Elite: Game talk

25 May 2016, 3:22pm
Has anyone here that plays on the xb version been experiencing buzz crashes and connection errors today?
25 May 2016, 4:23pm
Does anybody know why Still Hanger is now owned by the feds? its irritating me.
25 May 2016, 5:35pm
Nightdemon00Does anybody know why Still Hanger is now owned by the feds? its irritating me.

Looks like Neits is going to the Feds :3
25 May 2016, 5:59pm
Travis Storm
Nightdemon00Does anybody know why Still Hanger is now owned by the feds? its irritating me.

Looks like Neits is going to the Feds :3

It appears so but i dont know whats so special about Neits.
25 May 2016, 9:06pm
First reason: For the glory of Stan.

Second reason: Because Imps are unworthy. xD
25 May 2016, 9:24pm
Rebecca HailFirst reason: For the glory of Stan.

Second reason: Because Imps are unworthy. xD

Who's Stan?

And the Feds are hardly worthy with the light show they provided with the two vultures and the convey in Neits.
25 May 2016, 11:58pm
Just google for "for the glory of Stan" I'm sure you'll understand it pretty quickly

"Reddite ergo quae sunt Caesaris, Caesari."
26 May 2016, 3:04pm
2.1 Hype

Have you guys seen the Patchnotes? This might be the biggest Patchlist in history of gaming! https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=253924
26 May 2016, 4:39pm
TehFocus2.1 Hype

Have you guys seen the Patchnotes? This might be the biggest Patchlist in history of gaming! https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=253924

In many ways, we'll have a completely new game. Scratch everything you thought you knew about things. It's going to get interesting again.
26 May 2016, 5:02pm
Those patch notes are beautiful. Not only in terms of what they mean to the game, but just as a prime example of what release notes ought to look like. Everything, including the internal issues, are laid out in terms of user experience/impact. And there's no turd-polishing/marketing spin, unlike from some other companies. I'm showing these with my coworkers to make our own release notes better.
26 May 2016, 5:54pm
GhroznakConsidering the point Travis Storm brings up, "isn't empire dedicated", this brings a question to my mind.

Are the majority of players aligning themselves with the Empire?

I always entertained the thought of siding with the Empire as the most interesting way of playing the game as my assumption has been that the majority of players would default to the Federation for a number of reason.

Reasons such as:
Star Trek based on a ship and crew belonging to the Federation.
All new players start within the Federation space.
Earth belongs to the Federation.
According to Star Trek and Star Wars apparently Empires are bad (Klingon Empire and the Galactic Empire).
Also history portrays empires as bad... e.g. Roman Empire, British Empire.

With all of this in mind it would seem logical that most players will simply stick with the Federation as they are the 'good guys' and also Earth is part of the Federation and we all come from Earth.

Yet, the impression I keep getting is that "everyone" is an imperialist.

Anyone else have the same impression or am I just suffering from confirmation bias?

I once thought as you do. You do not understand the POWER of the dark side....I must obey my master.
26 May 2016, 6:11pm
TehFocus2.1 Hype

Have you guys seen the Patchnotes? This might be the biggest Patchlist in history of gaming! https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=253924

In many ways, we'll have a completely new game. Scratch everything you thought you knew about things. It's going to get interesting again.

IF we had a game already
26 May 2016, 6:21pm
James HussarThose patch notes are beautiful. Not only in terms of what they mean to the game, but just as a prime example of what release notes ought to look like. Everything, including the internal issues, are laid out in terms of user experience/impact. And there's no turd-polishing/marketing spin, unlike from some other companies. I'm showing these with my coworkers to make our own release notes better.

Yup. So much better than half a dozen comments in the README.md file in a GitHub repo.
26 May 2016, 6:48pm
On another note, I fear for all them Explorers who are currently out there in the black and will be literally sitting ducks when the 1.6 / 2.1 update is active. So much higher risk to lose the gathered intel of weeks or months within a heartbeat by some stupid NPC that interdicts and blasts you to hell. Even worse when you have a high Combat rank.
26 May 2016, 7:56pm
"- Are you sure you're still reading these patch notes?"

Pretty far down, under Orbital Cruise
I wasn't the one who spotted it, but I think this is quite funny
At least they haven't lost their humor during the Open/Solo skirmishes of the last weeks

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