Elite: Game talk

22 May 2016, 10:26am
Bear HeroditusCMDRs,

Do you want your fame and fortune more widely known?

Kempston Productions is currently looking for Elite (or close to Elite) CMDRs to take part in its "The Elite" series: one-on-one, in character interviews where the best can boast, and the practically perfect can pass on their prowess to pilots.

Hear a previous recording here.

Interesting. Though I fear there's only a certain type of people getting to be attracted to these things.
22 May 2016, 1:37pm
Bear HeroditusCMDRs,

Do you want your fame and fortune more widely known?

Kempston Productions is currently looking for Elite (or close to Elite) CMDRs to take part in its "The Elite" series: one-on-one, in character interviews where the best can boast, and the practically perfect can pass on their prowess to pilots.

Hear a previous recording here.

Interesting. Though I fear there's only a certain type of people getting to be attracted to these things.

Oooh . you cant stop there ! What sort do you think :-)
22 May 2016, 3:54pm
Bear Heroditus Oooh . you cant stop there ! What sort do you think :-)

Those who enjoy the game upon the backs of others to put it in a diplomatic way. Can't nor won't go into more detail since that would probably catch the attention of said subjects and be the cause of Artie needing to go Armageddon on the posts again, and the man has enough to do elsewhere to be wasting time with that.

Maybe it's just me, but a person that considers him or herself to be "the best" is simply not that. The more you train the better you get, but to think that you're the epitome of what can be achieved is plain ignorance for me. There's always someone out there that is better and will surpass you no matter what. Perfection is something to strive for, but never to be achieved since we're all but mortals with flaws, no machines.

I trust that you are selective with whom you're doing recordings, so I am probably just painting things a bit too black as they probably are. Just my observations and how I look upon things, nothing else.
22 May 2016, 4:06pm
Coragon nails it here. I'm always weary of people who call themselves "the best" - people who are good enough to call themselves this tend to be the worst when it comes to people I actually want to associate with.
22 May 2016, 5:37pm
This post is only for German Commander. ´

Hey Leute, ich habe ein Tutorial für Engineers gemacht. Es geht um das suchen der Materialien. Wie man sie findet und wie man sie effektiv sammelt. Das schöne ist, es gibt für jeden was. Wenn man nicht kämpfen möchte, geht man auf den Planeten erkunden. Aber wonach ihr suchen müsst, erkläre ich im Video.
Würde mich freuen wenn es Feedback gibt. Wenn es auch Fragen gibt, schreibt es in die Kommentare. Fly Safe commander

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 May 2016, 6:57pm
22 May 2016, 9:26pm
Bear Heroditus Oooh . you cant stop there ! What sort do you think :-)

Those who enjoy the game upon the backs of others to put it in a diplomatic way. Can't nor won't go into more detail since that would probably catch the attention of said subjects and be the cause of Artie needing to go Armageddon on the posts again, and the man has enough to do elsewhere to be wasting time with that.

Maybe it's just me, but a person that considers him or herself to be "the best" is simply not that. The more you train the better you get, but to think that you're the epitome of what can be achieved is plain ignorance for me. There's always someone out there that is better and will surpass you no matter what. Perfection is something to strive for, but never to be achieved since we're all but mortals with flaws, no machines.

I trust that you are selective with whom you're doing recordings, so I am probably just painting things a bit too black as they probably are. Just my observations and how I look upon things, nothing else.

IRL when I was in the Army I found, probably, 8-9/10, 'best-of-the-best' had the weakest chins, in a manner of speaking, sometimes, I miss those days
22 May 2016, 9:28pm
LOL, if there had to be a 'best at diplomacy' on Inara I'd put Coragon at the top
22 May 2016, 9:39pm
Jack DekerdtLOL, if there had to be a 'best at diplomacy' on Inara I'd put Coragon at the top

It takes a lot to ignore certain behavior, I'm normally more straight to the point, but for the sake of Artie I'm trying. Really hard to accomplish sometimes.
23 May 2016, 5:14am
Ah ha. Then I have some common cause with you! The people who are most likely to be the best are those with the humility to know their weaknesses, and the wisdom to manage them.

Cmdr Coragon - can I sign you up for an interview please?

23 May 2016, 9:24am
When is Frontier and Microsoft gonna fix the goddamn instancing glitch on XB1 where I can never land in the same instance/server as my friends, making it impossible to wing up. Or worse, when we can wing up but still never see each other or our instances (all I can see is their wing beacon)

Seriously, this is becoming highly frustrating when we're trying to undermine or do community events, and we can't wing up!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 May 2016, 10:55am
23 May 2016, 10:35am
Sounds like PC version long ago. We were able to add eachother to friend lists and stuff but could never find eachother in the instances. Sounds like it might be related to the same annoying issues we had back then on PC, except now it surfaces on XB1 version.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 23 May 2016, 10:55am
23 May 2016, 10:58am
Coragon: And it is appreciated...

ReapingPhantom: Try to check your router logs, if do you have any. I discovered that my router blocks some Elite-related packets sometimes (it never happened in any other game than Elite) and I needed to map port directly. No problems of this kind since then. But I am not sure if it helps with XBox and there is some option for it (as it needed to modify a config in PC version).
23 May 2016, 5:34pm
Bear Heroditus Oooh . you cant stop there ! What sort do you think :-)

Those who enjoy the game upon the backs of others to put it in a diplomatic way. Can't nor won't go into more detail since that would probably catch the attention of said subjects and be the cause of Artie needing to go Armageddon on the posts again, and the man has enough to do elsewhere to be wasting time with that.

Maybe it's just me, but a person that considers him or herself to be "the best" is simply not that. The more you train the better you get, but to think that you're the epitome of what can be achieved is plain ignorance for me. There's always someone out there that is better and will surpass you no matter what. Perfection is something to strive for, but never to be achieved since we're all but mortals with flaws, no machines.

I trust that you are selective with whom you're doing recordings, so I am probably just painting things a bit too black as they probably are. Just my observations and how I look upon things, nothing else.

Hear hear
23 May 2016, 9:50pm
What is (in your opinion based on EXPERIENCE), the fastest way to ear money?
I've done combat zones for about 2 million max (day standards), bounty hunting 14 million max, and am desperately try into work my way up to the 10k merits for 50 million per week (which isn't working due to my damn parents). Heard someone say they made 25 million in two hours from trading...
23 May 2016, 10:01pm
25 million in two hours ... maybe with a cutter and a highdemand slave route.
Bountyhunting with PP bonuses pays extremely good, too.

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