Elite: Game talk

26 Apr 2016, 1:49pm
Yeah!! men!!!!

u can see the paint jobs? how much the frontier points?
26 Apr 2016, 1:51pm
the m3rcerYeah!! men!!!!

u can see the paint jobs? how much the frontier points?

Think the 2500 points is £23.99 I believe.
26 Apr 2016, 4:12pm
A7 prospector limpet controller

Why is there multiple prospectors? Why not just use A1 prospector limpet controller?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Apr 2016, 5:10pm
26 Apr 2016, 4:33pm
ChicagoChadA7 prospector limpet controller

Why is there multiple prospectors? Why not just use A1 prospector limpet controller?

When you're mining "large scale", you can prospect multiple rocks with the intention of mining multiple rocks - you'd fire a prospector at a rock that turns out good - fire your dual class 2 mining lasers at it to let loose 20 or so fragments, fire off a few collectors to pick them all up, then move on to the next rock.

IIRC, you need to have a "live" prospector to get the yield bonus for that asteroid, so having multiple prospectors "live" at the same time allows you to scout and harvest multiple asteroids at the same time. It also lets you choose which of multiple asteroids to collect from without having to fire a second prospector at the same asteroid.

For example, you prospect rock A (20% gold, 10% osmium), prospect rock B (15% gold, 15% osmium) - to now go back and harvest the first rock, if using an A1 prospector, you need to prospect it again to get that full yield - or with two prospector limpets live at once, you can just harvest both rocks.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Apr 2016, 5:10pm
26 Apr 2016, 4:56pm
James Hussar
ChicagoChadA7 prospector limpet controller

Why is there multiple prospectors? Why not just use A1 prospector limpet controller?

When you're mining "large scale", you can prospect multiple rocks with the intention of mining multiple rocks - you'd fire a prospector at a rock that turns out good - fire your dual class 2 mining lasers at it to let loose 20 or so fragments, fire off a few collectors to pick them all up, then move on to the next rock.

IIRC, you need to have a "live" prospector to get the yield bonus for that asteroid, so having multiple prospectors "live" at the same time allows you to scout and harvest multiple asteroids at the same time. It also lets you choose which of multiple asteroids to collect from without having to fire a second prospector at the same asteroid.

For example, you prospect rock A (20% gold, 10% osmium), prospect rock B (15% gold, 15% osmium) - to now go back and harvest the first rock, if using an A1 prospector, you need to prospect it again to get that full yield - or with two prospector limpets live at once, you can just harvest both rocks.

Have you done this or are you assuming? Because max prospectors are 4 and when you fire the next one it blows up #4, leaving #1, #2, #3 stuck in the rocks. Once you find a good rock, why would you leave it to come back? Makes no sense to have all the different prospector modules when A1 Prospector Limpet Controller does the same thing as the A7.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Apr 2016, 5:10pm
26 Apr 2016, 5:11pm
Sorry, A7 has max of 8 active limpets, I will be testing yields now.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Apr 2016, 5:15pm
26 Apr 2016, 6:01pm
Prospector limpets stay active until they expire or you turn off controller to reload
26 Apr 2016, 6:15pm
I've mined with two active prospectors, and three collectors. In this setup Prospectors expire after their lifetime ends, or the operating distance is exceeded (you move far enough away from the rock or the target rock is farther than the operating distance of a launched limpet) or when the n+1th prospector is launched, where n is the number of allowable active prospectors.

I haven't tried more than two so far, because I'm really possessive of those higher class internal slots and prefer to use them for cargo or something else. Juggling 8 prospectors just seems like too much confusion when I'd really rather have shields. I can see the utility of them though - fire off a bunch, then target each and come back to mine those that are worth it, in any order you want so long as their lifetime allows. Two, maybe three is probably my limit, but that's because I mine to relax rather than for profit. For as fast as possible profit while mining, the more prospectors and collectors, the better - especially when hunting metals for one of those mining missions and the clock is ticking.
26 Apr 2016, 6:20pm
ChicagoChadSorry, A7 has max of 8 active limpets, I will be testing yields now.

I *think* I saw a yield increase when I got the better collector controller. Not sure if the prospector played a role.

When you fire a new prospector above your current active limit, it is the OLDEST prospector that should destruct - unless something caused a different one to expire (distance?).

I know my collectors tend to get slammed by rocks so those die off pretty rapidly if I don't account for giving them a clear path between the fragments and the cargo hatch. They also try to keep up with your ship when there's nothing left to collect, and will try to fly through asteroids to get to you, so they tend to die easily that way.
26 Apr 2016, 10:27pm
Confirmed, fire all 8 prospectors and the 9th one will destruct the previous prospector INSTEAD of the oldest.

Data collected from HAZ RES Zone, distance to center, shard count
Wing under 20km = 52 - 100
Wing over 20km = 28 - 42
No wing under 20km = 42 - 58
No wing over 20km = 28 - 42

The following 19 Modules are pointless to use:


1B 4,800 Cr
1C 2,400 Cr
1D 1,200 Cr
1E 600 Cr
3A 86,400 Cr
3B 43,200 Cr
3C 21,600 Cr
3D 10,800 Cr
3E 5,400 Cr
5A 777,600 Cr
5B 388,800 Cr
5C 194,400 Cr
5D 97,200 Cr
5E 48,600 Cr
7A 6,998,400 Cr
7B 3,499,200 Cr
7C 1,749,600 Cr
7D 874,800 Cr
7E 437,400 Cr

Mine in a Wing, Hazardous Resource Extraction Site between 15 - 20km to center with a A1 Prospector Limpet Controller.
27 Apr 2016, 4:17am
Does anyone know how to add a comment?
27 Apr 2016, 6:36am
Battle pugsDoes anyone know how to add a comment?

Has anyone seen Derek?
27 Apr 2016, 7:00am
Which one is the "any" key?
27 Apr 2016, 7:02am
ChicagoChadConfirmed, fire all 8 prospectors and the 9th one will destruct the previous prospector INSTEAD of the oldest.

Data collected from HAZ RES Zone, distance to center, shard count
Wing under 20km = 52 - 100
Wing over 20km = 28 - 42
No wing under 20km = 42 - 58
No wing over 20km = 28 - 42

The following 19 Modules are pointless to use:


1B 4,800 Cr
1C 2,400 Cr
1D 1,200 Cr
1E 600 Cr
3A 86,400 Cr
3B 43,200 Cr
3C 21,600 Cr
3D 10,800 Cr
3E 5,400 Cr
5A 777,600 Cr
5B 388,800 Cr
5C 194,400 Cr
5D 97,200 Cr
5E 48,600 Cr
7A 6,998,400 Cr
7B 3,499,200 Cr
7C 1,749,600 Cr
7D 874,800 Cr
7E 437,400 Cr

Mine in a Wing, Hazardous Resource Extraction Site between 15 - 20km to center with a A1 Prospector Limpet Controller.

FD are the peeps to point out the ''order bug''

whilst you are at it sugest
1) higher class should have increased range for limpits
2)higher class should discover more % of goodies

problem solved
27 Apr 2016, 8:16am
Hi !
I cannot find anything ( list etc. ) of HIGH VALUE GOODS , i want to use PP bonus but i dont know want i need to buy and sell, Palladium and Gold ofc. but what else ? Painite ?

This is strange to name galactic goods HIGH VALUE and why ? For new player EVERYTHING is high value even sidewinder

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