Elite: Game talk

03 May 2016, 7:32pm
Nitroman52looking for ppl to play with just found this site 20 mins ago or so. im adding to my profile. my main goal is to camp on a solar system making money via bounty hunting/ conflict zones. my ultimate goal is to make it to sol even if it means selling everything and slowly transporting the ships not at sol already to have them all in one station .

Go to Tun's wart in the Tun Star system, you can find alot of Donation bounties for $$, i is a quick way to boost federation rank.
03 May 2016, 7:36pm

Go to Tun's wart in the Tun Star system, you can find alot of Donation bounties for $$, i is a quick way to boost federation rank.

+1 o7

Just did that myself the other night to get up to Chief Petty Officer in the Federation. A friend had told me about it some time ago, but it was the first time I was "in the neighborhood" .
03 May 2016, 9:25pm
Nitroman52looking for ppl to play with just found this site 20 mins ago or so. im adding to my profile. my main goal is to camp on a solar system making money via bounty hunting/ conflict zones. my ultimate goal is to make it to sol even if it means selling everything and slowly transporting the ships not at sol already to have them all in one station .

Hey, I see that your playing on xbox one so I thought ill gove you my gamertag which is the same as my inara name, im a seasoned player (been playig the game since it was released in GPP) and am always up for wing combat especially because im 75% through deadly.
03 May 2016, 9:29pm
i been playing since i it came out as a game preview as well just someone was nice and cleared my save lol none of my friends list play this much and when they do they dont play the same style as me add me if u wanna play.
04 May 2016, 1:03am

Go to Tun's wart in the Tun Star system, you can find alot of Donation bounties for $$, i is a quick way to boost federation rank.

+1 o7

Just did that myself the other night to get up to Chief Petty Officer in the Federation. A friend had told me about it some time ago, but it was the first time I was "in the neighborhood" .

jumping in and out of open to solo..... helps
04 May 2016, 1:11am

Go to Tun's wart in the Tun Star system, you can find alot of Donation bounties for $$, i is a quick way to boost federation rank.

+1 o7

Just did that myself the other night to get up to Chief Petty Officer in the Federation. A friend had told me about it some time ago, but it was the first time I was "in the neighborhood" .

jumping in and out of open to solo..... helps

Just got back from Tun with my promotion. This way is the easy and quick way, but not very satisfying.
I did a few of these, but the rest was hard work actually running missions. Sooooo satisfying!
04 May 2016, 1:11am

Go to Tun's wart in the Tun Star system, you can find alot of Donation bounties for $$, i is a quick way to boost federation rank.

+1 o7

Just did that myself the other night to get up to Chief Petty Officer in the Federation. A friend had told me about it some time ago, but it was the first time I was "in the neighborhood" .

jumping in and out of open to solo..... helps

two full days an 12 mil credits later your a REAR ADMRAL in desperate need of the toilet and sleep
04 May 2016, 1:25am

Go to Tun's wart in the Tun Star system, you can find alot of Donation bounties for $$, i is a quick way to boost federation rank.

+1 o7

Just did that myself the other night to get up to Chief Petty Officer in the Federation. A friend had told me about it some time ago, but it was the first time I was "in the neighborhood" .

jumping in and out of open to solo..... helps

two full days an 12 mil credits later your a REAR ADMRAL in desperate need of the toilet and sleep

04 May 2016, 8:11am

two full days an 12 mil credits later your a REAR ADMRAL in desperate need of the toilet

So that's why they call it a Rear Admiral.
04 May 2016, 6:14pm
So Fdev is only really nerfing the donation missions in Empire? I'm struggling to find one that is viable in Empire space. I could just grind fed until Horizons releases on Xbox I guess.
04 May 2016, 6:15pm
Cro Vuk 56So Fdev is only really nerfing the donation missions in Empire? I'm struggling to find one that is viable in Empire space. I could just grind fed until Horizons releases on Xbox I guess.

Have you tried in the cubeo system?
04 May 2016, 6:30pm
I have I get a lot of classified transport and maybe one Donation mission. Another problem is that the board refuses to update when switching between Solo/Open.
04 May 2016, 6:59pm
Hey fellas.......Will anyone be around Sol tonight?  That Imp operation is ramping up there, got blown away by a wing of four last night as soon as I jumped in.  We cant stand by Hudson Fed ships being destroyed in Sol....whos around for a wing tonight around 10 EST?
Throw me an add and Ill see you there.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 May 2016, 12:05am
05 May 2016, 6:13pm
Has anyone here with beta access tried out a federal corvette with 2 huge multi cannons?
05 May 2016, 6:24pm
Nathanc213Has anyone here with beta access tried out a federal corvette with 2 huge multi cannons?

Yes, they rock.

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