combat I‘d say they are very close to each other, with a slight edge for the Krait).
today, 2:50pm

Yes, yes and no. 
I guess I thought it would work like use a jet cone boost, the system just builds it into a longer course.
So it would work if I just make one jump? Good to know for nearby systems.
today, 2:55pm
AHSo, I was thinking again about upgrading from Asp Explorer and compared 3 ships:

Mmm... speed about the same, jump range sucks... umm... I must be missing something here.

Missing this one here https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Guardian_Frame_Shift_Drive_Booster
And some engineering too.
today, 3:02pm
Where the Thargoids at these days? Since Sunday morning or so it has been rather quite re damaged stations etc. I see that Chakma and Humarala are busy with Commanders? But closer to ShinDez, like the past week, there's nothing.
today, 3:06pm
Picenile was the last place with attacked starports, so mostly it's all around Titans as usual, with Raijin probably the next one on the list.
today, 3:18pm
Raijin has a few counterstrike systems with reactivated ports. But I think it’s been outposts only on that front for a week or three, so no super easy mode (but still not exactly difficult despite the swarms because outposts manage to spawn even more Cyclops than the other two port CZ scenarios).

… most people there also turn tail when the Hydras show up. And a few of those that don’t get quickly massacred due to not being at the appropriate level to handle a Hydra (yet, especially when that big Thargon swarm is involved). But yeah, invasions are cleared up already. Controlled system (by Thargoids) port CZs are basically the same except no missions are offered, though.
today, 4:10pm
AHSo, I was thinking again about upgrading from Asp Explorer and compared 3 ships:

Mmm... speed about the same, jump range sucks... umm... I must be missing something here.

AspX = Exploration
Krait Mk II = a few things, but handy for combat and bubble travel
FDL = Combat

If you're going for an AspX replacement and want utility with a lean toward Exploration, I suggest looking at the Krait Phantom. If that's not appealing, then maybe the Cobra or a Diamondback.
today, 4:20pm

Yes, yes and no. 
I guess I thought it would work like use a jet cone boost, the system just builds it into a longer course.
So it would work if I just make one jump? Good to know for nearby systems.

I think reason you cannot plot multiple jumps with synthesized FSD boosts is that the game has no reliable way of determining when it is best to use a synthesized boost when auto plotting a route. So, it leaves it up to the player to determine when to use them.
today, 4:32pm
SalmoneaLooks like someone need credits.

It seems there is no way for players to donate and help you out. Good news is, there is work available everywhere.
Chicks at the stations offer interesting gigs. Dangerous ones probably pay better.
Good luck.

There is a one way. Land on FC, buy something cheap and sell it back for much higher price. Its like credit transfer.
today, 5:45pm
Thanks for all the help on ship upgrade. Indy, I already have the Diamondback Explorer and it's fun ship indeed.
I just squeezed the trigger on Krait Mk II because at some point, it's time to stop smelling the flowers and get well acquainted with the "You are dead, sir. Would you like to buy back you ship?" screen

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