Elite: Game talk

14 Apr 2016, 1:53pm
You could just be attracting them to needle us further. SDC has this new thing about harassing what they see as "safe spaces," and I wouldn't be surprised if they saw Inara as this at this point.
15 Apr 2016, 12:55am
15 Apr 2016, 4:41am
Why is no one else excited about this. I always run healers in mmos I think it adds a new element to the game. Don't knock it till you try it
15 Apr 2016, 5:28am
If that weapon is made available for ship-launched fighters, that'd be sweeeeet

Corvette vs Cutter boss fights, Borderlands style
15 Apr 2016, 3:59pm
FD are adding layers. It'll be interesting to see with ship launched fighters and all and what the counter to that might be - for example we get an ECM missile or something that cancels out laser weapons for a short period of time.

Hard to say what it'll bring in the short term with wing combat and etc though as we don't have any more info.
15 Apr 2016, 4:23pm
Anyone know a good Bounty hunting Anaconda build please?
15 Apr 2016, 7:38pm
Just some idle chatter: Haven't searched this on the Frontier Forums where it may have been asked before, but here goes:

We grant that ED isn't completely scientifically accurate, though they have gone to great lengths to model the galaxy/gravity/Flight assist etc. but I have nagging issues that always make me a little less convinced:

1) Why the speed restriction when the Cargo Scoop or Landing Gear is deployed? On atmospheric craft, this is due to the bad effects of drag, but there IS no drag in vacuum. A safety feature JUST IN CASE you ever end up flying in atmosphere and forget? Kind of a big leap.

2) With flight assist OFF, the speed with throttle zeroed or in boost decays more slowly but IT STILL DECAYS. Wouldn't Newtonian physics dictate that in the absence of drag or friction or gravity that the ship would continue at the same speed? And why wouldn't continual spamming of the BOOST not increase the speed ABOVE the programmed speed limit of the thrusters in a Flight Assist Off situation?

3) I am happy to have this little cheat so I can escape from attackers with minimal hull, but it seems odd that massive hull damage doesn't degrade more systems more quickly. While things DO break eventually, I would think that stuff (thrusters/weapons/shields/drives) would degrade. Similarly, when targeting modules (e.g. Power Plants) it doesn't SEEM that there is an degradation in Speed/Weapon Use/Shield recharge until the Powerplant is ZERO. I would expect more systems to fail as the Powerplant gets degraded. I know it happens SOMEWHAT but not nearly enough.

I am happy to have these little cheats to balance gameplay, and avoid frequent frustration, but they still nag at me...
16 Apr 2016, 2:16am
Xbox needs CQC players! Please share this message.
16 Apr 2016, 7:38pm
IAmSuperMylesXbox needs CQC players! Please share this message.

Don't we all. The tumbleweed be rolling by again on the PC end as well.
18 Apr 2016, 10:55am
I wonder why they won't merge PC and XBONE userbase for CQC... At least then there will be some people who are actuallly playing this mode.
18 Apr 2016, 11:07am
NOBODY needs CQC......

i want to play Elite not a half-assd arcade shooter...
18 Apr 2016, 11:27am
Love CQC as a break from regular elite play, and it's great fun to party up and pew pew each other. Our clan regularly have CQC nights where we all pile in and because we're all searching together we don't get the matchmaking problems you get when trying to play on your own
18 Apr 2016, 11:47am
MerinidI wonder why they won't merge PC and XBONE userbase for CQC... At least then there will be some people who are actuallly playing this mode.

Because Microsoft haven't implemented the cross-platform capabilities between Xbox and PC yet.
I believe they're going to.
18 Apr 2016, 12:12pm
GilderoyWhy is no one else excited about this. I always run healers in mmos I think it adds a new element to the game. Don't knock it till you try it
I'm pretty pumped myself. I'll run with it just because you never know when a wingmate will need emergency repairs and there's not a station in sight.
18 Apr 2016, 12:18pm
it does not repair, it just re-energizes the shield...

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